




import utility.Parallel;

public class ParallelTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void testParallel()

        Parallel.loop(100, new Parallel.LoopInt()
            public void compute(int i)





package utility;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;

 * Utilities for parallel computing in loops over independent tasks. This class
 * provides convenient methods for parallel processing of tasks that involve
 * loops over indices, in which computations for different indices are
 * independent.

* As a simple example, consider the following function that squares floats in * one array and stores the results in a second array. * *

 * static void sqr(float[] a, float[] b) {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
 *     b[i] = a[i]*a[i];
 * }
* * A serial version of a similar function for 2D arrays is: * *
 * static void sqrSerial(float[][] a, float[][] b) 
 * {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
 *     sqr(a[i],b[i]);
 * }
* * Using this class, the parallel version for 2D arrays is: * *
 * static void sqrParallel(final float[][] a, final float[][] b) {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   Parallel.loop(n,new Parallel.LoopInt() {
 *     public void compute(int i) {
 *       sqr(a[i],b[i]);
 *     }
 *   });
 * }
* * In the parallel version, the method {@code compute} defined by the interface * {@code LoopInt} will be called n times for different indices i in the range * [0,n-1]. The order of indices is both indeterminant and irrelevant because * the computation for each index i is independent. The arrays a and b are * declared final as required for use in the implementation of {@code LoopInt}. *

* Note: because the method {@code loop} and interface {@code LoopInt} are * static members of this class, we can omit the class name prefix * {@code Parallel} if we first import these names with * *

 * import static edu.mines.jtk.util.Parallel.*;
* * A similar method facilitates tasks that reduce a sequence of indexed values * to one or more values. For example, given the following method: * *
 * static float sum(float[] a) {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   float s = 0.0f;
 *   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
 *     s += a[i];
 *   return s;
 * }
* * serial and parallel versions for 2D arrays may be written as: * *
 * static float sumSerial(float[][] a) {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   float s = 0.0f;
 *   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
 *     s += sum(a[i]);
 *   return s;
 * }
* * and * *
 * static float sumParallel(final float[][] a) {
 *   int n = a.length;
 *   return Parallel.reduce(n,new Parallel.ReduceInt<Float>() {
 *     public Float compute(int i) {
 *       return sum(a[i]);
 *     }
 *     public Float combine(Float s1, Float s2) {
 *       return s1+s2;
 *     }
 *   });
 * }
* * In the parallel version, we implement the interface {@code ReduceInt} with * two methods, one to {@code compute} sums of array elements and another to * {@code combine} two such sums together. The same pattern works for other * reduce operations. For example, with similar functions we could compute * minimum and maximum values (in a single reduce) for any indexed sequence of * values. *

* More general loops are supported, and are equivalent to the following serial * code: * *

 * for (int i=begin; i<end; i+=step)
 *   // some computation that depends on i
* * The methods loop and reduce require that begin is less than end and that step * is positive. The requirement that begin is less than end ensures that reduce * is always well-defined. The requirement that step is positive ensures that * the loop terminates. *

* Static methods loop and reduce submit tasks to a fork-join framework that * maintains a pool of threads shared by all users of these methods. These * methods recursively split tasks so that disjoint sets of indices are * processed in parallel by different threads. *

* In addition to the three loop parameters begin, end, and step, a fourth * parameter chunk may be specified. This chunk parameter is a threshold for * splitting tasks so that they can be performed in parallel. If a range of * indices to be processed is smaller than the chunk size, or if too many tasks * have already been queued for processing, then the indices are processed * serially. Otherwise, the range is split into two parts for processing by new * tasks. If specified, the chunk size is a lower bound; the number of indices * processed serially will never be lower, but may be higher, than a specified * chunk size. The default chunk size is one. *

* The default chunk size is often sufficient, because the test for an excess * number of queued tasks prevents tasks from being split needlessly. This test * is especially useful when parallel loops are nested, as when looping over * elements of multi-dimensional arrays. *

* For example, an implementation of the method {@code sqrParallel} for 3D * arrays could simply call the 2D version listed above. Tasks will naturally * tend to be split for outer loops, but not inner loops, thereby reducing * overhead, time spent splitting and queueing tasks. *

* Reference: A Java Fork/Join Framework, by Doug Lea, describes the framework * used to implement this class. This framework will be part of JDK 7. * * @author Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines * @version 2010.11.23 */ public class Parallel { /** A loop body that computes something for an int index. */ public interface LoopInt { /** * Computes for the specified loop index. * * @param i * loop index. */ public void compute(int i); } /** A loop body that computes and returns a value for an int index. */ public interface ReduceInt { /** * Returns a value computed for the specified loop index. * * @param i * loop index. * @return the computed value. */ public V compute(int i); /** * Returns the combination of two specified values. * * @param v1 * a value. * @param v2 * a value. * @return the combined value. */ public V combine(V v1, V v2); } /** * A wrapper for objects that are not thread-safe. Such objects have methods * that cannot safely be executed concurrently in multiple threads. To use * an unsafe object within a parallel computation, first construct an * instance of this wrapper. Then, within the compute method, get the unsafe * object; if null, construct and set a new unsafe object in this wrapper, * before using the unsafe object to perform the computation. This pattern * ensures that each thread computes using a distinct unsafe object. For * example, * *

     * final Parallel.Unsafe<Worker> nts = new Parallel.Unsafe<Worker>();
     * Parallel.loop(count,new Parallel.LoopInt() {
     *   public void compute(int i) {
     *     Worker w = nts.get(); // get worker for the current thread
     *     if (w==null) nts.set(w=new Worker()); // if null, make one
     *; // the method work need not be thread-safe
     *   }
     * });
* * This wrapper is most useful when (1) the cost of constructing an unsafe * object is high, relative to the cost of each call to compute, and (2) the * number of threads calling compute is significantly lower than the total * number of such calls. Otherwise, if either of these conditions is false, * then simply construct a new unsafe object within the compute method. *

* This wrapper works much like the Java standard class ThreadLocal, except * that an object within this wrapper can be garbage-collected before its * thread dies. This difference is important because fork-join worker * threads are pooled and will typically die only when a program ends. */ public static class Unsafe { /** * Constructs a wrapper for objects that are not thread-safe. */ public Unsafe() { int initialCapacity = 16; // the default initial capacity float loadFactor = 0.5f; // huge numbers of threads are unlikely int concurrencyLevel = 2 * _pool.getParallelism(); _map = new ConcurrentHashMap(initialCapacity, loadFactor, concurrencyLevel); } /** * Gets the object in this wrapper for the current thread. * * @return the object; null, of not yet set for the current thread. */ public T get() { return _map.get(Thread.currentThread()); } /** * Sets the object in this wrapper for the current thread. * * @param object * the object. */ public void set(T object) { _map.put(Thread.currentThread(), object); } /** * Returns a collection of all unsafe objects in this wrapper. This * method is useful only after parallel loops have ended. * * @return the collection of unsafe objects. */ public Collection getAll() { return _map.values(); } private final ConcurrentHashMap _map; } /** * Performs a loop for (int i=0; i<end; ++i). * * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param body * the loop body. */ public static void loop(int end, LoopInt body) { loop(0, end, 1, 1, body); } /** * Performs a loop for (int i=begin; i<end; ++i). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param body * the loop body. */ public static void loop(int begin, int end, LoopInt body) { loop(begin, end, 1, 1, body); } /** * Performs a loop for (int i=begin; i<end; i+=step). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param step * the index increment; must be positive. * @param body * the loop body. */ public static void loop(int begin, int end, int step, LoopInt body) { loop(begin, end, step, 1, body); } /** * Performs a loop for (int i=begin; i<end; i+=step). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param step * the index increment; must be positive. * @param chunk * the chunk size; must be positive. * @param body * the loop body. */ public static void loop(int begin, int end, int step, int chunk, LoopInt body) { checkArgs(begin, end, step, chunk); if (_serial || end <= begin + chunk * step) { for (int i = begin; i < end; i += step) { body.compute(i); } } else { LoopIntAction task = new LoopIntAction(begin, end, step, chunk, body); if (LoopIntAction.inForkJoinPool()) { task.invoke(); } else { _pool.invoke(task); } } } /** * Performs a reduce for (int i=0; i<end; ++i). * * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param body * the loop body. * @return the computed value. */ public static V reduce(int end, ReduceInt body) { return reduce(0, end, 1, 1, body); } /** * Performs a reduce for (int i=begin; i<end; ++i). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param body * the loop body. * @return the computed value. */ public static V reduce(int begin, int end, ReduceInt body) { return reduce(begin, end, 1, 1, body); } /** * Performs a reduce for (int i=begin; i<end; i+=step). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param step * the index increment; must be positive. * @param body * the loop body. * @return the computed value. */ public static V reduce(int begin, int end, int step, ReduceInt body) { return reduce(begin, end, step, 1, body); } /** * Performs a reduce for (int i=begin; i<end; i+=step). * * @param begin * the begin index for the loop; must be less than end. * @param end * the end index (not included) for the loop. * @param step * the index increment; must be positive. * @param chunk * the chunk size; must be positive. * @param body * the loop body. * @return the computed value. */ public static V reduce(int begin, int end, int step, int chunk, ReduceInt body) { checkArgs(begin, end, step, chunk); if (_serial || end <= begin + chunk * step) { V v = body.compute(begin); for (int i = begin + step; i < end; i += step) { V vi = body.compute(i); v = body.combine(v, vi); } return v; } else { ReduceIntTask task = new ReduceIntTask(begin, end, step, chunk, body); if (ReduceIntTask.inForkJoinPool()) { return task.invoke(); } else { return _pool.invoke(task); } } } /** * Enables or disables parallel processing by all methods of this class. By * default, parallel processing is enabled. If disabled, all tasks will be * executed on the current thread. *

* Setting this flag to false disables parallel processing for all * users of this class. This method should therefore be used for * testing and benchmarking only. * * @param parallel * true, for parallel processing; false, otherwise. */ public static void setParallel(boolean parallel) { _serial = !parallel; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private // Implementation notes: // Each fork-join task below has a range of indices to be processed. // If the range is less than or equal to the chunk size, or if the // queue for the current thread holds too many tasks already, then // simply process the range on the current thread. Otherwise, split // the range into two parts that are approximately equal, ensuring // that the left part is at least as large as the right part. If the // right part is not empty, fork a new task. Then compute the left // part in the current thread, and, if necessary, join the right part. // Threshold for number of surplus queued tasks. Used below to // determine whether or not to split a task into two subtasks. private static final int NSQT = 6; // The pool shared by all fork-join tasks created through this class. private static ForkJoinPool _pool = new ForkJoinPool(); // Serial flag; true for no parallel processing. private static boolean _serial = false; /** * Checks loop arguments. */ private static void checkArgs(int begin, int end, int step, int chunk) { argument(begin < end, "begin); argument(step > 0, "step>0"); argument(chunk > 0, "chunk>0"); } public static void argument(boolean condition, String message) { if (!condition) throw new IllegalArgumentException("required condition: " + message); } /** * Splits range [begin:end) into [begin:middle) and [middle:end). The * returned middle index equals begin plus an integer multiple of step. */ private static int middle(int begin, int end, int step) { return begin + step + ((end - begin - 1) / 2) / step * step; } /** * Fork-join task for parallel loop. */ private static class LoopIntAction extends RecursiveAction { LoopIntAction(int begin, int end, int step, int chunk, LoopInt body) { assert begin < end : "begin < end"; _begin = begin; _end = end; _step = step; _chunk = chunk; _body = body; } @Override protected void compute() { if (_end <= _begin + _chunk * _step || getSurplusQueuedTaskCount() > NSQT) { for (int i = _begin; i < _end; i += _step) { _body.compute(i); } } else { int middle = middle(_begin, _end, _step); LoopIntAction l = new LoopIntAction(_begin, middle, _step, _chunk, _body); LoopIntAction r = (middle < _end) ? new LoopIntAction(middle, _end, _step, _chunk, _body) : null; if (r != null) r.fork(); l.compute(); if (r != null) r.join(); } } private final int _begin, _end, _step, _chunk; private final LoopInt _body; } /** * Fork-join task for parallel reduce. */ private static class ReduceIntTask extends RecursiveTask { ReduceIntTask(int begin, int end, int step, int chunk, ReduceInt body) { assert begin < end : "begin < end"; _begin = begin; _end = end; _step = step; _chunk = chunk; _body = body; } @Override protected V compute() { if (_end <= _begin + _chunk * _step || getSurplusQueuedTaskCount() > NSQT) { V v = _body.compute(_begin); for (int i = _begin + _step; i < _end; i += _step) { V vi = _body.compute(i); v = _body.combine(v, vi); } return v; } else { int middle = middle(_begin, _end, _step); ReduceIntTask l = new ReduceIntTask(_begin, middle, _step, _chunk, _body); ReduceIntTask r = (middle < _end) ? new ReduceIntTask( middle, _end, _step, _chunk, _body) : null; if (r != null) r.fork(); V v = l.compute(); if (r != null) v = _body.combine(v, r.join()); return v; } } private final int _begin, _end, _step, _chunk; private final ReduceInt _body; } }
