
[b]发现[/b]:需要在mina里边调用SocketChannel.close之后,再调用selectNow。 但是jdk6.0不用selectNow就可以。
try {//注意,getSelectionKey()和仅getChannel()package可见,需要通过反射来强制调用。
SelectionKey sk = (SelectionKey)MyUtil.invoke(session, "getSelectionKey");
}catch(Exception e) {
_log.warn("# sessionClosed() : session.getSelectionKey().selector().selectNow() %s", e);
//_log.error(e, "# sessionClosed()");
try {//注意,getSelectionKey()和仅getChannel()package可见,需要通过反射来强制调用。
SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel)MyUtil.invoke(session, "getChannel");//sc.close();
if (sc.isConnected()) {
}catch(Exception e) {
_log.warn("# sessionClosed() : session.getChannel().socket().shutdownOutput() %s", e);
//_log.error(e, "# sessionClosed()");

If I close a SocketChannel like: ((SocketChannel) selectionkey.channel()).close();
How come this returns true when called after the close? Shouldn't it be now disconnected? And how do you force it to disconnect?
((SocketChannel) selectionkey.channel()).isConnected()
Frank Cisco
“Peter Duniho wrote: Assuming Java sockets are like most other socket APIs (and I would guess they are), the "isConnected()" method can only tell you the state of the socket as of the most recent i/o operation.”
Exactly so. Ditto isClosed(), isBound(), etc. They tell you which methods *you* have called.
[color=red][i]It may or may not be worth noting here that channels that are registered with a Selector don't really close until the next select()/selectNow() operation. This is obscurely described womewhere in the java.nio.channels Javadoc which I can never find when I look for it. The implication for clients that use NIO is that they may need to call Selector.selectNow() to accelerate the actual closing of a channel[/i].[/color]
【虎.无名】补充(1)jdk1.5.10以上版本不存在session.close问题。和shenjianlin沟通,目前生产上jdk1.5的都是 1.5.0_12,应该不存在这个问题。
【相关帖子】[url]http://www.blogjava.net/killme2008/archive/2009/09/28/296826.html [/url] java nio的一个严重BUG
