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var app = new Vue({
el: '#wrap',
data: {
customKeyboard: true,//自定义键盘的显示隐藏,false隐藏,true显示
paymentAmount: '',//支付金额
remarks: '',//备注内容
inputValue: [],//输入的数字
// 在 'methods' 对象中定义方法
methods: {
thisFocus() {
remarksFun() {
var that = this;
var dialog = new auiDialog();
title: "填写备注",
msg: '=====',
buttons: ['取消', '确定'],
input: true //是否有input输入框
}, function (ret) {
if (ret.buttonIndex) {
that.remarks = ret.text;
deleteFun() {
if (!this.paymentAmount.length) return false;
this.paymentAmount = this.paymentAmount.substring(0, this.paymentAmount.length - 1);
input(data) {
if (this.paymentAmount.indexOf('.') > -1) {
this.paymentAmount = this.paymentAmount
if (this.paymentAmount.indexOf('.') > -1 && this.paymentAmount.substring(this.paymentAmount.indexOf('.') + 1).length < 2)
this.paymentAmount = this.paymentAmount + data;
if (!(this.paymentAmount.indexOf('.') > -1)) {
if (data == 0 && this.paymentAmount.length == 0) {
this.paymentAmount = '0.';
} else if (data == '.' && this.paymentAmount.length == 0) {
this.paymentAmount = '0.';
} else {
if (this.paymentAmount.length && Number(this.paymentAmount.charAt(0)) === 0) return;
this.paymentAmount = this.paymentAmount + data;
sumbitFun() {
var payAmount = this.paymentAmount;//支付金额
var remarksInput = this.remarks;//获取备注
if (payAmount == '' || payAmount == null || payAmount == undefined) {
content: '请输入支付金额',
skin: 'msg',
time: 2 //2秒后自动关闭
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
create: function () { }