run Create Intercompany AR Invoices completed with Warning,以下为logfile
Oracle Inventory: Version : 11.0.28 - Development
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1991. All rights reserved.
INCIAR module: Create Intercompany AR Invoices
Current system time is 29-JUL-2008 18:56:25
Create Intercompany AR Invoices
Shipping Operating Unit ...
Line Description ..........
Current system time is 29-JUL-2008 18:56:27
Current system time is 29-JUL-2008 18:56:29
Shipping operating unit profile
organization_id ..... 42 < GRP ST (H.K.) Ltd >
legal_entity_id ..... 42 < GRP ST(H.K.) Ltd >
set_of_books_id ..... 23 < SOB GRP ST(HKD) >
chart_of_accts_id ... 50153
currency_code ....... HKD
Selling operating unit profile
organization_id ..... 2 < GRP ST Ltd >
legal_entity_id ..... 2 < GRP ST Ltd >
set_of_books_id ..... 1 < SOB GRP ST(SGD) >
chart_of_accts_id ... 101
currency_code ....... SGD
APP-01564: ORACLE error 1722 in inilgov()
Cause: inilgov() failed due to ORA-01722: invalid number
The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: and was executed from the file .
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Selling operating unit profile
organization_id ..... 102 < GRP Tech Pte Ltd >
legal_entity_id ..... 102 < GRP Tech Pte Ltd >
set_of_books_id ..... 82 < SOB zuno (SGD) >
chart_of_accts_id ... 101
currency_code ....... SGD
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Selling operating unit profile
organization_id ..... 262 < AZ TG Sdn Bhd >
legal_entity_id ..... 262 < AZ TG Sdn Bhd >
set_of_books_id ..... 162 < SOB AZ TG (MYR) >
chart_of_accts_id ... 50253
currency_code ....... MYR
APP-05700: Warning: Mandatory Intercompany Relation not defined
Cause: The selling and shipping operating unitbelong to different legal entities but the intercompanyrelation has not been defined.
Action: Use the Define Intercompany Relations formto define the intercompany relation between these twooperating units.
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
Selling operating unit profile
organization_id ..... 282 < GRP IT Ltd >
legal_entity_id ..... 282 < GRP IT Ltd >
set_of_books_id ..... 182 < SOB GRP IT (HKD) >
chart_of_accts_id ... 50153
currency_code ....... HKD
Warning: Cannot create invoice line
0 shipment transaction(s) selected.
0 shipment transaction(s) processed.
0 shipment transaction(s) rejected.
Concurrent request completed
ORA-01722: invalid number
Executing request completion options...
Output is not being printed because:
Program failed to set the report print style.
Finished executing request completion options.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 29-JUL-2008 18:56:30
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