

1 作者对于Lua的使用较少,纯粹从使用出发,对它的理解较浅,可能有错误,还请路过的各位大牛多多指正。
2 本笔记代码部分参考cocos2dx2.2.3代码,代码版权归原作者所有。
3 由于作者时间,经验,能力有限,笔记可能不完整,以后随用随补充吧。



打印栈中的所有的内容。参考网址如下:【 】

namespace {
int lua_print(lua_State * luastate)
    int nargs = lua_gettop(luastate);
    std::string t;
    for (int i=1; i <= nargs; i++)
        if (lua_istable(luastate, i))
            t += "table";
        else if (lua_isnone(luastate, i))
            t += "none";
        else if (lua_isnil(luastate, i))
            t += "nil";
        else if (lua_isboolean(luastate, i))
            if (lua_toboolean(luastate, i) != 0)
                t += "true";
                t += "false";
        else if (lua_isfunction(luastate, i))
            t += "function";
        else if (lua_islightuserdata(luastate, i))
            t += "lightuserdata";
        else if (lua_isthread(luastate, i))
            t += "thread";
            const char * str = lua_tostring(luastate, i);
            if (str)
                t += lua_tostring(luastate, i);
                t += lua_typename(luastate, lua_type(luastate, i));
        if (i!=nargs)
            t += "\t";
    CCLOG("[LUA-print] %s", t.c_str());
    return 0;
// namespace {



CCLuaStack *CCLuaStack::create(void)
    CCLuaStack *stack = new CCLuaStack();
    return stack;
CCLuaStack *CCLuaStack::attach(lua_State *L)
    CCLuaStack *stack = new CCLuaStack();
    return stack;
bool CCLuaStack::init(void)
    m_state = lua_open();  //新建一个lua环境
    luaL_openlibs(m_state); //将lua标准库注册到lua环境中
    tolua_Cocos2d_open(m_state); //将cocos2dx的函数注册到lua环境中,后续笔记
    // Register our version of the global "print" function
    const luaL_reg global_functions [] = {
        {"print", lua_print},
        {NULL, NULL}
    luaL_register(m_state, "_G", global_functions); //将自定义的print函数注册到全局table中,后续笔记
    tolua_CocoStudio_open(m_state); //将cocosstudio的函数注册到lua环境中,后续笔记
    // add cocos2dx loader
    return true;
bool CCLuaStack::initWithLuaState(lua_State *L)
    m_state = L;
    return true;


将新的lua文件路径添加到Lua保存的路径中。参考网址如下:【 】

void CCLuaStack::addSearchPath(const char* path)
    lua_getglobal(m_state, "package");                                  /* L: package */
    lua_getfield(m_state, -1, "path");                /* get package.path, L: package path */
    const char* cur_path =  lua_tostring(m_state, -1);
    lua_pushfstring(m_state, "%s;%s/?.lua", cur_path, path);            /* L: package path newpath */
    lua_setfield(m_state, -3, "path");          /* package.path = newpath, L: package path */
    lua_pop(m_state, 2);                                                /* L: - */



void CCLuaStack::addLuaLoader(lua_CFunction func)
    if (!func) return;
    // stack content after the invoking of the function
    // get loader table
    lua_getglobal(m_state, "package");                                  /* L: package */
    lua_getfield(m_state, -1, "loaders");                               /* L: package, loaders */
    // insert loader into index 2
    lua_pushcfunction(m_state, func);                                   /* L: package, loaders, func */
    for (int i = lua_objlen(m_state, -2) + 1; i > 2; --i)
        lua_rawgeti(m_state, -2, i - 1);                                /* L: package, loaders, func, function */
        // we call lua_rawgeti, so the loader table now is at -3
        lua_rawseti(m_state, -3, i);                                    /* L: package, loaders, func */
    lua_rawseti(m_state, -2, 2);                                        /* L: package, loaders */
    // set loaders into package
    lua_setfield(m_state, -2, "loaders");                               /* L: package */
    lua_pop(m_state, 1);


void CCLuaStack::removeScriptObjectByCCObject(CCObject* pObj)
    toluafix_remove_ccobject_by_refid(m_state, pObj->m_nLuaID);
void CCLuaStack::removeScriptHandler(int nHandler)
    toluafix_remove_function_by_refid(m_state, nHandler);


参考网址如下:【 】

int CCLuaStack::executeString(const char *codes)
    luaL_loadstring(m_state, codes);
    return executeFunction(0);//以0个入参执行该脚本。
int CCLuaStack::executeScriptFile(const char* filename)
    std::string code("require \"");
    return executeString(code.c_str());
    std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(filename);
    int nRet = luaL_dofile(m_state, fullPath.c_str());
    CC_ASSERT(m_callFromLua >= 0);
    // lua_gc(m_state, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
    if (nRet != 0)
        CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] %s", lua_tostring(m_state, -1));
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);//弹出栈顶的错误信息,保证栈恢复到以前。
        return nRet;
    return 0;
int CCLuaStack::executeGlobalFunction(const char* functionName)
    lua_getglobal(m_state, functionName);       /* query function by name, stack: function */
    if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, -1))
        CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] name '%s' does not represent a Lua function", functionName);
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);
        return 0;
    return executeFunction(0);
int CCLuaStack::executeFunction(int numArgs)
    int functionIndex = -(numArgs + 1);
    if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, functionIndex))//检查该位置是否是函数
        CCLOG("value at stack [%d] is not function", functionIndex);
        lua_pop(m_state, numArgs + 1); // remove function and arguments
        return 0;
    int traceback = 0;
    lua_getglobal(m_state, "__G__TRACKBACK__");                         /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... G */
    if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, -1))
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);                                            /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... */
        lua_insert(m_state, functionIndex - 1);                         /* L: ... G func arg1 arg2 ... */
        traceback = functionIndex - 1;
    int error = 0;
    error = lua_pcall(m_state, numArgs, 1, traceback);                  /* L: ... [G] ret */
    if (error)
        if (traceback == 0)
            CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] %s", lua_tostring(m_state, - 1));        /* L: ... error */
            lua_pop(m_state, 1); // remove error message from stack
        else                                                            /* L: ... G error */
            lua_pop(m_state, 2); // remove __G__TRACKBACK__ and error message from stack
        return 0;
    // get return value
    int ret = 0;
    if (lua_isnumber(m_state, -1))
        ret = lua_tointeger(m_state, -1);
    else if (lua_isboolean(m_state, -1))
        ret = lua_toboolean(m_state, -1);
    // remove return value from stack
    lua_pop(m_state, 1);                                                /* L: ... [G] */
    if (traceback)
        lua_pop(m_state, 1); // remove __G__TRACKBACK__ from stack      /* L: ... */
    //返回 函数的返回值
    return ret;
int CCLuaStack::executeFunctionByHandler(int nHandler, int numArgs)
  int ret = 0;
  if (pushFunctionByHandler(nHandler))                /* L: ... arg1 arg2 ... func */
    if (numArgs > 0)
      lua_insert(m_state, -(numArgs + 1));            /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... */
    ret = executeFunction(numArgs);
  lua_settop(m_state, 0);
  return ret;
bool CCLuaStack::handleAssert(const char *msg)
  if (m_callFromLua == 0) return false;
  lua_pushfstring(m_state, "ASSERT FAILED ON LUA EXECUTE: %s", msg ? msg : "unknown");
  return true;
int CCLuaStack::reallocateScriptHandler(int nHandler)
  LUA_FUNCTION  nNewHandle = -1;
  if (pushFunctionByHandler(nHandler))
     nNewHandle = toluafix_ref_function(m_state,lua_gettop(m_state),0);
  if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, -1))
  lua_settop(m_state, 0);
  return nNewHandle;
int CCLuaStack::executeFunctionReturnArray(int nHandler,int nNumArgs,int nNummResults,CCArray* pResultArray)
  if (NULL == pResultArray)
    return 0;
  if (pushFunctionByHandler(nHandler))         /* L: ... arg1 arg2 ... func */
    if (nNumArgs > 0)
      lua_insert(m_state, -(nNumArgs + 1));     /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... */
      int functionIndex = -(nNumArgs + 1);
      if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, functionIndex))
        CCLOG("value at stack [%d] is not function", functionIndex);
        lua_pop(m_state, nNumArgs + 1); // remove function and arguments
        return 0;
      int traceback = 0;
      lua_getglobal(m_state, "__G__TRACKBACK__");             /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... G */
      if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, -1))
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);                      /* L: ... func arg1 arg2 ... */
        lua_insert(m_state, functionIndex - 1);             /* L: ... G func arg1 arg2 ... */
        traceback = functionIndex - 1;
      int error = 0;
      error = lua_pcall(m_state, nNumArgs, nNummResults, traceback);          /* L: ... [G] ret1 ret2 ... retResults*/
      if (error)
        if (traceback == 0)
          CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] %s", lua_tostring(m_state, - 1));    /* L: ... error */
          lua_pop(m_state, 1); // remove error message from stack
        else                              /* L: ... G error */
          lua_pop(m_state, 2); // remove __G__TRACKBACK__ and error message from stack
        return 0;
      // get return value,don't pass LUA_MULTRET to numResults,
      if (nNummResults <= 0) return 0; //执行完毕,查询栈获取返回值,并吧返回值加到pResultArray中。
            for (int i = 0 ; i < nNummResults; i++) { if (lua_type(m_state, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) { bool value = lua_toboolean(m_state, -1); pResultArray->addObject(CCBool::create(value)) ;
                }else if (lua_type(m_state, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
                    double value = lua_tonumber(m_state, -1);
                }else if (lua_type(m_state, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
                    const char* value = lua_tostring(m_state, -1);
                    pResultArray->addObject(static_cast(tolua_tousertype(m_state, -1, NULL)));
        // remove return value from stack
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);                        /* L: ... [G] ret1 ret2 ... ret*/
      /* L: ... [G]*/
      if (traceback)
        lua_pop(m_state, 1); // remove __G__TRACKBACK__ from stack    /* L: ... */
  lua_settop(m_state, 0);
  return 1;

其中,关于【 __G__TRACKBACK__ 】,可以查看一下HelloLua工程中的hello.lua文件,有部分内容如下:

-- for CCLuaEngine traceback
function __G__TRACKBACK__(msg)
    cclog("LUA ERROR: " .. tostring(msg) .. "\n")


void CCLuaStack::clean(void)
    lua_settop(m_state, 0);
void CCLuaStack::pushInt(int intValue)
    lua_pushinteger(m_state, intValue);
void CCLuaStack::pushFloat(float floatValue)
    lua_pushnumber(m_state, floatValue);
void CCLuaStack::pushBoolean(bool boolValue)
    lua_pushboolean(m_state, boolValue);
void CCLuaStack::pushString(const char* stringValue)
    lua_pushstring(m_state, stringValue);
void CCLuaStack::pushString(const char* stringValue, int length)
    lua_pushlstring(m_state, stringValue, length);
void CCLuaStack::pushNil(void)


view source
void CCLuaStack::pushCCObject(CCObject* objectValue, const char* typeName)
    toluafix_pushusertype_ccobject(m_state, objectValue->m_uID, &objectValue->m_nLuaID, objectValue, typeName);
void CCLuaStack::pushCCLuaValue(const CCLuaValue& value)
    const CCLuaValueType type = value.getType();
    if (type == CCLuaValueTypeInt)
        return pushInt(value.intValue());
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeFloat)
        return pushFloat(value.floatValue());
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeBoolean)
        return pushBoolean(value.booleanValue());
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeString)
        return pushString(value.stringValue().c_str());
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeDict)
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeArray)
    else if (type == CCLuaValueTypeCCObject)
        pushCCObject(value.ccobjectValue(), value.getCCObjectTypename().c_str());
void CCLuaStack::pushCCLuaValueDict(const CCLuaValueDict& dict)
    lua_newtable(m_state);                                              /* L: table */
    for (CCLuaValueDictIterator it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); ++it)
        lua_pushstring(m_state, it->first.c_str());                     /* L: table key */
        pushCCLuaValue(it->second);                                     /* L: table key value */
        lua_rawset(m_state, -3);                     /* table.key = value, L: table */
void CCLuaStack::pushCCLuaValueArray(const CCLuaValueArray& array)
    lua_newtable(m_state);                                              /* L: table */
    int index = 1;
    for (CCLuaValueArrayIterator it = array.begin(); it != array.end(); ++it)
        pushCCLuaValue(*it);                                            /* L: table value */
        lua_rawseti(m_state, -2, index);          /* table[index] = value, L: table */
bool CCLuaStack::pushFunctionByHandler(int nHandler)
    toluafix_get_function_by_refid(m_state, nHandler);                  /* L: ... func */
    if (!lua_isfunction(m_state, -1))
        CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] function refid '%d' does not reference a Lua function", nHandler);
        lua_pop(m_state, 1);
        return false;
    return true;

