/* * Inline Form Validation Engine 2.5.1, jQuery plugin * * Copyright(c) 2010, Cedric Dugas * http://www.position-absolute.com * * 2.0 Rewrite by Olivier Refalo * http://www.crionics.com * * Form validation engine allowing custom regex rules to be added. * Licensed under the MIT License */ (function($) { "use strict"; var methods = { /** * Kind of the constructor, called before any action * @param {Map} user options */ init: function(options) { var form = this; if (!form.data('jqv') || form.data('jqv') == null ) { options = methods._saveOptions(form, options); // bind all formError elements to close on click $(".formError").live("click", function() { $(this).fadeOut(150, function() { // remove prompt once invisible $(this).parent('.formErrorOuter').remove(); $(this).remove(); }); }); } return this; },/*** Attachs jQuery.validationEngine to form.submit and field.blur events* Takes an optional params: a list of options* ie. jQuery("#formID1").validationEngine('attach', {promptPosition : "centerRight"});*/attach: function(userOptions) {var form = this;var options;if(userOptions)options = methods._saveOptions(form, userOptions);elseoptions = form.data('jqv');options.validateAttribute = (form.find("[data-validation-engine*=validate]").length) ? "data-validation-engine" : "class";if (options.binded) {// bind fieldsform.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate]").not("[type=checkbox]").not("[type=radio]").not(".datepicker").bind(options.validationEventTrigger, methods._onFieldEvent);form.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate][type=checkbox],["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate][type=radio]").bind("click", methods._onFieldEvent);form.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate][class*=datepicker]").bind(options.validationEventTrigger,{"delay": 300}, methods._onFieldEvent);}if (options.autoPositionUpdate) {$(window).bind("resize", {"noAnimation": true,"formElem": form}, methods.updatePromptsPosition);}// bind form.submitform.bind("submit", methods._onSubmitEvent);return this;},/*** Unregisters any bindings that may point to jQuery.validaitonEngine*/detach: function() {var form = this;var options = form.data('jqv');// unbind fieldsform.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate]").not("[type=checkbox]").unbind(options.validationEventTrigger, methods._onFieldEvent);form.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate][type=checkbox],[class*=validate][type=radio]").unbind("click", methods._onFieldEvent);// unbind form.submitform.unbind("submit", methods.onAjaxFormComplete);// unbind live fields (kill)form.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate]").not("[type=checkbox]").die(options.validationEventTrigger, methods._onFieldEvent);form.find("["+options.validateAttribute+"*=validate][type=checkbox]").die("click", methods._onFieldEvent);// unbind form.submitform.die("submit", methods.onAjaxFormComplete);form.removeData('jqv');if (options.autoPositionUpdate) {$(window).unbind("resize", methods.updatePromptsPosition)}return this;},/*** Validates the form fields, shows prompts accordingly.* Note: There is no ajax form validation with this method, only field ajax validation are evaluated** @return true if the form validates, false if it fails*/ validate: function() { return methods._validateFields(this); }, /** * Validates one field, shows prompt accordingly. * Note: There is no ajax form validation with this method, only field ajax validation are evaluated * * @return true if the form validates, false if it fails */ validateField: function(el) { var options = $(this).data('jqv'); var r = methods._validateField($(el), options); if (options.onSuccess && options.InvalidFields.length == 0) options.onSuccess(); else if (options.onFailure && options.InvalidFields.length > 0) options.onFailure(); return r; }, /** * Validates the form fields, shows prompts accordingly. * Note: this methods performs fields and form ajax validations(if setup) * * @return true if the form validates, false if it fails, undefined if ajax is used for form validation */ validateform: function() { return methods._onSubmitEvent.call(this); },/*** Redraw prompts position, useful when you change the DOM state when validating*/updatePromptsPosition: function(event) {if (event && this == window) {var form = event.data.formElem;var noAnimation = event.data.noAnimation;}elsevar form = $(this.closest('form'));var options = form.data('jqv');// No option, take default oneform.find('['+options.validateAttribute+'*=validate]').not(':hidden').not(":disabled").each(function(){var field = $(this);var prompt = methods._getPrompt(field);var promptText = $(prompt).find(".formErrorContent").html();if(prompt)methods._updatePrompt(field, $(prompt), promptText, undefined, false, options, noAnimation);});return this;},/*** Displays a prompt on a element.* Note that the element needs an id!** @param {String} promptText html text to display type* @param {String} type the type of bubble: 'pass' (green), 'load' (black) anything else (red)* @param {String} possible values topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, centerRight, bottomRight*/showPrompt: function(promptText, type, promptPosition, showArrow) {var form = this.closest('form');var options = form.data('jqv');// No option, take default oneif(!options) options = methods._saveOptions(this, options);if(promptPosition)options.promptPosition=promptPosition;options.showArrow = showArrow==true;methods._showPrompt(this, promptText, type, false, options);return this;},/*** Closes all error prompts on the page*/hidePrompt: function() {var form = this;var options = form.data('jqv');var promptClass = "."+ methods._getClassName($(this).attr("id")) + "formError";$(promptClass).fadeTo(options.fadeDuration, 0.3, function() {$(this).parent('.formErrorOuter').remove();$(this).remove();});return this;},/*** Closes form error prompts, CAN be invidual*/ hide: function() { var form = this; var options = form.data('jqv'); var closingtag; if($(this).is("form")){ closingtag = "parentForm"+methods._getClassName($(this).attr("id")); }else{ closingtag = methods._getClassName($(this).attr("id")) +"formError"; } $('.'+closingtag).fadeTo(options.fadeDuration, 0.3, function() { $(this).parent('.formErrorOuter').remove(); $(this).remove(); }); return this; }, /** * Closes all error prompts on the page */ hideAll: function() { var form = this; var options = form.data('jqv'); $('.formError').fadeTo(options.fadeDuration, 0.3, function() { $(this).parent('.formErrorOuter').remove(); $(this).remove(); }); return this; },/*** Typically called when user exists a field using tab or a mouse click, triggers a field* validation*/_onFieldEvent: function(event) {var field = $(this);var form = field.closest('form');var options = form.data('jqv');// validate the current fieldwindow.setTimeout(function() {methods._validateField(field, options);if (options.InvalidFields.length == 0 && options.onSuccess) {options.onSuccess();} else if (options.InvalidFields.length > 0 && options.onFailure) {options.onFailure();}}, (event.data) ? event.data.delay : 0);},/*** Called when the form is submited, shows prompts accordingly** @param {jqObject}* form* @return false if form submission needs to be cancelled*/_onSubmitEvent: function() {var form = $(this);var options = form.data('jqv');// validate each field // (- skip field ajax validation, not necessary IF we will perform an ajax form validation)var r=methods._validateFields(form, options.ajaxFormValidation);if (r && options.ajaxFormValidation) {methods._validateFormWithAjax(form, options);return false;}if(options.onValidationComplete) {options.onValidationComplete(form, r);return false;}return r;},/*** Return true if the ajax field validations passed so far* @param {Object} options* @return true, is all ajax validation passed so far (remember ajax is async)*/_checkAjaxStatus: function(options) {var status = true;$.each(options.ajaxValidCache, function(key, value) {if (!value) {status = false;// break the eachreturn false;}});return status;},/*** Validates form fields, shows prompts accordingly** @param {jqObject}* form* @param {skipAjaxFieldValidation}* boolean - when set to true, ajax field validation is skipped, typically used when the submit button is clicked** @return true if form is valid, false if not, undefined if ajax form validation is done*/_validateFields: function(form, skipAjaxValidation) {var options = form.data('jqv');// this variable is set to true if an error is foundvar errorFound = false;// Trigger hook, start validationform.trigger("jqv.form.validating");// first, evaluate status of non ajax fieldsvar first_err=null;form.find('['+options.validateAttribute+'*=validate]').not(':hidden').not(":disabled").each( function() { var field = $(this); var names = []; if ($.inArray(field.attr('name'), names) < 0) { errorFound |= methods._validateField(field, options, skipAjaxValidation); if (options.doNotShowAllErrosOnSubmit) return false; if (errorFound && first_err==null) { first_err=field; } names.push(field.attr('name')); }});// second, check to see if all ajax calls completed ok// errorFound |= !methods._checkAjaxStatus(options);// third, check status and scroll the container accordinglyform.trigger("jqv.form.result", [errorFound]);if (errorFound) {if (options.scroll) {var destination=first_err.offset().top;var fixleft = first_err.offset().left;//prompt positioning adjustment support. Usage: positionType:Xshift,Yshift (for ex.: bottomLeft:+20 or bottomLeft:-20,+10)var positionType=options.promptPosition;if (typeof(positionType)=='string' && positionType.indexOf(":")!=-1)positionType=positionType.substring(0,positionType.indexOf(":"));if (positionType!="bottomRight" && positionType!="bottomLeft") {var prompt_err= methods._getPrompt(first_err);destination=prompt_err.offset().top;}// get the position of the first error, there should be at least one, no need to check this//var destination = form.find(".formError:not('.greenPopup'):first").offset().top;if (options.isOverflown) {var overflowDIV = $(options.overflownDIV);if(!overflowDIV.length) return false;var scrollContainerScroll = overflowDIV.scrollTop();var scrollContainerPos = -parseInt(overflowDIV.offset().top);destination += scrollContainerScroll + scrollContainerPos - 5;var scrollContainer = $(options.overflownDIV + ":not(:animated)");scrollContainer.animate({ scrollTop: destination }, 1100, function(){if(options.focusFirstField) first_err.focus();});} else {$("html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)").animate({scrollTop: destination,scrollLeft: fixleft}, 1100, function(){if(options.focusFirstField) first_err.focus();});}} else if(options.focusFirstField)first_err.focus();return false;}return true;},/*** This method is called to perform an ajax form validation.* During this process all the (field, value) pairs are sent to the server which returns a list of invalid fields or true** @param {jqObject} form* @param {Map} options*/_validateFormWithAjax: function(form, options) {var data = form.serialize();var url = (options.ajaxFormValidationURL) ? options.ajaxFormValidationURL : form.attr("action");$.ajax({type: "GET",url: url,cache: false,dataType: "json",data: data,form: form,methods: methods,options: options,beforeSend: function() {return options.onBeforeAjaxFormValidation(form, options);},error: function(data, transport) {methods._ajaxError(data, transport);},success: function(json) {if (json !== true) {// getting to this case doesn't necessary means that the form is invalid// the server may return green or closing prompt actions// this flag helps figuring it outvar errorInForm=false;for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {var value = json[i];var errorFieldId = value[0];var errorField = $($("#" + errorFieldId)[0]);// make sure we found the elementif (errorField.length == 1) {// promptText or selectorvar msg = value[2];// if the field is validif (value[1] == true) {if (msg == "" || !msg){// if for some reason, status==true and error="", just close the promptmethods._closePrompt(errorField);} else {// the field is valid, but we are displaying a green promptif (options.allrules[msg]) {var txt = options.allrules[msg].alertTextOk;if (txt)msg = txt;}methods._showPrompt(errorField, msg, "pass", false, options, true);}} else {// the field is invalid, show the red error prompterrorInForm|=true;if (options.allrules[msg]) {var txt = options.allrules[msg].alertText;if (txt)msg = txt;}methods._showPrompt(errorField, msg, "", false, options, true);}}}options.onAjaxFormComplete(!errorInForm, form, json, options);} elseoptions.onAjaxFormComplete(true, form, "", options);}});},/*** Validates field, shows prompts accordingly** @param {jqObject}* field* @param {Array[String]}* field's validation rules* @param {Map}* user options* @return true if field is valid*/_validateField: function(field, options, skipAjaxValidation) {if (!field.attr("id"))$.error("jQueryValidate: an ID attribute is required for this field: " + field.attr("name") + " class:" +field.attr("class"));var rulesParsing = field.attr(options.validateAttribute);var getRules = /validate\[(.*)\]/.exec(rulesParsing);if (!getRules)return false;var str = getRules[1];var rules = str.split(/\[|,|\]/);// true if we ran the ajax validation, tells the logic to stop messing with promptsvar isAjaxValidator = false;var fieldName = field.attr("name");var promptText = "";var required = false;options.isError = false;options.showArrow = true;var form = $(field.closest("form"));for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {// Fix for adding spaces in the rulesrules[i] = rules[i].replace(" ", "")var errorMsg = undefined;switch (rules[i]) {case "required":required = true;errorMsg = methods._required(field, rules, i, options);break;case "custom":errorMsg = methods._customRegex(field, rules, i, options);break;case "groupRequired":// Check is its the first of group, if not, reload validation with first field// AND continue normal validation on present fieldvar classGroup = "["+options.validateAttribute+"*=" +rules[i + 1] +"]";var firstOfGroup = form.find(classGroup).eq(0);if(firstOfGroup[0] != field[0]){methods._validateField(firstOfGroup, options, skipAjaxValidation)options.showArrow = true;continue;};errorMsg = methods._groupRequired(field, rules, i, options);if(errorMsg) required = true;options.showArrow = false;break;case "ajax":// ajax has its own prompts handling techniqueif(!skipAjaxValidation){methods._ajax(field, rules, i, options);isAjaxValidator = true;}break;case "minSize":errorMsg = methods._minSize(field, rules, i, options);break;case "maxSize":errorMsg = methods._maxSize(field, rules, i, options);break;case "min":errorMsg = methods._min(field, rules, i, options);break;case "max":errorMsg = methods._max(field, rules, i, options);break;case "past":errorMsg = methods._past(field, rules, i, options);break;case "future":errorMsg = methods._future(field, rules, i, options);break;case "dateRange":var classGroup = "["+options.validateAttribute+"*=" + rules[i + 1] + "]";var firstOfGroup = form.find(classGroup).eq(0);var secondOfGroup = form.find(classGroup).eq(1);//if one entry out of the pair has value then proceed to run through validationif (firstOfGroup[0].value || secondOfGroup[0].value) {errorMsg = methods._dateRange(firstOfGroup, secondOfGroup, rules, i, options);}if (errorMsg) required = true;options.showArrow = false;break;case "dateTimeRange":var classGroup = "["+options.validateAttribute+"*=" + rules[i + 1] + "]";var firstOfGroup = form.find(classGroup).eq(0);var secondOfGroup = form.find(classGroup).eq(1);//if one entry out of the pair has value then proceed to run through validationif (firstOfGroup[0].value || secondOfGroup[0].value) {errorMsg = methods._dateTimeRange(firstOfGroup, secondOfGroup, rules, i, options);}if (errorMsg) required = true;options.showArrow = false;break;case "maxCheckbox":errorMsg = methods._maxCheckbox(form, field, rules, i, options);field = $(form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "']"));break;case "minCheckbox":errorMsg = methods._minCheckbox(form, field, rules, i, options);field = $(form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "']"));break;case "equals":errorMsg = methods._equals(field, rules, i, options);break;case "funcCall":errorMsg = methods._funcCall(field, rules, i, options);break;case "creditCard":errorMsg = methods._creditCard(field, rules, i, options);break;default://$.error("jQueryValidator rule not found"+rules[i]);}if (errorMsg !== undefined) {promptText += errorMsg + " ";options.isError = true;}}// If the rules required is not added, an empty field is not validatedif(!required && field.val() == "") options.isError = false;// Hack for radio/checkbox group button, the validation go into the// first radio/checkbox of the groupvar fieldType = field.prop("type");if ((fieldType == "radio" || fieldType == "checkbox") && form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "']").size() > 1) {field = $(form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "'][type!=hidden]:first"));options.showArrow = false;}if (fieldType == "text" && form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "']").size() > 1) {field = $(form.find("input[name='" + fieldName + "'][type!=hidden]:first"));options.showArrow = false;}if (options.isError){methods._showPrompt(field, promptText, "", false, options);}else{if (!isAjaxValidator) methods._closePrompt(field);}if (!isAjaxValidator) {field.trigger("jqv.field.result", [field, options.isError, promptText]);}/* Record error */var errindex = $.inArray(field[0], options.InvalidFields);if (errindex == -1) {if (options.isError)options.InvalidFields.push(field[0]);} else if (!options.isError) {options.InvalidFields.splice(errindex, 1);}return options.isError;},/*** Required validation** @param {jqObject} field* @param {Array[String]} rules* @param {int} i rules index* @param {Map}* user options* @return an error string if validation failed*/_required: function(field, rules, i, options) {switch (field.prop("type")) {case "text":case "password":case "textarea":case "file":default:if (!($.trim(field.val())))return options.allrules[rules[i]].alertText;break;case "radio":case "checkbox":var form = field.closest("form");var name = field.attr("name");if (form.find("input[name='" + name + "']:checked").size() == 0) {if (form.find("input[name='" + name + "']").size() == 1)return options.allrules[rules[i]].alertTextCheckboxe;elsereturn options.allrules[rules[i]].alertTextCheckboxMultiple;}break;// required for
本文首先介绍下MongoDB的基本的增删改查操作,然后,详细介绍MongoDB提供的修改器,以完成各种各样的文档更新操作 MongoDB的主要操作
show dbs 显示当前用户能看到哪些数据库
use foobar 将数据库切换到foobar
show collections 显示当前数据库有哪些集合
The alert log is a chronological log of messages and errors, and includes the following items:
All internal errors (ORA-00600), block corruption errors (ORA-01578), and deadlock errors (ORA-00060)
由于几年前写了几篇 CAS 系列的文章,之后陆续有人参照文章去实现,可都遇到了各种问题,同时经常或多或少的收到不少人的求助。现在这时特此说明几点:
1. 那些文章发表于好几年前了,CAS 已经更新几个很多版本了,由于近年已经没有做该领域方面的事情,所有文章也没有持续更新。
2. 文章只是提供思路,尽管 CAS 版本已经发生变化,但原理和流程仍然一致。最重要的是明白原理,然后
lesson 课
traffic 交通
matter 要紧;事物
happy 快乐的,幸福的
second 第二的
idea 主意;想法;意见
mean 意味着
important 重要的,重大的
never 从来,决不
afraid 害怕 的
fifth 第五的
hometown 故乡,家乡
discuss 讨论;议论
east 东方的
agree 同意;赞成
public class MetalSinger implements Singer{
public String sing(String lyrics) {
return "I am singing with DIO voice