Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Seniors Technology Assistant at Shepherd Village

(An English version of this message follows)

Shepherd Village是一家位于Scarborough的非盈利慈善养老院。目前,该机构正在招募seniors technology assistant,负责教老年人使用现代科技。感兴趣的同学可以阅读下面的招聘启事(注:启事里的招聘链接无法使用,请点击这里

Shepherd Village is a not-for-profit seniors home in Scarborough. It is currently looking for seniors technology assistant, responsible for teaching seniors to use modern techology. If you are interested, please see the call for volunteers below. (Please note the application link in the image cannot be used. You can click here to access it:

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Seniors Technology Assistant at Shepherd Village_第1张图片

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Seniors Technology Assistant at Shepherd Village_第2张图片
Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Seniors Technology Assistant at Shepherd Village_第3张图片
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