每日一词 68 | synonymous

1. 这是什么词?       


英英释义:alike in meaning or significance   

例句:Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling.   

2. 为什么选这个词?   

我们之前学过名词“synonym”,今天我们要学习它的形容词形式“synonymous”。synonymous 的意思是“同义的”,常被用来表示“等同于…的”。   

我们常用 A is synonymous with B 的句式表达“A 是 B 的代名词”“一说起 A,人们就会想到 B”。比如一说到拉斯维加斯,人们可能首先会想到赌博,这时我们就可以说:   

Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling.


Las Vegas and gambling are synonymous (with each other).   


Wang Sicong has been a synonym/byword for “fuerdai”�, the rich second generation.   

这个句子也可以用 synonymous 来改写成:   

Wang Sicong’s name has been synonymous with “fuerdai”, the rich second generation.   

《经济学人》在一篇讨论“孤独”的文章中也用到了 synonymous:   

Loneliness is not synonymous with social isolation (how often a person meets or speaks to friends and family) or with solitude (which implies a choice to be alone).       

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?       


a. [搭配]VERBS

be, seem 同义;好像同义

become 变成同义

remain 依然同义

make sth 使…同义:

His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory. 他的英勇事迹使他的名字成了胜利的代名词。

consider sth, regard sth as, see sth as, treat sth as 认为…同义;把…看作同义;按同义对待…

b. [搭配]ADV.

completely, exactly 完全同义;严格同义

almost, largely, more or less, roughly, virtually 几乎同义;基本上同义;大致同义;实际上同义

c. [搭配]PREP.with 


Until the late eighteenth century, ‘opera’ was almost synonymous with Italian opera. 直到18 世纪晚期,提到“歌剧”,人们还只想到意大利歌剧。



(参考翻译:Christmas has always been synonymous with festive decorations, gifts, and  Santa Claus.)


场景 1:我们不应该认为瘦就等同于美。

例句:We shouldn't consider skinny as synonymous with beauty. 


例句:High income is not synonymous with high quality of life. 


例句:Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.

Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.

Oscar Wilde's name is synonymous with wit. 

 Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness. 财富未必等同于幸福。

Because of these images that we encounter regularly, pretty and skinny become synonymouswith each other.

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