ios 表视图UITableViewController

The UITableViewController class creates a controller object that manages a table view. It implements the following behavior:


  • If a nib file is specified via the initWithNibName:bundle: method (which is declared by the superclass UIViewController), UITableViewController loads the table view archived in the nib file. Otherwise, it creates an unconfigured UITableView object with the correct dimensions and autoresize mask. You can access this view through the tableView property.

  • If a nib file containing the table view is loaded, the data source and delegate become those objects defined in the nib file (if any). If no nib file is specified or if the nib file defines no data source or delegate, UITableViewController sets the data source and the delegate of the table view to self.

  • When the table view is about to appear the first time it’s loaded, the table-view controller reloads the table view’s data. It also clears its selection (with or without animation, depending on the request) every time the table view is displayed. The UITableViewController class implements this in the superclass method viewWillAppear:. You can disable this behavior by changing the value in the clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear property.

  • When the table view has appeared, the controller flashes the table view’s scroll indicators. The UITableViewController class implements this in the superclass method viewDidAppear:.

  • It implements the superclass method setEditing:animated: so that if a user taps an Edit|Done button in the navigation bar, the controller toggles the edit mode of the table.

You create a custom subclass of UITableViewController for each table view that you want to manage. When you initialize the controller in initWithStyle:, you must specify the style of the table view (plain or grouped) that the controller is to manage. Because the initially created table view is without table dimensions (that is, number of sections and number of rows per section) or content, the table view’s data source and delegate—that is, the UITableViewController object itself—must provide the table dimensions, the cell content, and any desired configurations (as usual). You may override loadView or any other superclass method, but if you do be sure to invoke the superclass implementation of the method, usually as the first method call.


Initializing the UITableViewController Object

- (instancetype)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style;
// style    
//A constant that specifies the style of table view that 
//the controller object is to manage 
//(UITableViewStylePlain or UITableViewStyleGrouped).
// Return Value
//An initialized UITableViewController object.
// Discussion
//If you use the standard init method to initialize a 
//UITableViewController object, a table view in the plain style is

Initializes a table-view controller to manage a table view of a given style.
Getting the Table View

@property(nonatomic, strong) UITableView *tableView;

Returns the table view managed by the controller object.
Configuring the Table Behavio

@property(nonatomic) BOOL clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear;
// Discussion
//The default value of this property is YES. When YES, the table 
//view controller clears the table’s current selection when it 
//receives a viewWillAppear: message. Setting this property to 
//NO preserves the selection.

A Boolean value indicating if the controller clears the selection when the table appears.
Refreshing the Table View

@property(nonatomic, strong) UIRefreshControl *refreshControl;
// Discussion
//The default value of this property is nil.
//Assigning a refresh control to this property adds the control to 
//the view controller’s associated interface. You do not need to 
//set the frame of the refresh control before associating it with 
//the view controller. The view controller updates the control’s 
//height and width and sets its position appropriately.
//The table view controller does not automatically update table’s 
//contents in response to user interactions with the refresh 
//control. When the user initiates a refresh operation, the control 
//generates a UIControlEventValueChanged event. You must 
//associate a target and action method with this event and use 
//them to refresh your table’s contents.

The refresh control used to update the table contents.

 - initWithCoder:
- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder;
 - initWithNibName:bundle:
- (instancetype)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil;


Inherits From


Conforms To

  • UITableViewDataSource
**Configuring a Table View**
- tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
// Required. Asks the data source for a cell to insert in a particular location of the table view.
- numberOfSectionsInTableView:
// Asks the data source to return the number of sections in the table view.
- tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
// Required. Tells the data source to return the number of rows in a given section of a table view.
- sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:
// Asks the data source to return the titles for the sections for a table view.
- tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex:
// Asks the data source to return the index of the section having the given title and section title index.
- tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:
// Asks the data source for the title of the header of the specified section of the table view.
- tableView:titleForFooterInSection:
// Asks the data source for the title of the footer of the specified section of the table view.

**Inserting or Deleting Table Rows**
- tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the data source to commit the insertion or deletion of a specified row in the receiver.
- tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the data source to verify that the given row is editable.

**Reordering Table Rows**
- tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the data source whether a given row can be moved to another location in the table view.
- tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
// Tells the data source to move a row at a specific location in the table view to another location.
  • UITableViewDelegate
**Configuring Rows for the Table View**
- tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate for the height to use for a row in a specified location.
- tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate for the estimated height of a row in a specified location.
- tableView:indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate to return the level of indentation for a row in a given section.
- tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate the table view is about to draw a cell for a particular row.

**Managing Accessory Views**
- tableView:editActionsForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate for the actions to display in response to a swipe in the specified row.
- tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate for the type of standard accessory view to use as a disclosure control for the specified row.
- tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the user tapped the accessory (disclosure) view associated with a given row.

**Managing Selections**
- tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that a specified row is about to be selected.
- tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the specified row is now selected.
- tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that a specified row is about to be deselected.
- tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the specified row is now deselected.

**Modifying the Header and Footer of Sections**
- tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:
// Asks the delegate for a view object to display in the header of the specified section of the table view.
- tableView:viewForFooterInSection:
// Asks the delegate for a view object to display in the footer of the specified section of the table view.
- tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:
// Asks the delegate for the height to use for the header of a particular section.
- tableView:estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection:
// Asks the delegate for the estimated height of the header of a particular section.
- tableView:heightForFooterInSection:
// Asks the delegate for the height to use for the footer of a particular section.
- tableView:estimatedHeightForFooterInSection:
// Asks the delegate for the estimated height of the footer of a particular section.
- tableView:willDisplayHeaderView:forSection:
// Tells the delegate that a header view is about to be displayed for the specified section.
- tableView:willDisplayFooterView:forSection:
// Tells the delegate that a footer view is about to be displayed for the specified section.

**Editing Table Rows**
- tableView:willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the table view is about to go into editing mode.
- tableView:didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the table view has left editing mode.
- tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate for the editing style of a row at a particular location in a table view.
- tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:
// Changes the default title of the delete-confirmation button.
- tableView:shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate whether the background of the specified row should be indented while the table view is in editing mode.

**Reordering Table Rows**
- tableView:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:toProposedIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate to return a new index path to retarget a proposed move of a row.

**Tracking the Removal of Views**
- tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the specified cell was removed from the table.
- tableView:didEndDisplayingHeaderView:forSection:
// Tells the delegate that the specified header view was removed from the table.
- tableView:didEndDisplayingFooterView:forSection:
// Tells the delegate that the specified footer view was removed from the table.

**Copying and Pasting Row Content**
- tableView:shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate if the editing menu should be shown for a 
// certain row.
- tableView:canPerformAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:
// Asks the delegate if the editing menu should omit the Copy or 
// Paste command for a given row.
- tableView:performAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:
// Tells the delegate to perform a copy or paste operation on the content of a given row.

**Managing Table View Highlighting**
- tableView:shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate if the specified row should be highlighted.
- tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the specified row was highlighted.
- tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:
// Tells the delegate that the highlight was removed from the row at the specified index path.

**Managing Table View Focus**
- tableView:canFocusRowAtIndexPath:
// Asks the delegate whether the cell at the specified index path is itself focusable.
- tableView:shouldUpdateFocusInContext:
// Asks the delegate whether the focus update specified by the context is allowed to occur.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didUpdateFocusInContext:(UITableViewFocusUpdateContext *)context withAnimationCoordinator:(UIFocusAnimationCoordinator *)coordinator;
// Tells the delegate that a focus update specified by the context has just occurred.
- (NSIndexPath *)indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView: (UITableView *)tableView;
// Asks the delegate for the table view’s index path for the preferred focused view.

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