cs224笔记:Lecture 9 a review

1 构建项目途径

  • Look at ACL anthology for NLP papers: https://aclanthology.info
  • Also look at the online proceedings of major ML conferences: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR
  • Look at online preprint servers, especially: aixiv.org

Arxiv Sanity Preserver by Stanford grad Andrej Karpathy of cs231n http://www.arxiv-sanity.com

Great new site – a much needed resource for this – lots of NLP tasks :https://paperswithcode.com/sota

2 数据集

Linguistic Data Consortium



Machine translation


Dependency parsing: Universal Dependencies


Look at lists of datasets

• https://machinelearningmastery.com/datasets-natural-language-processing/
• https://github.com/niderhoff/nlp-datasets

3 GRU Review

vanilla RNN的BPTT算法有梯度消失的问题,难以学习到长距离依赖(评估过去对未来的影响),因此提出了LSTM GRU这种门控网络,以解决长距离依赖问题。想法很简单,给残差往后传播一个捷径(short-cut),这样可以直接计算长距离的残差,GRU这种网络本质上就是一种适应性捷径(adaptive shortcut),根据目前的状态,通过0~1的门,有比重的建立一些shortcut。

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4 The large output vocabulary problem in NMT (or all NLG)

NMT和很多NLP任务面临的一个计算问题,就是softmax生成概率的计算量过大,因为要所有 词汇的概率,词汇的量又比较大,通常有五万多的词汇,这样softmax计算非常昂贵。解决这个问题的方法大概有以下几种:

  • Hierarchical softmax: tree-structuredvocabulary

  • Noise-contrastive estimation: binary classification

  • Train on a subset of the vocabulary at at ime; test on a smart on the set of possible translations


  • Use attention to work out what you are translating:

    You can do something simple like dictionary lookup

  • *More ideas we will get to:*Word pieces;char.models

5 训练RNN的技巧

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