
Everytime you got a good idea to improve yourself, you just forget to make a suitable paln to carry out. That's the point. For example, you borrow the book about Chinese Grammar after you realize about your poor Chinese, but you put it aside later on. Then what good is it to borrow the book? The same to every time you download some seemingly helpful app or follow some official account. Don't waste your time if you don't even have a plan. With a plan, you would keep the objective in your mind and be clear about what you should do. With a plan that is suitable, you could follow it easily instead of feeling guity everytime you fall behind the plan. (每次总是冒出一些想法:啊,中文太差,我要看中文语法!啊,我太肤浅了,我要看人性论,看点柏拉图!啊,我知道的时事词汇太少了,我要多看新闻!然后,就去图书馆借书,或者去下载个学习app,关注个相关公众号,然后,就堆那,被一个又一个的新想法淹没。。。正如我高中老师说的,每次都带一堆书回家,再原封不动的带回来,眼高手低!所以关键是我没制定具体可行的计划,比如,几天内要看完什么东西,一天的什么时间要学习什么东西。

Why don't you like writing in English? Because you usually think in Chinese, so you have to translate your ideas to English. As a second learner, you might not sure about your English and write with so much Chinglish. That's OK, but you just need to prectice everyday to improve. (不喜欢用英文写作可能是因为先用中文思考了,在转化为英文时就不太自信,不确定语法,单词用法,地不地道等等,比较麻烦。)

The youth is wonderful for the unawareness of  the facts. 看到一句话:青春的美好在于不知道事情的真相。

Ego identity is "the totality of one's self-construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself as one aspires to be in the future."(Weinreich) No identity crisis, Adolecsence with it are ready to for the adulthood.

"In self psychology, the effort is made to understand individuals from within their subjective experience via vicarious introspection, basing interpretations on the understanding of the self as the central agency of the human psyche."(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_psychology)


在孩童时期人们就已经有自我感知,到了青年时期(大概2-20岁),人们才开始出现了自我同一性和角色混乱的冲突,即无法通过明确自我形象,对各种选择做出深思熟虑(identity crisis, for the failure in the process of ego identity)。

It seems for me, I didn't ask about the questions such as " who am I?" and  "what kinf of person I am gonna be?" in my 12-20, in which I was maybe busy studying. But I did have some relative experience, strange experience. It's like my soul was out of the skin. Like I was standing aside seeing my body taking action. I felt strange. How could my soul feel something when my body touch something? Like my mind at that time was not on its duty to contral my body but to observe what my body have experienced. What is my body? What is my soul? What's the relationship between them? It is really weird. But now I hardly have that feelings. Maybe it is because life become more realistic for me. I have much more objectives of my own to live for myself.  网上说青少年通常会遇到的问题:我是谁?我想成为什么样的人?(脸红)我在青少年好像没有这种疑惑,后面那个问题,就偶尔会问自己。不过对自我,以前经常有一种很奇怪的体验:感觉自己好像灵魂出窍,我这个肉体为什么会在这个地球上,为什么手去碰东西时我会感觉到(忽略生物知识,因为这个时候我感觉大脑意识和身体是分开独立的),为什么肉体会在这里,对于所有经历和正在经历的好像都不是意识里的我所经历的,只是我肉体经历的。这个时候确实也会问我是谁,哇。。一描述一回想,差点又有那种很神奇的感觉,就好像我的意识是外星人一样。先知比较少有这种体验可能是因为没那么多时间发呆。以前那种体验是只要我主观上想尝试就可以体验到的。
