

18、The debugger seems to freeze while debugging.

答:If running a SoftDevice that has been programmed with the “Lock SoftDevice from Read back” enabled (see section section 6.1 on page 27, the debugger will halt while stepping to an SVC instruction. You should set the breakpoint after the SVC instruction and run the application to the breakpoint, or step over any SVC instructions. See section 7.1.2 on page 41 for more details.

19.Software gets out of sync while debugging

答:Setting/modifying breakpoints on a running system using the SEGGER debugger will halt the CPU, which may result in software that is out of sync. You should avoid setting breakpoints while the system is running.(不要在运行时设置断点或者更改断点,使用SEEGER调试

20.The debugger does not halt on breakpoints.

答:Some Keil projects in the SDK have Optimization level 3 (-03) and Optimize for time checked. If you are debugging an application with these settings, your breakpoint set might have no effect.

1. Press Alt+F7 to open the Target options dialog.

2. Select C/C++.

3. Select Optimization level 0 from the scroll down list.

4. Uncheck Optimize for time.
