import random
samp_ids = [i for i in sorted(random.sample(range(nItem), nSample)) ]
# nSample为需要取得样本数
import random
nItem = len(df)
nSample = 1000
samp_ids = [i for i in sorted(random.sample(range(nItem), nSample)) ]
# nSample为需要取得样本数
samp_idList = df.id.isin(samp_ids)
df_sample = df[samp_idList]
import random
nRatio = 2
nTest = int(nSample / nRatio)
nTrain = nSample - nTest
samp_ix = [rowId[i] for i in sorted(random.sample(range(nSample), nTest)) ]
# 随机产生要截取的下标
list_testSamp = df.row_id.isin(samp_ix)
list_trainSamp = list_testSamp.apply(lambda x: not x)
# 获得截取列表
samp_test = df[list_testSamp]
samp_train = df[list_trainSamp]
- 推荐:一句输出下标:
sorted(random.sample(range(nSample), nSample))
再根据随机下标的顺序去遍历以此数据集- 使用sklearn包的内置操作:其机器学习算法的train方法都有一个random_state参数用于设置数据随机初始化的
- 以随机值a作为排序标准对每个样本的两个值进行排序(升降序都可以)
- 以排序后的样本值b去寻址原样本集的样本,依次按排序的顺序执行操作即可
def randomlizeSample(X_row, y_row):
nSample, nFeat = np.shape(X_row)
inx1 = DataFrame(np.random.randn(nSample), columns = ['randVal'])
inx2 = DataFrame(range(nSample), columns = ['inxVal'])
inx = pd.concat([inx1, inx2], axis = 1)
inx = inx.sort_index(by = 'randVal', ascending = False)
cnt = 0;
X = np.zeros((nSample, nFeat))
y = np.zeros((nSample))
# you should not set X and y to []
for line in inx['inxVal']:
X[cnt] = X_row[line]
y[cnt] = y_row[line]
cnt += 1
return X, y
def sampleBalance(df, lableColumn, th):
label_counts = df[lableColumn].value_counts()
# 先获取当前的标签统计
mask = (label_counts[df[lableColumn].values] >= th).values
df = df.loc[mask]
# 筛选掉低统计量的标签样本
label_counts = df[lableColumn].value_counts()
# 再次获取当前的标签统计
labels = label_counts.order(ascending = False).index
nLabel = len(labels)
nSampPerLabel = label_counts[labels[-1]]
balancedSamples = pd.DataFrame()
for n in range(nLabel):
df_label = df[lableColumn == labels[n]]
nItem = len(df_label)
# 重新排序
samp_index = [i for i in sorted(random.sample(range(nItem),
samp_list = df_label[lableColumn].isin(samp_index)
df_label = df_label[samp_list]
balancedSamples = pd.concat([balancedSamples, df_label], axis = 1)
return balancedSamples, [label for lable in labels]
- def sampleBalance(X_row, y_row):
- rate_np = 1
- # radio of negative sample and positive sample
- nSample, nFeat = np.shape(X_row)
- nSample_pos = np.sum(y_row == 1)
- nSample_neg = np.sum(y_row == 0)
- nSample_negOnRate = np.floor(nSample_pos * rate_np)
- print(nSample, nSample_pos, nSample_neg)
- X = np.zeros((nSample_pos + nSample_negOnRate, nFeat))
- y = np.zeros((nSample_pos + nSample_negOnRate))
- # get pos sample
- id_pos = 0
- id_neg = 0
- X_neg = np.zeros((nSample_neg, nFeat))
- for i in range(nSample):
- if y_row[i] == 1:
- X[id_pos] = X_row[i]
- y[id_pos] = 1
- id_pos += 1
- else:
- X_neg[id_neg] = X_row[i]
- id_neg += 1
- inx1 = DataFrame(np.random.randn(nSample_neg), columns = ['randVal'])
- inx2 = DataFrame(range(nSample_neg), columns = ['inxVal'])
- inx = pd.concat([inx1, inx2], axis = 1)
- inx = inx.sort_index(by = 'randVal', ascending = False)
- cnt = 0
- for line in inx['inxVal']:
- if cnt >= nSample_negOnRate:
- break
- X[nSample_pos + cnt] = X_neg[line]
- y[nSample_pos + cnt] = 0
- cnt += 1
- X_rand, y_rand = randomlizeSample(X, y)
- return X_rand, y_rand
- 内置数据结构、numpy与pandas的数据结构的用处简述:(数据存储形式未总结)
- 内置数据结构,如list、dict、set与tuple是最通用的数据结构,使用方便。
- numpy的数据结构与matlab的非常相似,适合用来做矩阵运算等算术计算。也是机器学习包scikit-learn的所支持的数据结构。
- dataframe的功能与数据库有几分相似,适合做数据的大规模处理与分析。
data = [[6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1], [6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1]]
arr = np.array(data)
## 使用numpy方法:
data = [[6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1], [6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1]]
arr = np.array(data)
data = arr.tolist()
## 暴力方法:
data = [[elem for elem in line] for line in arr]
X_train = df.values.astype(int) # df转化为numpy的ndarray,数据类型为int
columns = ['c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4']
df = pd.DataFrame(X_train, columns = columns)
data = [[6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1], [6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1]]
columns = ['c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = columns)
data = [6, 7.5, 8, 0, 1]
ser = pd.series(data)
## dataframe转换成list
df['c0'].values.tolist() # 将某一列转化成list
df.values.tolist() # 将整个dataframe转化成list
## series转换成list
ser.values.tolist() # 将series值转化为list