dynamic crm 批量删除数据

代码来源:BulkDeleteRequest 类


            // Create a condition for a bulk delete request.
            // NOTE: This sample uses very specific queries for deleting records
            // that have been manually exported in order to free space.
            //QueryExpression opportunitiesQuery = BuildOpportunityQuery();
            QueryExpression opportunitiesQuery = new QueryExpression();
            opportunitiesQuery.EntityName = "";//要查询的实体
            opportunitiesQuery.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("");//要查询的字段
            opportunitiesQuery.Criteria.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;//查询条件
            opportunitiesQuery.Criteria.AddCondition(new ConditionExpression("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0));

            // Create the bulk delete request.
            BulkDeleteRequest bulkDeleteRequest = new BulkDeleteRequest();

            // Set the request properties.
            bulkDeleteRequest.JobName = "Backup Bulk Delete";

            // Querying activities
            bulkDeleteRequest.QuerySet = new QueryExpression[]

            // Set the start time for the bulk delete.
            bulkDeleteRequest.StartDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Set the required recurrence pattern.
            bulkDeleteRequest.RecurrencePattern = String.Empty;

            // Set email activity properties.
            bulkDeleteRequest.SendEmailNotification = false;
            // Gets or sets an array of IDs for the system users(users) who are listed in the
            // To box of an email notification. Required.
            bulkDeleteRequest.ToRecipients = new Guid[] { currentUserId };
            bulkDeleteRequest.CCRecipients = new Guid[] { };

            // Submit the bulk delete job.
            // NOTE: Because this is an asynchronous operation, the response will be immediate.
            //_bulkDeleteResponse =
            //   (BulkDeleteResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(bulkDeleteRequest);
            Console.WriteLine("The bulk delete operation has been requested.");

