这个多部分文章系列的第5部分向您介绍IBM Rational Application Developer中的工具和开发实践,用于在IBM Workload Deployer上开发和测试虚拟应用程序模式。
该系列的前几篇文章探讨了IBMPureApplication®System和可帮助您评估,准备企业应用程序并将其迁移到虚拟系统模式的技术。 在评估现有企业应用程序或设计新应用程序时,您可能决定使用虚拟应用程序模式而不是虚拟系统模式。
注: IBM Rational Application Developer中与IBM Workload Deployer一起使用的所有功能也将与IBM PureApplication System一起使用。
开发虚拟应用程序模式不仅仅是将诸如企业应用程序,Web应用程序,OSGi应用程序和数据库之类的组件连接在一起。 它还涉及使用普通软件开发人员熟悉的语言和工具来实现那些组件的业务逻辑。 例如,Web应用程序组件的业务逻辑可能包含Java™类,OSGi包,HTML页面,JavaScript函数和CSS样式表。 这些是软件开发人员在正常工作日内编辑,运行和测试的工件的类型。 至关重要的是,向虚拟应用程序模式的过渡不会破坏开发人员的生命。
用于WebSphere®软件的IBM Rational Application Developer已经丰富了各种工具,这些工具将编写代码的学科与组装虚拟应用程序模式的学科联系起来。
本教程是为Rational Application Developer V8.0.4和IBM Workload Deployer V3.1编写的。 您必须访问至少定义了一个环境配置文件的Workload Deployer V3.1或更高版本。 您在Workload Deployer上的用户帐户需要以下权限。 要检查您的权限,请从Workload Deployer仪表板中选择“ 系统” >“ 用户 ”,然后找到并选择您的用户帐户。 仪表板显示用户帐户的特征,包括您的权限,即您有权或不有权执行的活动。 选择用户帐户后,请确认至少存在以下权限并选中。
您必须安装具有以下功能的Rational Application Developer V8.0.4或更高版本,如Installation Manager中所示(请参见图1):
注:如果您在本地安装了WebSphere Application Server V7.0,则可以跳过此功能。
注意:本教程的所有资源都可以从Rational Application Developer信息中心获得 。
首先,在新的工作空间上启动Rational Application Developer,然后将“ OSGi Hello World”和“ Ajax Hello World”样本导入您的工作空间。
此示例演示了基本的OSGi应用程序。 您将在本教程的后面部分将其用作应用程序模式组件的实现。
该样本是基于Dojo和Ajax技术的基本Web应用程序。 您将在本教程的后面部分将其用作应用程序模式组件的实现。
注意:该示例的信息页可能会指出“要使用此示例,必须安装Feature Pack for Web 2.0”。 您可以忽略此。
您的工作区中还需要一个项目,以便在本教程的后面部分使用。 就本教程而言,该项目不需要包含任何源代码。 您不必导入另一个示例,而只需创建一个新的空Web项目。
。 Webby
添加到您的工作区中。 在Rational Application Developer中, 服务器 (也称为服务器配置或服务器适配器 )是代表托管测试环境的应用程序的逻辑对象,例如HTTP预览服务器,IBM Mashup Server,WebSphere Application Server概要文件或服务器。工作负载部署程序。 您不需要Workload Deployer服务器即可开发Java企业,Web或OSGi应用程序。 但是,在开始使用应用程序模式之前,应该已经定义了Workload Deployer服务器,并且必须定义了Workload Deployer服务器才能将应用程序模式从Rational Application Developer 发布和部署到Workload Deployer。 通常,您需要早于晚些时候创建Workload Deployer服务器。
在本部分的教程中,您将创建一个Workload Deployer服务器,并通过Rational Application Developer 服务器视图学习如何使用它。
注: Rational Application Developer允许您使用相同的主机名或地址创建多个Workload Deployer服务器。 通常,每个Workload Deployer只需一台服务器配置就足够了,但是在某些情况下,多于一台服务器可能是有用的。 例如,如果您打算将应用程序部署到同一Workload Deployer,但是部署到不同的环境配置文件或云组,则可以使用不同的环境配置文件和云组选择来创建不同的服务器配置。
Rational Application Developer花一点时间联系并检索有关您在向导上一页中指定的Workload Deployer的信息,包括其版本以及任何已定义的环境概要文件和云组的名称。
如果Rational Application Developer无法联系Workload Deployer,请确保您在上一页中输入了正确的主机名或IP地址,并确保Rational Application Developer与Workload Deployer之间具有网络连接。 如果需要,请咨询网络管理员以获取帮助。
一旦Rational Application Developer从Workload Deployer成功加载了所需的信息,新的控件就会出现在向导页面上,供您选择环境概要文件和云组。
注意:在环境配置文件下部署虚拟应用程序模式的支持已添加到Workload Deployer V3.1中。 以早期版本的Workload Deployer为目标时,Rational Application Developer不会显示用于选择环境概要文件的控件。
注意:将云应用程序模式部署到PureApplication System时,不允许使用云组。 在PureApplication System中定位Workload Deployer时,Rational Application Developer不会显示用于选择云组的控件。
,并且调度了一个简短的后台作业( Building server descriptor
),该作业从Workload Deployer中检索更多信息。
在Workload Deployer服务器上有几种操作可用。 如果您熟悉使用Rational Application Developer为WebSphere Application Server开发,那么其中一些操作看起来很熟悉。 其他是Workload Deployer服务器所独有的。
请注意,通常可用于其他类型的服务器的“ Start
,“ Stop,
和“ Restart
操作为灰色。 诸如WebSphere Application Server之类的传统服务器是从Rational Application Developer启动和停止的软件过程。 相比之下,Workload Deployer和PureApplication System是物理设备,连接到电源,配备了电源开关,并且很可能已部署供许多人使用。 无法从Rational Application Developer远程关闭或启动Workload Deployer。
行动 | 说明 |
打开 | 打开服务器编辑器。 |
发布 | 将工作区中对虚拟应用程序模式的未决更改发布到Workload Deployer。 应用程序模式及其工件会根据需要进行更新。 如果已经从Rational Application Developer部署了模式,则根据更改的性质,还将更新或替换已部署的虚拟应用程序。 |
添加和删除... | 打开“添加和删除”对话框,该对话框用于在Workload Deployer中添加(发布)和删除虚拟应用程序模式。 |
连接 | 将Rational Application Developer连接到Workload Deployer。 Rational Application Developer通过定期ping通以确保它可以通过网络访问,从而维护了到Workload Deployer的被动连接。 |
断开 | 将Rational Application Developer与Workload Deployer断开连接。 Rational Application Developer停止对Workload Deployer进行ping操作,并将其视为无法访问,即使它仍在运行并且可以通过网络使用。 |
更新服务器描述符... | 确定Rational Application Developer保留的关于Workload Deployer的描述性信息是否是最新的。 如果信息已过期,那么Rational Application Developer会提供更新信息。 |
检查应用程序同步 | 确定从Rational Application Developer发布或获取到Rational Application Developer的应用程序模式是否已在Workload Deployer上更改。 |
获取云应用 | 在Workload Deployer上将应用程序模式获取到Rational Application Developer工作空间中。 |
启动仪表板 | 在浏览器中打开Workload Deployer仪表板。 |
本节包含服务器的Workload Deployer类型所独有的大多数控件,其中一些控件的作用与它们在“新建服务器”向导中的名称相同。
更新描述符按钮确定自上次更新以来,有关Rational Application Developer重要的Workload Deployer的信息(例如其版本,插件列表和受支持的组件类型)是否已更改。 如果有,则可以选择加载更新的信息。
Rational Application Developer通过定期ping通它来保持与Workload Deployer的连接。 服务器ping间隔和超时值控制Rational Application Developer对Workload Deployer进行ping的频率,以及Rational Application Developer在宣布服务器断开连接之前等待对每个ping的响应的时间。
提示:取消选中首次添加到服务器时自动启动应用程序的选项。 在Workload Deployer中,创建(发布)应用程序模式与部署它之间有区别。 差异反映在Rational Application Developer中。 缺省情况下,当您将虚拟应用程序模式添加到Workload Deployer服务器时,Rational Application Developer在Workload Deployer中发布(创建)该模式,但不进行部署。 您可以在以后任何时候通过使用Enterprise Explorer中的“运行方式”>“在服务器上运行”操作或“服务器”视图中的“ 启动”操作来部署模式。
如果选中“ 自动启动 ”选项,Rational Application Developer在发布模式后立即部署模式。 通常,在部署模式之前,您想在Workload Deployer中使用Virtual Application Builder编辑模式。 因此,由于部署需要花费几分钟,因此您完全可以控制何时部署应用程序模式。
Workload Deployer服务器的发布设置具有与WebSphere Application Server相同的目的和作用。 默认情况下,自动发布处于关闭状态。 您可以启用自动发布,并控制Rational Application Developer检查要发布的更改的时间间隔。
提示:保留“ 从不发布自动检查”选项。 根据您对应用程序所做更改的性质,将更改发布到Workload Deployer可能需要几秒钟到几分钟。 从不自动发布选项可以让您控制何时将更改发布到Workload Deployer。
对于Workload Deployer服务器,这些值控制Rational Application Developer等待操作开始或停止完成应用程序模式的部署完成的时间。 如果超过了超时值,那么Rational Application Developer会引发错误,指出虚拟应用程序模式的部署或终止未在分配的时间内完成。
请注意,这些超时值与WebSphere Application Server的含义稍有不同,在WebSphere Application Server中,它们适用于服务器(而不是应用程序)的启动和关闭。
有两种方法可以在Rational Application Developer和Workload Deployer之间创建应用程序模式。 您可以基于工作空间中选择的Java企业,Web或OSGi应用程序项目,在Rational Application Developer中创建新的骨架应用程序模式,并将其发布到Workload Deployer。 或者,您可以在Workload Deployer中创建一个应用程序模式,并将其获取到Rational Application Developer工作空间中。 后一种方法在这两种方法中较为常见,在第5部分中介绍。在Workload Deployer中创建应用程序模式。 两种方法都可以创建一个应用程序模式,该模式可以有效地驻留在Workload Deployer仓库和Rational Application Developer工作空间中。
在本部分的教程中,您将使用Rational Application Developer创建新的骨架虚拟应用程序模式,以准备将其发布到Workload Deployer。
虚拟应用程序模式由工作空间中的普通文件表示。 它们可以保存在任何类型的项目中。 但是,最好将它们放在一个专门用于保存虚拟应用程序模式的项目中。
注意: “新建云应用程序文件”向导警告您不要在特定类型的项目(包括Java EE,Web和OSGi应用程序项目)中存储虚拟应用程序模式文件。 发出此警告的最简单原因是,虚拟应用程序模式文件在此类项目中没有意义。 如果在这些项目类型之一中创建或修改了虚拟应用程序模式文件,则可能会不必要地标记该项目以进行重新发布。 请记住,虚拟应用程序模式文件由Java EE,Web和OSGi应用程序项目组成-并非相反。
在这种情况下, 描述符实际上是对实际或典型Workload Deployer关键功能的描述。 您选择的描述符与工具其他方面的行为有关。
例如,如果选择版本3.0的实际或典型Workload Deployer的描述符,则Web应用程序模式类型2.0将从“模式类型”组合框中排除,因为该模式类型仅在Workload Deployer V3.1或更高版本中可用。
实际的描述符对应于Rational Application Developer中定义的Workload Deployer服务器配置的主机名或IP地址。 实际描述符中存储的信息是从Workload Deployer下载的。
典型的描述符已预加载到Rational Application Developer中。 它们代表标准安装的Workload Deployer的功能。 如果您需要开始在Rational Application Developer中开发虚拟应用程序模式,但是没有实际的Workload Deployer可以使用,那么典型的描述符就很有用。
Rational Application Developer V8.0.4支持两种模式类型:
注意 :实际上,通常为您的组件选择一个更具描述性的名称,但是出于本教程的目的,默认名称是可以接受的。
此列表显示工作空间中的所有项目,可用于实现Rational Application Developer和Workload Deployer支持的组件类型,即Web应用程序(WAR),Java EE企业应用程序(EAR)和OSGi应用程序(EBA)项目。
筛选器复选框控制列表中显示哪些类型的项目。 例如,如果取消选中EAR和OSGi复选框,则应用程序项目列表将缩小以仅显示AjaxHello_WEB
, HelloWorld
请注意,“ 编辑”和“ 删除”按钮可用于更改关联。 现在不要使用它们。
Rational Application Developer将新的虚拟应用程序模式JSON文件Webby.json生成到Cloud apps项目中名为applicationModels的预定文件夹中。 在企业资源管理器中,展开Cloud apps项目,然后展开其applicationModels文件夹以显示文件Webby.json。
重要:打开编辑器主要是为了提供信息。 除非您是高级用户,否则请在Workload Deployer虚拟应用程序构建器中而不是 Rational Application Developer中的JSON编辑器中执行虚拟应用程序模式的所有编辑。
虚拟应用程序模式JSON文件是常规的工作区文件资源。 因此,在上下文菜单中可以使用几种标准动作。 这些操作中只有两个是特定于文件的Workload Deployer性质的。
通过Workload Deployer描述符属性页面,您可以更改用于指导虚拟应用程序模式开发的描述符。 页面的“详细信息”部分仅供参考。 您使用“样式”类型或“支持”组件控件进行的任何更改或选择都将被忽略。
第一次将虚拟应用程序模式JSON文件添加到给定项目时,Rational Application Developer为该项目配备IBM Workload Deployer Application构面。
默认情况下,常规项目(例如您在本教程此部分开始时创建的项目)不包括验证构建器。 Rational Application Developer中的验证器将忽略没有验证构建器的项目,如“ 首选项”>“验证”下所示,包括Cloud Application Validator。
第一次将虚拟应用程序模式JSON文件添加到给定项目时,Rational Application Developer会为该项目配备此方面。 该方面可帮助Rational Application Developer工作负载部署程序工具快速识别包含虚拟应用程序模式的项目。
在开发应用程序模式期间,您会发现自己编辑了两种工件-虚拟应用程序模式和模式中组件的源代码。 Rational Application Developer提供了用于编辑源代码的集成开发环境。 Workload Deployer提供了Virtual Application Builder,用于编辑虚拟应用程序模式。 要编辑在Rational Application Developer中创建的应用程序模式,必须将应用程序模式发布到Workload Deployer。 这完成了两个关键任务:
请注意,发布与部署不同。 当您在Rational Application Developer中将应用程序模式发布到Workload Deployer时,该模式将添加到Workload Deployer仓库中的虚拟应用程序模式集。 缺省情况下,Rational Application Developer不部署应用程序模式的实例(尽管可以使用该选项的一个选项)。
在教程的此部分中,您将应用程序模式发布到Workload Deployer,并在Rational Application Developer服务器视图和Workload Deployer仪表板中观察效果。
Rational Application Developer调度一个后台作业以导出虚拟应用程序模式并将其发布到Workload Deployer。
几秒钟后,Workload Deployer服务器的状态将变为[Connected, Publishing...]
并在Rational Application Developer发布应用程序时保持这种状态。
After a few more seconds, provided publication is successful, the state and status of the Workload Deployer server changes to [Connected, Synchronized]
, and the state and status of the Webby application appears as [Stopped, Synchronized]
, as shown in Figure 16.
The status of "Synchronized" indicates that the virtual application pattern in the Rational Application Developer workspace and on Workload Deployer is in sync with each other. The application state of "Stopped" indicates that Rational Application Developer has published, but not deployed, the virtual application pattern.
Note: You can expand the virtual application pattern to reveal the associated application projects and their constituent modules. However, this is for information purposes only.
Several actions are available on an application under a Workload Deployer server in the Servers view. If you are familiar with using Rational Application Developer to develop for the WebSphere Application Server, some of the actions look familiar. Others are unique to Workload Deployer applications.
In the Servers view, right-click on the published virtual application pattern to open the context menu and review several of its actions. Do not select any of the actions at this time. Table 2 shows the actions in the context menu of an application under a Workload Deployer server and explains what they do.
行动 | 说明 |
开始 | Deploys the application pattern on Workload Deployer. |
停止 | Terminates the application instance that was previously deployed from Rational Application Developer. |
重新开始 | Restarts a Rational Application Developer deployed application pattern. |
去掉 | Removes an application pattern from Workload Deployer, and is equivalent to using the Add and Remove dialog. If there exists a virtual application instance previously deployed from Rational Application Developer, the instance is terminated. |
重新获取 | Reacquires an application pattern from Workload Deployer into the Rational Application Developer workspace. |
Detach | Severs the tie between the application pattern in Rational Application Developer and on Workload Deployer. |
Get information | Opens a dialog with information about the published or deployed application pattern on Workload Deployer. |
Note: The other applications in the list may differ from what is shown here.
Depending upon your preferred browser, the Virtual Application Builder opens in a new browser tab or a new browser window.
In the previous two parts of the tutorial, you created a skeletal application pattern in Rational Application Developer and published it to Workload Deployer. While this is a convenient way to quickly wrap a new application pattern around existing projects in your workspace, it is more common to create application patterns in Workload Deployer with the full power of the Virtual Application Builder.
In this part of the tutorial, you create a new web application pattern in Workload Deployer.
. Just as publishing an application pattern created in Rational Application Developer to Workload Deployer establishes a link between the pattern in your workspace and the pattern on Workload Deployer, so does acquiring an application pattern created in Workload Deployer into Rational Application Developer. Publication and acquisition also have the effect of synchronizing the application pattern between Rational Application Developer and Workload Deployer. The pivotal difference is in the direction of the synchronization.
Note: Unlike for publication, Rational Application Developer does not support the acquisition of component artifacts. It only supports the acquisition of the application pattern model.
In this part of the tutorial, you acquire the application you created in Part 5. Creating application patterns in Workload Deployer into Rational Application Developer .
A progress dialog appears for a few moments while Rational Application Developer retrieves from Workload Deployer the list of virtual application patterns you are permitted to read. The application you created in the previous part of the tutorial, AjaxHelloWeb, appears near the top of the list of Cloud Applications.
with the name AjaxHelloWeb.json
. The Rational Application Developer tools for Workload Deployer include a validator that detects a small number of significant warning and error conditions. Near the end of the previous set of steps, you did not associate a project to the Web Application component. As an example, one of the conditions the validator detects is the presence of components of types recognized by Rational Application Developer that do not have associated projects.
Component Web Application does not have an association
. Explanation: Rational Application Developer is calling to your attention that you have a component without an associated project. In practice, this may indicate a problem, or it may not. For example, if one of your colleagues is responsible for providing the associated project, then it is likely you neither have nor need the project in your workspace and you can ignore the warning.
. Rational Application Developer dispatches a background job to export and publish the updated virtual application pattern to Workload Deployer. After a few moments, the publication job completes normally, and the state and status of the AjaxHelloWeb virtual application pattern change to [Stopped, Synchronized]
After you have published an application pattern, it is available in the Workload Deployer storehouse for you and possibly others to access or update. For example, you may use the Virtual Application Builder to wire components together or configure policies. A teammate may acquire your application pattern into another Rational Application Developer workspace, then publish updates back to the pattern in the storehouse. Because the development of application patterns and their components is shared between Rational Application Developer and Workload Deployer, Rational Application Developer includes a few features to help keep application patterns synchronized between the Rational Application Developer workspace and the Workload Deployer storehouse.
In this part of the tutorial, you edit the application pattern that you created in Part 5. Creating application patterns in Workload Deployer, detect the change from Rational Application Developer, then reacquire the application pattern into the Rational Application Developer workspace to bring it into sync with the pattern on Workload Deployer.
By default, Rational Application Developer checks every 60 seconds for changes to published or acquired virtual application patterns, but you can change or disable this interval, or manually initiate a check.
Note: Rational Application Developer V8.0.4 does not detect changes to the component artifacts of an application pattern.
[Stopped, Reacquire]
. The status of Reacquire (Figure 26) indicates that the virtual application pattern has changed in some way on Workload Deployer since the last time it was synchronized with (for example, published from or acquired into) Rational Application Developer. We recommend that you reacquire the application pattern into Rational Application Developer to get it back into sync.
The wizard detects two components in the virtual application pattern:
Web Application
existed in Rational Application Developer before, and remains associated to project AjaxHello_WEB. OSGi Application
is new to Rational Application Developer, and does not yet have an associated project. Like at the end of Part 6. Acquiring application patterns into Rational Application Developer , you have just associated a workspace project to a component, effectively changing the application pattern. Therefore, publish the application pattern with the newly associated OSGi application project back to Workload Deployer.
Rational Application Developer dispatches a background job to export and publish the updated virtual application pattern to Workload Deployer. After a few moments, the publication job completes normally, and the state and status of the AjaxHelloWeb virtual application pattern change to [Stopped, Synchronized]
In Workload Deployer, if a virtual application pattern is like the blueprint for an application workload, then a virtual application instance is the completed house. Up to this point in the tutorial, you have used Rational Application Developer and Workload Deployer to work with virtual application patterns. The distinction between the pattern and the instance of the pattern is expressed in Rational Application Developer in terms of the actions you can take.
In this part of the tutorial, you deploy (or start, or run) the AjaxHelloWeb virtual application pattern, resulting in the creation on Workload Deployer of a virtual application instance.
In Rational Application Developer, in the Servers view, right-click on AjaxHelloWeb and select Start .
Rational Application Developer dispatches an operation to Workload Deployer to deploy a new virtual application instance from the virtual application pattern. This operation takes several minutes to complete while Workload Deployer provisions and configures the virtual application instance and supporting middleware (see Figure 28). After deployment completes normally, the state and status of the AjaxHelloWeb virtual application pattern should change to [Started, Synchronized]
It may take a moment for the dialog to open while Rational Application Developer retrieves information about the published and deployed application from Workload Deployer.
The dialog is divided into two sections. The Application
section has information about the published virtual application pattern. The Deployment
section has information about the deployed virtual application instance, if any.
The Application
section shows the name, unique identifier, pattern type, description of the virtual application pattern, and information about the creation and most recent update to the pattern.
The Deployment section shows the name, unique identifier, status, and creation details of the virtual application instance. Depending on the nature of the components deployed with the pattern, various application endpoint URLs may be listed. Because AjaxHelloWeb includes a WAR component, one of the endpoints is the root of the resulting Web application.
Note: You can also open the dialog for virtual application patterns that have not been deployed (such as in the stopped state), in which case the Deployment section of the dialog is intentionally left blank.
In this part of the tutorial, you make a normal change to a normal source file, then publish the change to Workload Deployer.
For example, delete the first couple words of the title ( Ajax: Hello!
), then select the remaining title text and press Ctrl-i to apply italics.
[Started, Republish]
. Rational Application Developer dispatches operations to Workload Deployer to update Web Application component of the virtual application pattern and the deployed virtual application instance. This takes several seconds to complete, although the capacity of your cloud hardware pool has a bearing on how rapidly the update operations complete. On completion, the state and status of AjaxHelloWeb changes to [Started, Synchronized]
In this part of the tutorial, you detach one of the published applications, remove the other application, and observe the effects on Rational Application Developer and Workload Deployer.
The status of the instance changes from "Running" to "Terminating" and remains that way for a few minutes while Workload Deployer dismantles the virtual application instance.
In the normal course of developing and unit testing your application pattern, you publish and deploy your application pattern to Workload Deployer using the Rational Application Developer server tools. From time to time, you may need to extract a copy of your application pattern out of your workspace and onto your local file system for some other purpose. For example, you may need to email an application pattern archive to a colleague, or you may need to store an application pattern archive in a definitive software library such as Rational Asset Manager, or you may need to import the application pattern into Workload Deployer via its dashboard or command line interface (CLI).
If you are the recipient of an application pattern archive, you can use the corresponding import wizard to bring a copy of the pattern into your workspace.
In this part of the tutorial, you experiment with exporting and importing application patterns.
It is unusual to import a virtual application pattern into the same workspace from which it was exported. The Import wizard raises various errors as files and projects within the archive to be imported collide with existing files and projects in the workspace. In this section of the tutorial, you open a new Rational Application Developer workspace and import into it the virtual application pattern archive that you exported above.
Cloud apps
. applicationModels
. 单击确定 。 C:\AjaxHelloWeb.zip
. AjaxHelloWeb.json
. In this part of the tutorial, you review the preferences in Rational Application Developer for customizing the behavior of the Workload Deployer tools.
In the General settings section, you can change the default project relative folder in which virtual application model JSON files are stored. You can also change the default search filter used by the Acquire Cloud Application wizard.
In the Server settings and Time-outs sections, you can change several default values used when creating new Workload Deployer server configurations with the New Server wizard.
In the Import and Export settings section, you can change default values used by the Import Cloud Application and Export Cloud Application wizards.
In this tutorial, you learned how to use Rational Application Developer together with IBM Workload Deployer to develop virtual application patterns. You learned how to create and manage Workload Deployer servers, then use a combination of the Virtual Application Builder in Workload Deployer and the wizards and editors of Rational Application Developer to work with virtual application patterns, their components, and the projects and source code that implement them. All the tools in IBM Rational Application Developer that work with Workload Deployer also work with IBM PureApplication System.
翻译自: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/tutorials/1204_brealey/index.html