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git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.git
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kube-scheduler程序入口:k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-scheduler/scheduler.go main
func main() {
command := app.NewSchedulerCommand()
// TODO: once we switch everything over to Cobra commands, we can go back to calling
// utilflag.InitFlags() (by removing its pflag.Parse() call). For now, we have to set the
// normalize func and add the go flag set by hand.
// utilflag.InitFlags()
defer logs.FlushLogs()
if err := command.Execute(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
声明一个Command,然后执行Execute()方法来启动kube-scheduler,其中cobra是一个命令行启动框架。Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well as a program to generate applications and command files.https://github.com/spf13/cobra。
// NewSchedulerCommand creates a *cobra.Command object with default parameters
func NewSchedulerCommand() *cobra.Command {
opts, err := options.NewOptions()
if err != nil {
klog.Fatalf("unable to initialize command options: %v", err)
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "kube-scheduler",
Long: `The Kubernetes scheduler is a policy-rich, topology-aware,
workload-specific function that significantly impacts availability, performance,
and capacity. The scheduler needs to take into account individual and collective
resource requirements, quality of service requirements, hardware/software/policy
constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, inter-workload
interference, deadlines, and so on. Workload-specific requirements will be exposed
through the API as necessary.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if err := runCommand(cmd, args, opts); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
fs := cmd.Flags()
namedFlagSets := opts.Flags()
globalflag.AddGlobalFlags(namedFlagSets.FlagSet("global"), cmd.Name())
for _, f := range namedFlagSets.FlagSets {
usageFmt := "Usage:\n %s\n"
cols, _, _ := apiserverflag.TerminalSize(cmd.OutOrStdout())
cmd.SetUsageFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.OutOrStderr(), usageFmt, cmd.UseLine())
apiserverflag.PrintSections(cmd.OutOrStderr(), namedFlagSets, cols)
return nil
cmd.SetHelpFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.OutOrStdout(), "%s\n\n"+usageFmt, cmd.Long, cmd.UseLine())
apiserverflag.PrintSections(cmd.OutOrStdout(), namedFlagSets, cols)
cmd.MarkFlagFilename("config", "yaml", "yml", "json")
return cmd
创建一个Options对象:opts, err := options.NewOptions()
// NewOptions returns default scheduler app options.
func NewOptions() (*Options, error) {
cfg, err := newDefaultComponentConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hhost, hport, err := splitHostIntPort(cfg.HealthzBindAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
o := &Options{
ComponentConfig: *cfg,
SecureServing: apiserveroptions.NewSecureServingOptions().WithLoopback(),
CombinedInsecureServing: &CombinedInsecureServingOptions{
Healthz: (&apiserveroptions.DeprecatedInsecureServingOptions{
BindNetwork: "tcp",
Metrics: (&apiserveroptions.DeprecatedInsecureServingOptions{
BindNetwork: "tcp",
BindPort: hport,
BindAddress: hhost,
Authentication: apiserveroptions.NewDelegatingAuthenticationOptions(),
Authorization: apiserveroptions.NewDelegatingAuthorizationOptions(),
Deprecated: &DeprecatedOptions{
UseLegacyPolicyConfig: false,
PolicyConfigMapNamespace: metav1.NamespaceSystem,
o.Authentication.TolerateInClusterLookupFailure = true
o.Authentication.RemoteKubeConfigFileOptional = true
o.Authorization.RemoteKubeConfigFileOptional = true
o.Authorization.AlwaysAllowPaths = []string{"/healthz"}
// Set the PairName but leave certificate directory blank to generate in-memory by default
o.SecureServing.ServerCert.CertDirectory = ""
o.SecureServing.ServerCert.PairName = "kube-scheduler"
o.SecureServing.BindPort = ports.KubeSchedulerPort
return o, nil
func newDefaultComponentConfig() (*kubeschedulerconfig.KubeSchedulerConfiguration, error) {
cfgv1alpha1 := kubeschedulerconfigv1alpha1.KubeSchedulerConfiguration{}
cfg := kubeschedulerconfig.KubeSchedulerConfiguration{}
if err := kubeschedulerscheme.Scheme.Convert(&cfgv1alpha1, &cfg, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cfg, nil
// KubeSchedulerConfiguration configures a scheduler
type KubeSchedulerConfiguration struct {
// SchedulerName is name of the scheduler, used to select which pods
// will be processed by this scheduler, based on pod's "spec.SchedulerName".
SchedulerName string
// AlgorithmSource specifies the scheduler algorithm source.
AlgorithmSource SchedulerAlgorithmSource
// RequiredDuringScheduling affinity is not symmetric, but there is an implicit PreferredDuringScheduling affinity rule
// corresponding to every RequiredDuringScheduling affinity rule.
// HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight represents the weight of implicit PreferredDuringScheduling affinity rule, in the range 0-100.
HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight int32
// LeaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client.
LeaderElection KubeSchedulerLeaderElectionConfiguration
// ClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection
// settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver.
ClientConnection apimachineryconfig.ClientConnectionConfiguration
// HealthzBindAddress is the IP address and port for the health check server to serve on,
// defaulting to
HealthzBindAddress string
// MetricsBindAddress is the IP address and port for the metrics server to
// serve on, defaulting to
MetricsBindAddress string
// DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features
// TODO: We might wanna make this a substruct like Debugging apiserverconfig.DebuggingConfiguration
// DisablePreemption disables the pod preemption feature.
DisablePreemption bool
// PercentageOfNodeToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible
// for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in
// the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find
// at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the value of this flag is.
// Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30,
// then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasible ones.
// When the value is 0, default percentage (50%) of the nodes will be scored.
PercentageOfNodesToScore int32
// Indicate the "all topologies" set for empty topologyKey when it's used for PreferredDuringScheduling pod anti-affinity.
FailureDomains string
// Duration to wait for a binding operation to complete before timing out
// Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates no waiting.
// If this value is nil, the default value will be used.
BindTimeoutSeconds *int64
SchedulerName调度器名字 定义Pod的对象时可以指定调度pod对象的调度器spec.SchedulerName
PercentageOfNodesToScore 计算Node分数的比分比,调度pod时并不需要计算所有Node节点
// SchedulerAlgorithmSource is the source of a scheduler algorithm. One source
// field must be specified, and source fields are mutually exclusive.
type SchedulerAlgorithmSource struct {
// Policy is a policy based algorithm source.
Policy *SchedulerPolicySource
// Provider is the name of a scheduling algorithm provider to use.
Provider *string
// SchedulerPolicySource configures a means to obtain a scheduler Policy. One
// source field must be specified, and source fields are mutually exclusive.
type SchedulerPolicySource struct {
// File is a file policy source.
File *SchedulerPolicyFileSource
// ConfigMap is a config map policy source.
ConfigMap *SchedulerPolicyConfigMapSource
// SchedulerPolicyFileSource is a policy serialized to disk and accessed via
// path.
type SchedulerPolicyFileSource struct {
// Path is the location of a serialized policy.
Path string
// SchedulerPolicyConfigMapSource is a policy serialized into a config map value
// under the SchedulerPolicyConfigMapKey key.
type SchedulerPolicyConfigMapSource struct {
// Namespace is the namespace of the policy config map.
Namespace string
// Name is the name of hte policy config map.
Name string
// KubeSchedulerConfiguration configures a scheduler
type KubeSchedulerConfiguration struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
SchedulerName string `json:"schedulerName"`
AlgorithmSource SchedulerAlgorithmSource `json:"algorithmSource"`
HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight int32 `json:"hardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight"`
LeaderElection KubeSchedulerLeaderElectionConfiguration `json:"leaderElection"`
ClientConnection apimachineryconfigv1alpha1.ClientConnectionConfiguration `json:"clientConnection"`
HealthzBindAddress string `json:"healthzBindAddress"`
MetricsBindAddress string `json:"metricsBindAddress"`
apiserverconfigv1alpha1.DebuggingConfiguration `json:",inline"`
DisablePreemption bool `json:"disablePreemption"`
PercentageOfNodesToScore int32 `json:"percentageOfNodesToScore"`
FailureDomains string `json:"failureDomains"`
BindTimeoutSeconds *int64 `json:"bindTimeoutSeconds"`
// SchedulerDefaultProviderName defines the default provider names
SchedulerDefaultProviderName = "DefaultProvider"使用默认的调度器