raini@biyuzhe:~/app$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server (先安装NFS)
raini@biyuzhe:~/app$ sudo mkdir /mnt/hdfs 建立一个nfs服务的专有的文件夹;
sudo gedit /etc/exports
在最后一行加入: /mnt/hdfs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
* :允许所有的网段访问
rw :读写权限
在 core-site.xml 添加
说明: name 标签中的 root 是用户名称,这是表示可以超级用户访问。 *表示所有的用户组,有时还需要创建超级用户组,否则会用警告提示。
命令:groupadd supergroup
This is the maximum size in bytes of a READ request supported by the NFS gateway. If you change this, make sure you also update the nfs mount's rsize(add rsize= # of bytes to the mount directive).
This is the maximum size in bytes of a WRITE request supported by the NFS gateway. If you change this, make sure you also update the nfs mount's wsize(add wsize= # of bytes to the mount directive).
* rw
允许所有主机对文件有 rw 权限
前提:在配置了环境变量下,(没有配置环境变量,进入 Hadoop 主目录/bin 下启动), Hadoop可以已格式化后正常启动。
若在启动时想看到相关的启动详细信息,在 hadoop 主目录/etc/Hadoop/log4j.property 中添加如下信息:
启动 Hadoop:start-all.sh
执行命令:sudo /etc/init.d/rpcbind restart 重启rpcbind 服务。nfs是一个RPC程序,使用它前,需要映射好端口,通过rpcbind 设定。
执行命令:sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart 重启nfs服务。
sudo service portmap stop (先停止,再启动)
sudo hdfs portmap 2>~/portmap.err &
sudo -u hdfs hdfs nfs3 2>~/nfs3.err &
screen -r nfs
raini@biyuzhe:~$ rpcinfo -p biyuzhe
raini@biyuzhe:~$ showmount -e biyuzhe (看到我们的目录说明成功)
Export list for biyuzhe:
/ *
raini@biyuzhe:~/app$ service portmap stop(start启动会占用nfs3的端口 所以关掉)
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo ./bin/hdfs nfs3 start -----------------(在监听状态mount才会成功)
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock localhost:/ /home/raini/hdfs (localhost是core-site.xml中配置的)
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock $HOSTNAME:/ /mnt/hdfs
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ mkdir /mnt/hdfs/tnp
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 4 items
drwxrwxr-x - raini supergroup 0 2016-04-24 10:30 /tmp
drwxrwxr-x - raini raini 0 2016-04-24 15:32 /tnp
drwxrwxrwx - raini supergroup 0 2016-04-23 19:21 /user
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ rpcinfo -p biyuzhe
program vers proto port service
100000 4 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 3 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 4 udp 111 portmapper
100000 3 udp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100005 1 udp 43223 mountd
100005 1 tcp 35995 mountd
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 4 tcp 2049 nfs
100227 2 tcp 2049
100227 3 tcp 2049
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100003 4 udp 2049 nfs
100227 2 udp 2049
100227 3 udp 2049
100021 1 udp 37715 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 37715 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 37715 nlockmgr
100021 1 tcp 33069 nlockmgr
100021 3 tcp 33069 nlockmgr
100021 4 tcp 33069 nlockmgr
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ showmount -e biyuzhe
rpc mount export: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo service portmap stop
Warning: Stopping portmap.service, but it can still be activated by:
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo hdfs portmap 2>~/portmap.err &
[3] 16901
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs nfs3 2>~/nfs3.err &
[4] 16902
[3] 退出 1 sudo hdfs portmap 2> ~/portmap.err
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ service portmap start
[4]+ 退出 1 sudo -u hdfs hdfs nfs3 2> ~/nfs3.err
raini@biyuzhe:~/hadoop$ ./bin/hdfs nfs3 start