
China’s Weibo eclipses rival Twitter’s market capitalization


China’s Weibo eclipses rival Twitter’s market capitalization

[ eclipse] vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色

Eg. Jiuzhaigou Valley’s beauty eclipses the modern girls.

China’s Weibo is worth more than US rival Twitter, after a rallying share pricedrove its market capitalisation to 11.1bn.

[rallying] v. rally的现在分词, 恢复;价格回升, 集合起来;嘲笑

Eg. The market capitalization of the tech company has been rallying.

By contrast, shares in Weibo, part-owned by Alibaba, have been climbing on the back of a rising number of subscribers and its growing ability to wring more cash out of them.

[ wring] twist and press out of shape

Eg. “Yes, of course, but there’s no wood!” Hermione cried, wringing her hands.

Weibo came close to eclipsing Twitter when the latter’s shares tumbled in October when it transpired that rumoured suitors, including Walt Disney and Salesforce, had failed to materialise.

[transpire] vi. (事实, 秘密等)被人知道, 泄露, 显露发生

Eg. It later transpired that he hadn’t been telling the truth.

[ rumour] n. 谣言vt. 传闻

Eg. The rumour is beyond belief.

he switchover comes as China’s technology groups are narrowing the gap withtheir western rivals on various metrics — and in many more cases are overtaking them in terms of offerings to consumers.

[be narrowing the gap with … on …]正在缩小与…在某方面的差距

Eg. She is struggling to narrow the gap with her classmates on math.

One area where some Chinese companies have lagged behind substantially is in monetising their subscriber bases

[lag] vi. 滞后;缓缓而行;蹒跚

Eg. She has lagged behind in her math.

The social platform ad market is very nascent in China

[nascent] adj. 初期的;开始存在的,发生中的

Eg. The space industry is nascent in China.

While Weibo has been dubbed China’s Twitter it is in some ways more akin to YouTube with a dash of Instagram thrown in.

[dub] vt. [电影]配音;授予称号;轻点;打击

Eg. He was dubbed a superman.


Trump bump 特朗普冲击

“特朗普冲击”将在2017年影响美国以及全球经济。新当选总统特朗普将于2017年1月20日上任。特朗普当选美国总统是2016年的“黑天鹅”事件之一,而特朗普本人也被广泛认为是美国历史上“最有个性的总统”之一。特朗普的施政原可以凝练地概括为“美国优先”(America First)。其中,他最关注、也最明确的经济目标是——“让美国实现5%的名义GDP经济增长”。为此,特朗普提出了与美国现行政策诸多不一致的政策主张。




