Oracle Database 12c前几天正式发布了,如果学习一个新版本的数据库?我通常是从New Features Guide文档看起,先通览文档的目录,遇到感兴趣的新功能点,就开始做实验来验证这个新功能。当然,这之前需要先把新版本的数据库安装好,先把新版本的全部文档下载到本地,这样即使你坐在飞机上也可以有文档可查。
这次我的计划是实验一下Identity类型的字段,这个字段可以用来作主键,会自动递增,这种类型的字段在SQL Server中早就存在,但是Oracle直到12c才推出这个功能。
[oracle@dbserver-oel ~]$ oerr ora 65096 65096, 00000, "invalid common user or role name" // *Cause: An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name // that wass not valid for common users or roles. In addition to // the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role // names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII // characters. // *Action: Specify a valid common user or role name. // |
错误信息的解析非常明确地告知“试图创建一个通用用户,必需要用C##或者c##开头”,这时候心里会有疑问,什么是common user?但是我通常不会先急着去翻文档,而是先把手头的事情做完,也就是先把用户创建上。
创建C##KAMUS用户成功之后,再返回去解决心中的疑问,什么是common user?在联机文档的左上角搜索关键字common user,会得到如下的结果。
通常我会先浏览Concept,如果看完觉得心中疑问已经解决,就会返回继续作之前的实验,不会再浏览其他的链接;如果想要查询怎么做,比如说如何创建Common User,才会继续去看Task部分。这样的好处是可以保持专注而不至于被过多文档分心。
但是由于Common User这个概念几乎是崭新的,所以我很有兴趣继续探索一下,跟Common User相对的Local User该如何创建。继续去看Task当然是个方法,但是这里我选择的是直接去看SQL Language Reference,因为我们知道一定是在Create User语法里面会有不同的定义,进入Create User语法页面,直接搜索common user,就可以看到如下这段话。
To create a local user in a pluggable database (PDB), ensure that the current container is that PDB and specify CONTAINER = CURRENT. To create a common user, ensure that the current container is the root and specify CONTAINER = ALL. The name of the common user must begin with C## or c##. If you omit this clause and the current container is a PDB, then CONTAINER = CURRENT is the default. If you omit this clause and the current container is the root, then CONTAINER = ALL is the default.
dbca建库的时候,有一个新选项是同时创建PDB,我勾选过(对于dbca中出现的新选项,如果不是条件不允许,我都会选中进行测试),创建了名字为pdbtest的PDB,那么现在我想尝试登录这个PDB,去创建一个Local User。如何登录PDB?Administrator’s Guide中有专门新的一个章节“Part VI Managing a Multitenant Environment”来描述如何管理多租户环境,浏览目录就可以直接找到“Connecting to a PDB with SQL*Plus”这部分,如下所示。
You can use the following techniques to connect to a PDB with the SQL*Plus CONNECT command:
Database connection using easy connect
Database connection using a net service name
那尝试直接使用easy connect来登录PDB。
PDB没有Open?尝试打开。无法使用startup命令。这是显而易见的。 原因是我使用了旧版本的SQL*Plus(如上所示是10.连接到12c数据库的PDB中,某些新特性不被支持。
到此,可以创建Local User了。
那么在一个PDB中可以看到多少用户呢?可以看到CDB中的用户吗?这又是一个简单的联想,学习的过程其实是一个发散再收缩的循环。看来不可以,只能看到自己的用户,当然这里有很多Common User。可以看到即使是在PDB中,cdb_视图也是可以使用的。
插入一条数据试一下,报错报错还是报错。所以如果是generated always的identity列,如果只有这一列,没法插入数据。
换GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL 类型试一下,Wait,如果删除了表,对应的序列会自动删除吗?理论上应该会,当然还是要测试一下。
两者的不同应该是purge,如果被删除的表还在回收站中,序列是会保留的,Make sense,因为表还可能从回收站里面再restore回来,需要保证序列仍然有效。那么清空回收站实验一下。
后台如何操作的?使用10046 trace,再插入几条数据。
查看10046 trace的结果。可以看到执行计划中直接调用了SEQUENCE,就跟之前插入记录的时候明确指定SEQ.NEXTVAL一样。其实Oracle的实现方法非常简单,这一列其实就是Number类型,然后将这一列的Default值设置为”KAMUS”.”ISEQ$$_91624″.nextval,仅此而已。
--tkprof 10046 trace insert into t3 values (null) call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 1 3 1 Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 2 0.00 0.00 0 1 3 1 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS Parsing user id: 104 Number of plan statistics captured: 1 Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max) Row Source Operation ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=90 us) 1 1 1 SEQUENCE ISEQ$$_91624 (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=14 us) Elapsed times include waiting on following events: Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited ---------------------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------ SQL*Net message to client 1 0.00 0.00 SQL*Net message from client 1 5.28 5.28 ******************************************************************************** |
1. 什么是Common User,什么是Local User?
2. 如何查询现在的环境是CDB还是某个PDB?
3. 如何登录PDB?
4. 如何启动PDB?
5. PDB和CDB中视图看到的内容有怎样的不同?
6. 如何创建Identity类型的列?
7. 删除表以后,对应的Sequence如何处理?
8. Oracle后台对于Identity列是如何处理的?
ORA-32791: prebuilt table managed column cannot have a default on null
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view on a prebuilt table that has a managed column with a default on null expression.
Action: Either remove the default on null property, or do not include the column in the materialized view definition.ORA-32792: prebuilt table managed column cannot be an identity column
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view on a prebuilt table that has a managed column that is an identity column.
Action: Either remove the identity property, or do not include the column in the materialized view definition.ORA-32793: cannot alter a system-generated sequence
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a system-generated sequence.
Action: A system-generated sequence, such as one created for an identity column, cannot be altered.ORA-32794: cannot drop a system-generated sequence
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a system-generated sequence.
Action: A system-generated sequence, such as one created for an identity column, cannot be dropped.ORA-32795: cannot insert into a generated always identity column
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a value into an identity column created with GENERATED ALWAYS keywords.
Action: A generated always identity column cannot be directly inserted. Instead, the associated sequence generator must provide the value.ORA-32796: cannot update a generated always identity column
Cause: An attempt was made to update an identity column created with GENERATED ALWAYS keywords.
Action: A generated always identity column cannot be directly updated.ORA-32797: identity column sequence mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have identity columns with sequences that are neither both increasing nor decreasing.
Action: Ensure that the identity columns have sequences with INCREMENT BY having the same sign.ORA-32798: cannot use ANSI RIGHT or FULL outer join with a left correlation
Cause: An attempt was made to use a lateral view with a left correlation to the first operand of an ANSI RIGHT or FULL outer join.
Action: Rewrite the query without the left correlation.