在解释上述现象之前,我们需要区分训练误差(training error)和泛化误差(generalization error)。通俗来讲,前者指模型在训练数据集上表现出的误差,后者指模型在任意一个测试数据样本上表现出的误差的期望,并常常通过测试数据集上的误差来近似。计算训练误差和泛化误差可以使用之前介绍过的损失函数,例如线性回归用到的平方损失函数和softmax回归用到的交叉熵损失函数。
从严格意义上讲,测试集只能在所有超参数和模型参数选定后使用一次。不可以使用测试数据选择模型,如调参。由于无法从训练误差估计泛化误差,因此也不应只依赖训练数据选择模型。鉴于此,我们可以预留一部分在训练数据集和测试数据集以外的数据来进行模型选择。这部分数据被称为验证数据集,简称验证集(validation set)。例如,我们可以从给定的训练集中随机选取一小部分作为验证集,而将剩余部分作为真正的训练集。
由于验证数据集不参与模型训练,当训练数据不够用时,预留大量的验证数据显得太奢侈。一种改善的方法是K折交叉验证(K-fold cross-validation)。在K折交叉验证中,我们把原始训练数据集分割成K个不重合的子数据集,然后我们做K次模型训练和验证。每一次,我们使用一个子数据集验证模型,并使用其他K-1个子数据集来训练模型。在这K次训练和验证中,每次用来验证模型的子数据集都不同。最后,我们对这K次训练误差和验证误差分别求平均。
来近似 y。在上式中,wk是模型的权重参数,b是偏差参数。与线性回归相同,多项式函数拟合也使用平方损失函数。特别地,一阶多项式函数拟合又叫线性函数拟合。
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline import torch import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append("/home/kesci/input") import d2lzh1981 as d2l print(torch.__version__)
In [4]:
n_train, n_test, true_w, true_b = 100, 100, [1.2, -3.4, 5.6], 5 features = torch.randn((n_train + n_test, 1)) poly_features = torch.cat((features, torch.pow(features, 2), torch.pow(features, 3)), 1) labels = (true_w[0] * poly_features[:, 0] + true_w[1] * poly_features[:, 1] + true_w[2] * poly_features[:, 2] + true_b) labels += torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=labels.size()), dtype=torch.float)
In [5]:
features[:2], poly_features[:2], labels[:2]
(tensor([[-0.8589], [-0.2534]]), tensor([[-0.8589, 0.7377, -0.6335], [-0.2534, 0.0642, -0.0163]]), tensor([-2.0794, 4.4039]))
In [6]:
def semilogy(x_vals, y_vals, x_label, y_label, x2_vals=None, y2_vals=None, legend=None, figsize=(3.5, 2.5)): # d2l.set_figsize(figsize) d2l.plt.xlabel(x_label) d2l.plt.ylabel(y_label) d2l.plt.semilogy(x_vals, y_vals) if x2_vals and y2_vals: d2l.plt.semilogy(x2_vals, y2_vals, linestyle=':') d2l.plt.legend(legend)
In [7]:
num_epochs, loss = 100, torch.nn.MSELoss() def fit_and_plot(train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels): # 初始化网络模型 net = torch.nn.Linear(train_features.shape[-1], 1) # 通过Linear文档可知,pytorch已经将参数初始化了,所以我们这里就不手动初始化了 # 设置批量大小 batch_size = min(10, train_labels.shape[0]) dataset = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(train_features, train_labels) # 设置数据集 train_iter = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True) # 设置获取数据方式 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) # 设置优化函数,使用的是随机梯度下降优化 train_ls, test_ls = [], [] for _ in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: # 取一个批量的数据 l = loss(net(X), y.view(-1, 1)) # 输入到网络中计算输出,并和标签比较求得损失函数 optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零,防止梯度累加干扰优化 l.backward() # 求梯度 optimizer.step() # 迭代优化函数,进行参数优化 train_labels = train_labels.view(-1, 1) test_labels = test_labels.view(-1, 1) train_ls.append(loss(net(train_features), train_labels).item()) # 将训练损失保存到train_ls中 test_ls.append(loss(net(test_features), test_labels).item()) # 将测试损失保存到test_ls中 print('final epoch: train loss', train_ls[-1], 'test loss', test_ls[-1]) semilogy(range(1, num_epochs + 1), train_ls, 'epochs', 'loss', range(1, num_epochs + 1), test_ls, ['train', 'test']) print('weight:', net.weight.data, '\nbias:', net.bias.data)
In [8]:
fit_and_plot(poly_features[:n_train, :], poly_features[n_train:, :], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:])
final epoch: train loss 8887.298828125 test loss 1145.94287109375 weight: tensor([[-8.5120, 19.0351, 12.8616]]) bias: tensor([-5.4607])
In [9]:
fit_and_plot(features[:n_train, :], features[n_train:, :], labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:])
final epoch: train loss 781.689453125 test loss 329.79852294921875 weight: tensor([[26.8753]]) bias: tensor([6.1426])
In [10]:
fit_and_plot(poly_features[0:2, :], poly_features[n_train:, :], labels[0:2], labels[n_train:])
final epoch: train loss 6.23520565032959 test loss 409.9844665527344 weight: tensor([[ 0.9729, -0.9612, 0.7259]]) bias: tensor([1.6334])
权重衰减等价于 L2 范数正则化(regularization)。正则化通过为模型损失函数添加惩罚项使学出的模型参数值较小,是应对过拟合的常用手段。
其中超参数λ>0。当权重参数均为0时,惩罚项最小。当λ较大时,惩罚项在损失函数中的比重较大,这通常会使学到的权重参数的元素较接近0。当λ设为0时,惩罚项完全不起作用。上式中L2范数平方|w|2展开后得到w21+w22。 有了L2范数惩罚项后,在小批量随机梯度下降中,我们将线性回归一节中权重w1和w2的迭代方式更改为
In [11]:
%matplotlib inline import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append("/home/kesci/input") import d2lzh1981 as d2l print(torch.__version__)
In [12]:
n_train, n_test, num_inputs = 20, 100, 200 true_w, true_b = torch.ones(num_inputs, 1) * 0.01, 0.05 features = torch.randn((n_train + n_test, num_inputs)) labels = torch.matmul(features, true_w) + true_b labels += torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=labels.size()), dtype=torch.float) train_features, test_features = features[:n_train, :], features[n_train:, :] train_labels, test_labels = labels[:n_train], labels[n_train:]
In [13]:
# 定义参数初始化函数,初始化模型参数并且附上梯度 def init_params(): w = torch.randn((num_inputs, 1), requires_grad=True) b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) return [w, b]
In [14]:
def l2_penalty(w): return (w**2).sum() / 2
In [15]:
batch_size, num_epochs, lr = 1, 100, 0.003 net, loss = d2l.linreg, d2l.squared_loss dataset = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(train_features, train_labels) train_iter = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True) def fit_and_plot(lambd): w, b = init_params() train_ls, test_ls = [], [] for _ in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: # 添加了L2范数惩罚项 l = loss(net(X, w, b), y) + lambd * l2_penalty(w) l = l.sum() if w.grad is not None: w.grad.data.zero_() b.grad.data.zero_() l.backward() d2l.sgd([w, b], lr, batch_size) train_ls.append(loss(net(train_features, w, b), train_labels).mean().item()) test_ls.append(loss(net(test_features, w, b), test_labels).mean().item()) d2l.semilogy(range(1, num_epochs + 1), train_ls, 'epochs', 'loss', range(1, num_epochs + 1), test_ls, ['train', 'test']) print('L2 norm of w:', w.norm().item())
In [16]:
L2 norm of w: 11.6444091796875
In [17]:
L2 norm of w: 0.04063604772090912
In [18]:
def fit_and_plot_pytorch(wd): # 对权重参数衰减。权重名称一般是以weight结尾 net = nn.Linear(num_inputs, 1) nn.init.normal_(net.weight, mean=0, std=1) nn.init.normal_(net.bias, mean=0, std=1) optimizer_w = torch.optim.SGD(params=[net.weight], lr=lr, weight_decay=wd) # 对权重参数衰减 optimizer_b = torch.optim.SGD(params=[net.bias], lr=lr) # 不对偏差参数衰减 train_ls, test_ls = [], [] for _ in range(num_epochs): for X, y in train_iter: l = loss(net(X), y).mean() optimizer_w.zero_grad() optimizer_b.zero_grad() l.backward() # 对两个optimizer实例分别调用step函数,从而分别更新权重和偏差 optimizer_w.step() optimizer_b.step() train_ls.append(loss(net(train_features), train_labels).mean().item()) test_ls.append(loss(net(test_features), test_labels).mean().item()) d2l.semilogy(range(1, num_epochs + 1), train_ls, 'epochs', 'loss', range(1, num_epochs + 1), test_ls, ['train', 'test']) print('L2 norm of w:', net.weight.data.norm().item())
In [19]:
L2 norm of w: 13.361410140991211
In [20]:
L2 norm of w: 0.051789578050374985
In [21]:
%matplotlib inline import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append("/home/kesci/input") import d2lzh1981 as d2l print(torch.__version__)
In [22]:
def dropout(X, drop_prob): X = X.float() assert 0 <= drop_prob <= 1 keep_prob = 1 - drop_prob # 这种情况下把全部元素都丢弃 if keep_prob == 0: return torch.zeros_like(X) mask = (torch.rand(X.shape) < keep_prob).float() return mask * X / keep_prob
In [23]:
X = torch.arange(16).view(2, 8) dropout(X, 0)
tensor([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.], [ 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15.]])
In [24]:
dropout(X, 0.5)
tensor([[ 0., 0., 0., 6., 8., 10., 0., 14.], [ 0., 0., 20., 0., 0., 0., 28., 0.]])
In [25]:
dropout(X, 1.0)
tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
In [26]:
# 参数的初始化 num_inputs, num_outputs, num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2 = 784, 10, 256, 256 W1 = torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_hiddens1)), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True) b1 = torch.zeros(num_hiddens1, requires_grad=True) W2 = torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2)), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True) b2 = torch.zeros(num_hiddens2, requires_grad=True) W3 = torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_hiddens2, num_outputs)), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True) b3 = torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True) params = [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3]
In [27]:
drop_prob1, drop_prob2 = 0.2, 0.5 def net(X, is_training=True): X = X.view(-1, num_inputs) H1 = (torch.matmul(X, W1) + b1).relu() if is_training: # 只在训练模型时使用丢弃法 H1 = dropout(H1, drop_prob1) # 在第一层全连接后添加丢弃层 H2 = (torch.matmul(H1, W2) + b2).relu() if is_training: H2 = dropout(H2, drop_prob2) # 在第二层全连接后添加丢弃层 return torch.matmul(H2, W3) + b3
In [28]:
def evaluate_accuracy(data_iter, net): acc_sum, n = 0.0, 0 for X, y in data_iter: if isinstance(net, torch.nn.Module): net.eval() # 评估模式, 这会关闭dropout acc_sum += (net(X).argmax(dim=1) == y).float().sum().item() net.train() # 改回训练模式 else: # 自定义的模型 if('is_training' in net.__code__.co_varnames): # 如果有is_training这个参数 # 将is_training设置成False acc_sum += (net(X, is_training=False).argmax(dim=1) == y).float().sum().item() else: acc_sum += (net(X).argmax(dim=1) == y).float().sum().item() n += y.shape[0] return acc_sum / n
In [29]:
num_epochs, lr, batch_size = 5, 100.0, 256 # 这里的学习率设置的很大,原因与之前相同。 loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size, root='/home/kesci/input/FashionMNIST2065') d2l.train_ch3( net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, batch_size, params, lr)
epoch 1, loss 0.0046, train acc 0.549, test acc 0.704 epoch 2, loss 0.0023, train acc 0.785, test acc 0.737 epoch 3, loss 0.0019, train acc 0.825, test acc 0.834 epoch 4, loss 0.0017, train acc 0.842, test acc 0.763 epoch 5, loss 0.0016, train acc 0.848, test acc 0.813
In [30]:
net = nn.Sequential( d2l.FlattenLayer(), nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hiddens1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(drop_prob1), nn.Linear(num_hiddens1, num_hiddens2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(drop_prob2), nn.Linear(num_hiddens2, 10) ) for param in net.parameters(): nn.init.normal_(param, mean=0, std=0.01)
In [31]:
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.5) d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, batch_size, None, None, optimizer)
epoch 1, loss 0.0046, train acc 0.553, test acc 0.736 epoch 2, loss 0.0023, train acc 0.785, test acc 0.803 epoch 3, loss 0.0019, train acc 0.818, test acc 0.756 epoch 4, loss 0.0018, train acc 0.835, test acc 0.829 epoch 5, loss 0.0016, train acc 0.848, test acc 0.851