A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine

A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine

今天卸载Tomcat之后重新安装新的Tomcat,出现 A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine

A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine_第1张图片
A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine_第2张图片
A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine_第3张图片
可以查看这篇文章查看解决方法【A service with the given Service Name is already installed on this machine. - 云易】https://www.yunyii.cn/article/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvdGlhbmtvbmdfMTIzNDUvYXJ0aWNsZS9kZXRhaWxzLzgwNDYyMDgy
