

1. 优点及不足
2. 如何使用
3. 在哪些库或者框架中被使用。


  1. Tomcat jdbc pool
  2. C3P0
  3. HikariCP
  4. DBCP
  5. DBCP2

Tomcat jdbc pool


  1. 高性能
  2. 并发支持好
  3. Tomcat jdbc pool implements the ability retrieve a connection asynchronously, without adding additional threads to the library itself.
  4. Tomcat jdbc pool is a Tomcat module, it depends on Tomcat JULI, a simplified logging framework used in Tomcat.



Commons DBCP 1.x is single threaded. In order to be thread safe Commons locks the entire pool for short periods during both object allocation and object return. Note that this does not apply to Commons DBCP 2.x.
Commons DBCP 1.x can be slow. As the number of logical CPUs grows and the number of concurrent threads attempting to borrow or return objects increases, the performance suffers. For highly concurrent systems the impact can be significant. Note that this does not apply to Commons DBCP 2.x.
Commons DBCP is over 60 classes. tomcat-jdbc-pool core is 8 classes, hence modifications for future requirement will require much less changes. This is all you need to run the connection pool itself, the rest is gravy.
Commons DBCP uses static interfaces. This means you have to use the right version for a given JRE version or you may see NoSuchMethodException exceptions.
It’s not worth rewriting over 60 classes, when a connection pool can be accomplished with a much simpler implementation.
