camera tuning的常用缩写

CC, color conversion,色彩转换

CC, color correction,色彩矫正

CE, chroma enhancement,色度增强

SNR,signal-to-noise ratio,信噪比

SNR, skin noise reduce,肤色降噪

STD, standard deviation,标准差

OIS, optical image stabilization 光学稳像

PDAF,phase detection auto focus,相位对焦

CPP: camera post processor,摄像头后处理

ZSL: zero shutter log,零延时拍照

ABF: adaptive bayer filter,自适应bayer滤波器

CCM: color correction matrix

ASF: adaptive spatial filter,自适应空间滤波器

ACE,advanced chroma enhancement,高级色度增强

AEC, auto exposure control,自动曝光控制

AFD,automatic flicker detection,频闪自动检测

PLD,Physical Layer Driver,物理层驱动



CFA,color fillter array色彩滤镜阵列

BAF,bayer AF

LA,luma adaptation,亮度调整



ABCC,assisted bad cluster correction,辅助坏点族校正


IAF:instant auto focus,即时AF

DDM, dense depth map

LCA,logic cell array,逻辑单元阵列

WNR,wavelet noise reduction,小波降噪

LUT,lookup table查找表

MCC, macbenth color checker,macbeth麦克白色卡



CCT,correlated color temperature,关联色温

SWG,simple gray world,简单灰世界

ROI,Region of interest,感兴趣区域



AFR,auto FPS rate,自动帧率

MCE,memory color enhancement,记忆色增强

SCE,skin color enhancement,肤色增强

CT,Color Temperature,色温

IQ, image quality,图像品质

IS, image stabilization,图像稳定

HAF,hybrid auto focus,混合对焦

CAF,continuous auto focus,自动对焦

CAF(contrast AF),持续AF


GM,golden 模组

RDI, raw dump interface,原始数据转存端口

QTI, Qualcomm Technologies Inc

DCC, defocus conversion coefficient

SLR, single-lens-reflex,单反

PD,phase detection,相位检测

PD,phase difference,相位差

BPP, bits per pixel

DAC,digital to analog converter

AFR,auto frame rate

AWB, automatic white balance,自动白平衡

CAC,color aliasing correction

CAC,color artifact correction

CAC, chromatrix aberration correction

GIC, green imbalannce correction

DPC, defective pixel correction

LTM, local tone mapping,局部色调映射


VFE, Video front end,视觉前端

APL, average picture level

MLC,misleading color,误导性颜色。

DCIAF,dual camera instant auto focus

VPE,Video preprocessing 视频预处理

SAD,Sum of Absolute Difference

SADR, SAD with respect

HPF, High Pass Filter

FOV, field of view,视场角

RNR, radial noise Reduction

RMS,root mean squared

TOF(time-of-flight), 激光对焦

DCIF(duall camera instant AF),

MVAVG,moving average

HVX, hexagon vector eXtension

lc, line counter

FIR, finite impulse response,有限脉冲响应

IIR, infinite impulse response,无限脉冲响应

FIR, finite impulse response digital filter

