
1. Side channel attacks

A). Simple power analysis(SPA)
B). Differential power analysis(DPA)
C). Differential fault analysis(DFA)
D). Higher Order DPA
E). EMA attacks
F). Differential EMA attacks(DEMA)

2. Physical attacks

A). Hardware reverse engineering
B). Probing

3. Perturbation attacks

A). Voltage glitch
B). Laser glitch

4. Explotation fo test features

A). Re-enable some on-chip test functions to read out secrets
Software attacks

A). Explore software bugs and/or security holes in API


5. Differential fault analysis

Differential fault analysis (DFA) is a type of side channel attack in the field of cryptography, specifically cryptanalysis. The principle is to induce faults—unexpected environmental conditions—into cryptographic implementations, to reveal their internal states.
