记一次mx4 ubuntu edtion救砖
作死在手机终端下执行rm -rf -i /删除根目录, 次要问题是recovery分区不能用fastboot刷写, 导致无法通过ubuntu-device-flash重新下载ubuntu touch
ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --device=arale --bootstrap
在meizu官网下载update.zip, 解压, 此过程需用到解压后目录下boot.img(内核), system.new.dat, system.transfer.list 这三个文件, 以及一个dat文件转img脚本 sdat2img
2.1 system.new.dat转system.img
2.1.1准备dat文件转img的python脚本: sdat2img.py
将以下代码复制至你的.py脚本文件内, (非常感谢 xpirt, lux78, howellzhu的python脚本 XD)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FILE: sdat2img.py
# AUTHORS: xpirt - luxi78 - howellzhu
# DATE: 2015-10-11 16:33:32 CST
import sys, os
TRANSFER_LIST_FILE = str(sys.argv[1])
NEW_DATA_FILE = str(sys.argv[2])
OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE = str(sys.argv[3])
except IndexError:
print ("\nsdat2img - usage is: \n\n sdat2img \n\n")
print ("Visit xda thread for more information.\n")
input = raw_input
except NameError: pass
input ("Press ENTER to exit...\n")
def rangeset(src):
src_set = src.split(',')
num_set = [int(item) for item in src_set]
if len(num_set) != num_set[0]+1:
print ('Error on parsing following data to rangeset:\n%s' % src)
return tuple ([ (num_set[i], num_set[i+1]) for i in range(1, len(num_set), 2) ])
def parse_transfer_list_file(path):
trans_list = open(TRANSFER_LIST_FILE, 'r')
version = int(trans_list.readline()) # 1st line = transfer list version
new_blocks = int(trans_list.readline()) # 2nd line = total number of blocks
# system.transfer.list:
# - version 1: android-5.0.0_r1
# - version 2: android-5.1.0_r1
# - version 3: android-6.0.0_r1
# skip next 2 lines. we don't need this stuff now
if version >= 2:
trans_list.readline() # 3rd line = stash entries needed simultaneously
trans_list.readline() # 4th line = number of blocks that will be stashed
commands = []
for line in trans_list:
line = line.split(' ') # 5th & next lines should be only commands
cmd = line[0]
if cmd in ['erase', 'new', 'zero']:
commands.append([cmd, rangeset(line[1])])
# skip lines starting with numbers, they're not commands anyway.
if not cmd[0].isdigit():
print ('No valid command: %s.' % cmd)
return version, new_blocks, commands
def init_output_file_size(output_file_obj, commands):
all_block_sets = [i for command in commands for i in command[1]]
max_block_num = max(pair[1] for pair in all_block_sets)
output_file_obj.seek(max_block_num*BLOCK_SIZE - 1)
def main(argv):
version, new_blocks, commands = parse_transfer_list_file(TRANSFER_LIST_FILE)
output_img = open(OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE, 'wb')
init_output_file_size(output_img, commands)
new_data_file = open(NEW_DATA_FILE, 'rb')
for command in commands:
if command[0] == 'new':
for block in command[1]:
begin = block[0]
end = block[1]
block_count = end - begin
data = new_data_file.read(block_count*BLOCK_SIZE)
print('Copying {} blocks into position {}...'.format(block_count, begin))
print('Skipping command %s' % command[0])
print ('\nDone! Output image: %s' % os.path.realpath(output_img.name))
if __name__ == "__main__":
2.1.2 转system.new.dat 为 system.img:
建议将得到的python脚本文件xxx.py放在update.zip解压后的目录下, 如 xxxxx/update/. 执行以下命令生成system.img
./sdat2img.py system.transfer.list system.new.dat system.img
转为system.img后还有一件事情需要做, 先挂载system.img, 再删除挂载目录下的recovery-from-boot.p文件, 不删除的话, 刷写后会无法开机, 具体原因还不清楚 >.<.
mkidr system
sudo mount --rw system system.img
sudo rm system/recovery-from-boot.p
sudo umount system
rmdir system
2.2 刷入boot.img与system.img
在mx4关机状态下长按电源键 + 音量(-)进入fastboot模式
打开终端, 进入update.zip解压后的目录, 输入
fastboot flash boot boot.img //刷boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img //刷system.img
fastboot reboot //重启
1. 最让我困惑的是, 我的这部mx4 ubuntu edtion在fastboot下无法刷写recovery, 问了其他网友说是没有这样的问题>.< . (如果recovery 可以在fastboot 下刷写的话, 就没上述的那么麻烦, 直接可以ubuntu-device-flash刷入)
2. 刷入flyme的时候, 刚开始刷入boot.img system.img 后, 机器依然无法启动, 后来偶然看到某论坛说"删除'recovery-from-boot.p' ",试了下居然成功了实在不可思议, 但为什么删了这个文件就可以让手机启动了? 为什么有了这个文件手机就不能启动? 这个文件的作用?
3. 刷入flyme, 其实是想再通过adb刷回ubuntu touch, 显然, 回不去了, recovery上锁了的样子, 之前也尝试过"xen0n"(blog.xen0n.name) 的 cm13, 但得到system.img刷入时总提示" get_partition_name() fail", 这又是为什么? Q.Q
4. 更早以前, 按照https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Deploying的说明, 尝试制作system.img, 刷入失败(提示"Brick phone?" "Write data error"),
# 1. 创建system.img并挂载于system目录 fallocate -l 2G system.img mke2fs -F system.img mkdir system sudo mount -o loop system.img system # 此时system system.img在同一目录 # 2. 制作system.img # 将ubuntu-device-flash下载的压缩包ubuntu-xxxx device-xxxx放在system.img所在目录 cp ~/.cache/ubuntuimage/pool/ubuntu-* ./ cp ~/.cache/ubuntuimage/pool/device-* ./ # 再解压在system目录 sudo tar --numeric-owner -xaf ubuntu-xxxx.tar.xz system # 将device-xxx解压, 把device-xxx/system/var/lib/lxc/android/system.img 复制到 ./system/var/lib/lxc/android/system.img # 此步骤的作用是? 这里的system.img是android驱动? 求解答 >.< # 3.压缩system.img # 执行以下三行命令压缩 system.img e2fsck -yf system.img resize2fs -M system.img e2fsck -yf system.img #执行以下命令
dumpe2fs system.img | less #在上行命令中找到Block Size 和 Block Count并相乘,将相乘结果作为参数SIZE执行下行脚本 truncate -s SIZE system.img#至此完成
最后非常感谢大神们编写的各种工具, 脚本, 还有很多人的热心解答(sry我问的问题总是那么弱智), 虽然回不到uTouch, 至少手机活过来了, 所以建议不要rm -rf /
欢迎指出错别字等各种错误, 还有很多疑问希望能一起探讨解决 XD