skynet example


按照skynet readme运行的结果,程序中加了一些日志帮助分析启动流程

[dongsong@localhost skynet]$ ./skynet examples/config | tee skynet.log
root = "./"
thread = 8
logger = nil
harbor = 1
address = ""
master = ""
start = "main"  -- main script
bootstrap = "snlua bootstrap"   -- The service for bootstrap
standalone = ""
luaservice = root.."service/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua;"..root.."examples/?.lua"
lualoader = "lualib/loader.lua"
-- preload = "./examples/preload.lua"   -- run preload.lua before every lua service run
snax = root.."examples/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua"
cpath = root.."cservice/?.so"
-- daemon = "./"

[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("logger"), param("(null)"))
[DEBUG] bootstrap("snlua bootstrap")
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("bootstrap"))
[:01000001] LAUNCH logger
-->第一个服务(logger),启动时由c创建,不是用skynet lua api创建的

[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/bootstrap.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(bootstrap)
[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap
-->也是启动时c创建,第一个lua vm,运行service/bootstrap服务(它会起更多的服务)

[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("launcher"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/launcher.lua")
[:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher

[LUA_DBUG] dofile(launcher)
lanuch service received: 2 :01000002 LAUNCH "snlua cmaster"	
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("cmaster"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/cmaster.lua")
[:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster
lanuch service received: 0 :01000003 LAUNCHOK ""
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(cmaster)
[:01000004] master listen socket
lanuch service received: 0 :01000004 LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 3 :01000002 LAUNCH "snlua cslave"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("cslave"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/cslave.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(cslave)
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("harbor"), param("1 16777221"))
[LUA_DBUG] cmaster recorded slave nodes:
table: 0x7fd15526ddd0
                table: 0x7fd15534e060
lanuch service received: 0 :01000005 LAUNCHOK ""
[:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave
[:01000005] slave connect to master
[:01000004] connect from
[:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221
[:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report
[:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors
[:01000005] Shakehand ready
lanuch service received: 4 :01000002 LAUNCH "snlua datacenterd"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("datacenterd"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/datacenterd.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(datacenterd)
[:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd
lanuch service received: 0 :01000007 LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 5 :01000002 LAUNCH "snlua service_mgr"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("service_mgr"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/service_mgr.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(service_mgr)
[:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr
lanuch service received: 0 :01000008 LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 6 :01000002 LAUNCH "snlua main"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("main"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./examples/main.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(main)
[:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main
Server start
lanuch service received: 2 :01000009 LAUNCH "snlua console"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("console"))
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua console
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/console.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(console)
lanuch service received: 0 :0100000a LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 3 :01000009 LAUNCH "snlua debug_console 8000"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("debug_console 8000"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/debug_console.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(debug_console)
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000b] Start debug console at 8000
lanuch service received: 0 :0100000b LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 4 :01000009 LAUNCH "snlua simpledb"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("simpledb"))
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./examples/simpledb.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(simpledb)
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua simpledb
lanuch service received: 0 :0100000c LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 5 :01000009 LAUNCH "snlua watchdog"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("watchdog"))
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua watchdog
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./examples/watchdog.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(watchdog)
lanuch service received: 2 :0100000d LAUNCH "snlua gate"
[DEBUG] skynet_context_new(module_name("snlua"), param("gate"))
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua gate
[LUA_DBUG] loadfile("./service/gate.lua")
[LUA_DBUG] dofile(gate)
lanuch service received: 0 :0100000e LAUNCHOK ""
lanuch service received: 0 :0100000d LAUNCHOK ""
Watchdog listen on      8888
lanuch service received: 0 :01000009 REMOVE ":01000009"
[:01000009] KILL self

[dongsong@localhost skynet]$ sudo netstat -lntp | grep skynet
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      2705/./skynet
--> simpledb service (watchdog service listen 8888), waiting for examples/client.lua
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      2705/./skynet
--> cmaster service (listen examples/config.master), waiting for slave to connect
tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN      2705/./skynet
--> cslave service (listen examples/config.address), waiting for old slave node to connect (as the first slave, waiting for none?)
tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN      2705/./skynet
--> debug_console service (listen 8000), waiting for telnet

[dongsong@localhost skynet]$ ./lua examples/client.lua 
Response:       0       true    Welcome to skynet
set a 1000
Request:        1
Response:       1       true    nil
get a
Request:        2
Response:       2       true    1000
[dongsong@localhost skynet]$ telnet 8000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to skynet console
clearcache      clear lua code cache
gc      gc : force every lua service do garbage collect
help    This help message
info    Info address : get service infomation
kill    kill address : kill service
list    List all the service
mem     mem : show memory status
service List unique service
snax    lanuch a new snax service
start   lanuch a new lua service
stat    Dump all stats
task    task address : show service task detail
telnet> Connection closed.
