C#程序数据量太大导致栈溢出Stack Overflow by big data



  1. DFS使用递归实现,是出现栈溢出的主要原因,使用单独的线程来实现,因为在C#中可以自定义最大栈的大小;如:使用1024000000
  2. 使用索引实现DFS
var T = new Thread(delegate() { DFS_Loops(adj_list, rev_adj_list); }, 1073741824); T.Start();
对于线程的使用可以参考: 一个简单的C#多线程间同步的例子

for all vertices start from n to 1
 v = take first vertex 
  if v is explored then continue (go to for loop)
  create new stack coll
  push v into the stack coll
  while (stackcol.count>0)
     w = peek item from stack col (make sure don't pop here at this stage)
     markExplore (w)
     push only one unexplored adjacent node into the stack col
     continue; (go to while loop)

     if there is no adjacent node 
         pop  item from the stack coll (remember we just peek the item earlier, didn't pop it)
