

1.1 获取当前完整时间

select now();
select now(); now ------------------------------- 2013-04-12 15:39:40.399711+08 (1 row)
current_timestamp 同 now() 函数等效。
 select current_timestamp; now ------------------------------- 2013-04-12 15:40:22.398709+08 (1 row) 

1.2 获取当前日期

select current_date;
select current_date; date ------------ 2013-04-12 (1 row) 

1.3 获取当前时间

select current_time;
select current_time; timetz -------------------- 15:43:31.101726+08 (1 row) 


select now(); now ------------------------------- 2013-04-12 15:47:13.244721+08 (1 row)

2.1 两年后

 select now() + interval '2 years';
 ?column? ------------------------------- 2015-04-12 15:49:03.168851+08 (1 row) 

select now() + interval '2 year';
 ?column? ------------------------------- 2015-04-12 15:49:12.378727+08 (1 row) 

select now() + interval '2 y'; ?column? ------------------------------ 2015-04-12 15:49:25.46986+08 (1 row)

select now() + interval '2 Y'; 
?column? ------------------------------- 2015-04-12 15:49:28.410853+08 (1 row) 

select now() + interval '2Y';
 ?column? ------------------------------- 2015-04-12 15:49:31.122831+08 (1 row)

2.2 一个月后

select now() + interval '1 month';
 ?column? ------------------------------ 2013-05-12 15:51:22.24373+08 (1 row) 

select now() + interval 'one month'; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type interval: "one month" LINE 1: select now() + interval 'one month';

2.3 三周前

select now() - interval '3 week'; 
?column? ------------------------------- 2013-03-22 16:00:04.203735+08 (1 row) 

2.4 十分钟后

select now() + '10 min'; 
?column? ------------------------------- 2013-04-12 16:12:47.445744+08 (1 row) 
interval 可以不写,其值可以是:
Abbreviation	Meaning
Y	Years
M	Months (in the date part)
W	Weeks
D	Days
H	Hours
M	Minutes (in the time part)
S	Seconds

2.5 计算两个时间差

使用 age(timestamp, timestamp)
david=# select age(now(), timestamp '1989-02-05'); 
age ---------------------------------------- 24 years 2 mons 7 days 17:05:49.119848 (1 row)
select age(timestamp '2007-09-15'); age ------------------------ 5 years 6 mons 27 days (1 row)


在开发过程中,经常要取日期的年,月,日,小时等值,PostgreSQL 提供一个非常便利的EXTRACT函数。

EXTRACT(field FROM source)

field 表示取的时间对象,source 表示取的日期来源,类型为 timestamp、time 或 interval。

3.1 取年份

 select extract(year from now()); date_part ----------- 2013 (1 row) 

3.2 取月份

select extract(month from now()); date_part ----------- 4 (1 row) 
select extract(day from timestamp '2013-04-13'); date_part ----------- 13 (1 row) 
SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM INTERVAL '40 days 1 minute'); date_part ----------- 40 (1 row) 

3.3 查看今天是一年中的第几天

select extract(doy from now()); date_part ----------- 102 (1 row) 

3.4 查看现在距1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 的秒数

select extract(epoch from now()); date_part ------------------ 1365755907.94474 (1 row) 

3.5 把epoch 值转换回时间戳

SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + 1369755555 * INTERVAL '1 second'; ?column? ------------------------ 2013-05-28 23:39:15+08 (1 row) 
adate varchar(12) 201610101010 

要筛选 adate > 系统时间 的数据。

你的adate的格式是否为年月日时分(示例就变成2016-10-10 10:10),可以用to_timestamp转换为日期时间值:
to_timestamp(adate, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MI')
where adate > to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MI')
= to_date(#{beginDate},'YYYY-MM-DD')
replace(o.isbn,'-','') = #{search_value}
