Oracle数据库startup mount时的报错处理(ORA-01078&LRM-00109,ORA-00845,ORA-01102,ORA-00205)

ORA-01078 &LRM-00109
  • 在执行startup mount时报错:
SQL> startup mount
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/initorcl.ora'
  • 错误原因:在oracle9i、10g、11g最近几个版本中,数据库默认使用spfile启动数据库,如果spfile不存在,则就会出现上述错误。

  • 解决办法:

[oracle@localhost ~]$ echo $ORACLE_BASE
[oracle@localhost ~]$ find /u01/app/oracle -name pfile
[oracle@localhost ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl11g/pfile
[oracle@localhost pfile]$ ls
[oracle@localhost pfile]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@localhost pfile]$ cp init.ora.2182020183512 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/initorcl.ora
[oracle@localhost pfile]$

此操作之后数据库startup mount即可成功。

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system
  • 报错:
SQL> startup mount
ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system
  • 可能原因:如果memory_max_target/memory_target设置过大,可能导致instance无法启动,报ORA-00845错误。
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin
[oracle@localhost bin]$ oerr ora 00845
00845, 00000, "MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system"
// *Cause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this operating system or /dev/shm was not sized correctly on Linux.
// *Action: Refer to documentation for a list of supported operating systems. Or, size /dev/shm to be at least the SGA_MAX_SIZE on each Oracle instance running on the system.
[oracle@localhost bin]$
  • 解决办法:我自己将initorcl.ora中的memory_target设置为0后,解决了该问题。但是建议使用下面的方法:

      在Oracle 11g for linux中似乎是用了一种新的机制来管理共享内存段,而不是传统的sys /dev/shm了。在alert.ora中可以找到更准确的错误描述:
      Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
      WARNING: You are trying to use the MEMORY_TARGET feature. This feature requires the /dev/shm file system to be mounted for at least 419430400 bytes. /dev/shm is either not mounted or is mounted with available space less than this size. Please fix this so that MEMORY_TARGET can work as expected. Current available is 413466624 and used is 0 bytes. Ensure that the mount point is /dev/shm for this directory.
       memory_target needs larger /dev/shm  


将原来的tmpfs   /dev/shm  tmpfs defaults 0 0 改成tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs default,size=1024M 0 0,这样tmpfs增大为1G,重新mount /dev/shm使之生效。 
[root@yft ~]# vi /etc/fstab
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults,size=420m        0 0
[root@yft ~]# mount -o remount /dev/shm
[root@yft ~]# df -h
 Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 tmpfs                 420M     0  420M   0% /dev/shm
 SQL> startup
 ORACLE instance started.
 Total System Global Area  418484224 bytes
 Fixed Size            1336932 bytes
 Variable Size          406849948 bytes
 Database Buffers        4194304 bytes
 Redo Buffers            6103040 bytes
 Database mounted.
 Database opened.


ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode
  • 报错:
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  217157632 bytes
Fixed Size		    2211928 bytes
Variable Size		  159387560 bytes
Database Buffers	   50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers		    5226496 bytes
ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode
  • 可能原因:
    1) Oracle的共享内存段或信号量没有被释放;
    2) Oracle的后台进程(如SMON、PMON、DBWn等)没有被关闭;
    3) 用于锁内存的文件lk和sgadef.dbf文件没有被删除。

  • 解决思路:

  • 此处我依靠下面的步骤解决掉了该问题(我遇到的问题是存在锁文件和共享内存段问题):
    1) 如果存在lk和sgadef.dbf文件,则删除。

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ ls sgadef*$ ls sgadef*
ls: 无法访问sgadef*: 没有那个文件或目录
[oracle@localhost dbs]$  cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ls lk*
[oracle@localhost dbs]$  rm lk*

再次启动时又遇到下面的错误(ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more inf),继续解决:

SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  217157632 bytes
Fixed Size		    2211928 bytes
Variable Size		  159387560 bytes
Database Buffers	   50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers		    5226496 bytes
ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more inf


[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcs -map
[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcs -map

--------- 消息队列 PID -----------
msqid      拥有者  lspid      lrpid  
-------- 共享内存 创建者/上次修改者 PID ----------
shmid      拥有者  cpid       lpid      
524288     root       19972      19995     
557057     root       19972      18169     
1540098    root       19972      19972     
851971     root       19972      18169     
819204     root       20214      18169     
884741     root       19972      19972     
983046     root       20276      18169     
1998855    oracle     82166      6116      
1114120    root       19972      18169     
1146889    root       19972      19972     
2195466    oracle     6387       6429      
1376268    root       19972      19972

b. 根据ID号清楚共享内存段

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ ipcrm  -m 1998855

c. 查看信号量

[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcs -s

--------- 信号量数组 -----------键        
semid      拥有者  权限     nsems     
0x2a306eac 557056     oracle     660        154       
0x5c23a1bc 950273     oracle     660        154 

d. 清除oracle的信号量

[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcrm -s 557056
[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcrm -s 950273

e. 再次查询确认

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ ipcs -s

--------- 信号量数组 -----------键        
semid      拥有者  权限     nsems   


[oracle@localhost dbs]$  ipcs -m

------------ 共享内存段 --------------键        
shmid      拥有者  权限     字节     nattch     状态      
0x00000000 524288     root       777        16384      1          目标       
0x00000000 557057     root       777        2129920    2          目标       
0x00000000 1540098    root       777        1916928    1          目标       
0x00000000 851971     root       777        2129920    2          目标       
0x00000000 819204     root       600        524288     2          目标       
0x00000000 884741     root       777        327680     1          目标       
0x00000000 983046     root       600        524288     2          目标       
0x00000000 1114120    root       600        524288     2          目标       
0x00000000 1146889    root       777        1916928    1          目标       
0x00000000 1376268    root       777        1916928    1          目标   


SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  217157632 bytes
Fixed Size      	    2211928 bytes
Variable Size             159387560 bytes
Database Buffers           50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers                5226496 bytes
Database mounted.

$kill -9
