
本文描述的是关于Nessus的扫描设置,是基于Nessus官方文档进行的翻译,仅包含New Scan--Advanced Scan中的选项。



Setting Default Value Description
Targets目标 None Specifies one or more targets to be scanned. If you select a target group or upload a targets file, you are not required to specify additional targets.
Targets can be specified using a number of different formats.
Tip: You can force Nessus to use a given host name for a server during a scan by using the hostname[ip] syntax (e.g.,[]).
提示:您可以使用hostname [ip]语法(例如, [])强制Nessus在扫描期间使用服务器的给定主机名。
Upload Targets
None Uploads a text file that specifies targets.
The targets file must be formatted in the following manner:
    ASCII file format
    Only one target per line
    No extra spaces at the end of a line
    No extra lines following the last target
Note: Unicode/UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
注意:不支持Unicode / UTF-8编码。
Host Discovery主机探索
Setting Default Value Description
Ping the remote host
  On This option enables Nessus to ping remote hosts on multiple ports to determine if they are alive. When set to On, General Settings and Ping Methods appear.
Note: To scan VMware guest systems, Ping the remote host must be set to Off.
注意:要扫描VMware guest虚拟机系统,必须将Ping远程主机设置为Off。
Use Fast Network Discovery
Disabled If a host responds to ping, Nessus attempts to avoid false positives, performing additional tests to verify the response did not come from a proxy or load balancer. Fast network discovery bypasses those additional tests.
ARP Enabled Ping a host using its hardware address via Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). This only works on a local network.
TCP Enabled Ping a host using TCP.
使用TCP ping主机。
Destination ports (TCP) Built-In Destination ports can be configured to use specific ports for TCP ping. This specifies the list of ports that are checked via TCP ping.
可以将此项配置为使用特定端口进行TCP ping。这指定了通过TCP ping检查的端口列表。
ICMP Enabled Ping a host using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
Assume ICMP unreachable from the gateway means the host is down
Disabled Assume ICMP unreachable from the gateway means the host is down When a ping is sent to a host that is down, its gateway may return an ICMP unreachable message. When this option is enabled, when Nessus receives an ICMP Unreachable message, it considers the targeted host dead. This is to help speed up discovery on some networks.
Note: Some firewalls and packet filters use this same behavior for hosts that are up, but connected to a port or protocol that is filtered. With this option enabled, this leads to the scan considering the host is down when it is indeed up.
假设从网关无法访问ICMP,意味着当ping发送到已关闭的主机时主机已关闭,其网关可能会返回ICMP Unreachable消息。启用此选项后,当Nessus收到ICMP Unreachable消息时,它会认为目标主机已关闭。这有助于加速某些网络的发现。
Maximum number of retries
2 Specifies the number of attempts to retry pinging the remote host.
UDP Disabled Ping a host using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
UDP is a stateless protocol, meaning that communication is not performed with handshake dialogues. UDP-based communication is not always reliable, and because of the nature of UDP services and screening devices, they are not always remotely detectable.
Scan Network Printers
Disabled When enabled, Nessus scans network printers.
Scan Novell Netware hosts
扫描Novell Netware主机
Disabled When enabled, Nessus scans Novell NetWare hosts.
启用后,Nessus将扫描Novell NetWare主机。
Scan Operational Technology devices
Disabled When enabled, Nessus performs a full scan of Operational Technology (OT) devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and remote terminal units (RTUs) that monitor environmental factors and the activity and state of machinery. When disabled, Nessus uses ICS/SCADA Smart Scanning to cautiously identify OT devices and stops scanning them once they are discovered.
启用后,Nessus会对可操作技术(OT)设备进行全面扫描,例如可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)和远程终端设备(RTU),用于监控环境因素以及机器的活动和状态。禁用时,Nessus使用ICS / SCADA智能扫描小心的识别OT设备,并在发现OT设备后停止扫描。
List of MAC Addresses
None The Wake-on-LAN (WOL) menu controls which hosts to send WOL magic packets to before performing a scan.
Hosts that you want to start prior to scanning are provided by uploading a text file that lists one MAC address per line.
For example:
Wake-on-LAN(WOL)菜单控制在执行扫描之前将WOL magic packets发送到哪个主机。
Boot time wait (in minutes)
5 The amount of time to wait for hosts to start before performing the scan.
Port Scanning端口扫描
Consider Unscanned Ports as Closed
Disabled If a port is not scanned with a selected port scanner (for example, the port falls outside of the specified range), Nessus considers it closed.
Port Scan Range
Default Two keywords can be typed into the Port scan range box.
    default instructs Nessus to scan approximately 4,790 commonly used ports. The list of ports can be found in the nessus-services file.
    all instructs Nessus to scan all 65,536 ports, including port 0.
Additionally, you can type a custom range of ports by using a comma-delimited list of ports or port ranges. For example, 21,23,25,80,110 or 1-1024,8080,9000-9200. If you wanted to scan all ports excluding port 0, you would type 1-65535.
The custom range specified for a port scan is applied to the protocols you have selected in the Network Port Scanners group of settings.
If scanning both TCP and UDP, you can specify a split range specific to each protocol. For example, if you want to scan a different range of ports for TCP and UDP in the same policy, you would type T:1-1024,U:300-500.
You can also specify a set of ports to scan for both protocols, as well as individual ranges for each separate protocol. For example, 1-1024,T:1024-65535,U:1025.
SSH (netstat) Enabled This option uses netstat to check for open ports from the local machine. It relies on the netstat command being available via an SSH connection to the target. This scan is intended for Linux-based systems and requires authentication credentials.
WMI (netstat) Enabled A WMI-based scan uses netstat to determine open ports.
Note: If enabled, any custom range typed in the Port Scan Range box is ignored.
If any port enumerator (netstat or SNMP) is successful, the port range becomes all. Nessus still treats unscanned ports as closed if the Consider unscanned ports as closed check box is selected.
SNMP Enabled When enabled, if the appropriate credentials are provided by the user, Nessus can better test the remote host and produce more detailed audit results. For example, there are many Cisco router checks that determine the vulnerabilities present by examining the version of the returned SNMP string. This information is necessary for these audits.
Only run network port scanners if local port enumeration failed
Enabled Rely on local port enumeration first before relying on network port scans.
Verify open TCP ports found by local port enumerators
Disabled If a local port enumerator (e.g., WMI or netstat) finds a port, Nessus also verifies that it is open remotely. This helps determine if some form of access control is being used (e.g., TCP wrappers, firewall).
SYN Enabled Use the Nessus SYN scanner to identify open TCP ports on the target hosts. SYN scans are generally considered to be less intrusive than TCP scans depending on the security monitoring device, such as a firewall or Intrusion Detection System (IDS). The scanner sends a SYN packet to the port, waits for SYN-ACK reply, and determines the port state based on a reply or lack of reply.
使用Nessus SYN扫描程序识别目标主机上的开放TCP端口。根据安全监控设备(例如防火墙或入侵检测系统(IDS)),SYN扫描通常被认为比TCP扫描侵入的更少。扫描器向端口发送SYN数据包,等待SYN-ACK应答,并根据回复或没有回复确定端口状态。
Override automatic firewall detection
Disabled When enabled, this setting overrides automatic firewall detection.
This setting has three options:
    Use aggressive detection attempts to run plugins even if the port appears to be closed. It is recommended that this option not be used on a production network.
    Use soft detection disables the ability to monitor how often resets are set and to determine if there is a limitation configured by a downstream network device.
    Disable detection disables the Firewall detection feature.
This description also applies to the Override automatic firewall detection setting that is available following SYN.
    Use aggressive detection即使端口似乎已关闭,也要使用积极的检测尝试来运行插件。建议不要在生产网络上使用此选项。
Use soft detection使用软检测会禁用监视重置设置频率的能力,并确定下游网络设备是否配置了限制。
Disable detection禁用检测会禁用防火墙检测功能。
UDP Disabled This option engages Nessus built-in UDP scanner to identify open UDP ports on the targets.
Due to the nature of the protocol, it is generally not possible for a port scanner to tell the difference between open and filtered UDP ports. Enabling the UDP port scanner may dramatically increase the scan time and produce unreliable results. Consider using the netstat or SNMP port enumeration options instead if possible.
Service Discovery服务探索
Probe all ports to find services
Enabled Attempts to map each open port with the service that is running on that port.
Caution: In some rare cases, probing might disrupt some services and cause unforeseen side effects.
Search for SSL based services
On Controls how Nessus will test SSL-based services.
Caution: Testing for SSL capability on all ports may be disruptive for the tested host.
Search for SSL/TLS on Known SSL/TLS ports This setting has two options:
    Known SSL/TLS ports
    All ports
Identify certificates expiring within x days
60 Identifies SSL and TLS certificates that are within the specified number of days of expiring.
Enumerate all SSL ciphers
TRUE When enabled, Nessus ignores the list of ciphers advertised by SSL/TLS services and enumerates them by attempting to establish connections using all possible ciphers.
启用后,Nessus会忽略SSL / TLS服务公布的密码列表,并通过尝试使用所有可能的密码建立连接来枚举它们。
Enable CRL checking (connects to internet)
FALSE When enabled, Nessus checks that none of the identified certificates have been revoked.
Override normal Accuracy
Disabled In some cases, Nessus cannot remotely determine whether a flaw is present or not. If report paranoia is set to Show potential false alarms then a flaw is reported every time, even when there is a doubt about the remote host being affected. Conversely, a paranoia setting of Avoid potential false alarms causes Nessus to not report any flaw whenever there is a hint of uncertainty about the remote host. Not enabling Override normal accuracy is a middle ground between these two settings.
Perform thorough tests (may disrupt your network or impact scan speed)
Disabled Causes various plugins to work harder. For example, when looking through SMB file shares, a plugin can analyze 3 directory levels deep instead of 1. This could cause much more network traffic and analysis in some cases. By being more thorough, the scan is more intrusive and is more likely to disrupt the network, while potentially providing better audit results.
Antivirus definition grace period (in days)
0 Configure the delay of the Antivirus software check for a set number of days (0-7). The Antivirus Software Check menu allows you to direct Nessus to allow for a specific grace time in reporting when antivirus signatures are considered out of date. By default, Nessus considers signatures out of date regardless of how long ago an update was available (e.g., a few hours ago). This can be configured to allow for up to 7 days before reporting them out of date.
配置防病毒软件检查的延迟天数(0-7)。 “防病毒软件检查”菜单允许您指示Nessus在报告防病毒签名过期时允许特定的宽限时间。默认情况下,Nessus认为签名已过期,无论多久以前有可用的更新(例如,几小时前)。这可以配置为允许最多7天,然后报告它们过期。
Third party domain
  Nessus attempts to send spam through each SMTP device to the address listed in this field. This third party domain address must be outside the range of the site being scanned or the site performing the scan. Otherwise, the test may be aborted by the SMTP server.
From address   The test messages sent to the SMTP server(s) appear as if they originated from the address specified in this field.
To address   Nessus attempts to send messages addressed to the mail recipient listed in this field. The postmaster address is the default value since it is a valid address on most mail servers.
Brute Force暴力破解
Only use credentials provided by the user
Enabled In some cases, Nessus can test default accounts and known default passwords. This can cause the account to be locked out if too many consecutive invalid attempts trigger security protocols on the operating system or application. By default, this setting is enabled to prevent Nessus from performing these tests.
Test default accounts (slow)
Disabled Test for known default accounts in Oracle software.
Hydra(可以设置,现在没展示)   Hydra选项仅在Hydra与扫描仪或执行扫描的代理程序安装在同一台计算机上时出现。
Web ApplicationsWeb应用程序
Use a custom User-Agent
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0) Specifies which type of web browser Nessus impersonates while scanning.
Start crawling from
/ The URL of the first page that is tested. If multiple pages are required, use a colon delimiter to separate them (e.g., /:/php4:/base).
测试的第一个页面的URL。如果需要多个页面,请使用冒号分隔符将它们分开(例如,/:/ php4:/ base)。
Excluded pages (regex)
/server_privileges\.php <> log out Specifies portions of the web site to exclude from being crawled. For example, to exclude the /manual directory and all Perl CGI, set this field to: (^/manual) <> (\.pl(\?.*)?$).
Nessus supports POSIX regular expressions for string matching and handling, as well as Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE).
指定要从中进行爬网的部分网站。例如,要排除/ manual目录和所有Perl CGI,请将此字段设置为:(^ / manual)<>(\ .pl(\?。*)?$)。
Maximum pages to crawl
1000 The maximum number of pages to crawl.
Maximum depth to crawl
6 Limit the number of links Nessus follows for each start page.
Follow dynamic pages
Disabled If selected, Nessus follows dynamic links and may exceed the parameters set above.
Enable generic web application tests
Disabled Enables the options listed below.
Abort web application tests if HTTP login fails
Disabled If Nessus cannot log in to the target via HTTP, then do not run any web application tests.
Try all HTTP methods
Disabled This option instructs Nessus to also use POST requests for enhanced web form testing. By default, the web application tests only use GET requests, unless this option is enabled. Generally, more complex applications use the POST method when a user submits data to the application. This setting provides more thorough testing, but may considerably increase the time required. When selected, Nessus tests each script or variable with both GET and POST requests. This setting provides more thorough testing, but may considerably increase the time required.
Attempt HTTP Parameter Pollution
Disabled When performing web application tests, attempt to bypass filtering mechanisms by injecting content into a variable while also supplying the same variable with valid content. For example, a normal SQL injection test may look like /target.cgi?a='&b=2. With HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) enabled, the request may look like /target.cgi?a='&a=1&b=2.
Test embedded web servers
Disabled Embedded web servers are often static and contain no customizable CGI scripts. In addition, embedded web servers may be prone to crash or become non-responsive when scanned. Tenable recommends scanning embedded web servers separately from other web servers using this option.
嵌入式Web服务器通常是静态的,不包含可自定义的CGI脚本。此外,嵌入式Web服务器在扫描时可能容易崩溃或无响应。 Tenable建议使用此选项将嵌入式Web服务器与其他Web服务器分开扫描。
Test more than one parameter at a time per form
Disabled This setting manages the combination of argument values used in the HTTP requests. The default, without checking this option, is testing one parameter at a time with an attack string, without trying non-attack variations for additional parameters. For example, Nessus would attempt
/test.php?arg1=XSS&b=1&c=1, where b and c allow other values, without testing each combination. This is the quickest method of testing with the smallest result set generated.
This setting has four options:
    Test random pairs of parameters: This form of testing randomly checks a combination of random pairs of parameters. This is the fastest way to test multiple parameters.
    Test all pairs of parameters (slow): This form of testing is slightly slower but more efficient than the one value test. While testing multiple parameters, it tests an attack string, variations for a single variable and then use the first value for all other variables. For example, Nessus would attempt /test.php?a=XSS&b=1&c=1&d=1 and then cycle through the variables so that one is given the attack string, one is cycled through all possible values (as discovered during the mirror process) and any other variables are given the first value. In this case, Nessus would never test for /test.php?a=XSS&b=3&c=3&d=3 when the first value of each variable is 1.
    Test random combinations of three or more parameters (slower): This form of testing randomly checks a combination of three or more parameters. This is more thorough than testing only pairs of parameters. Increasing the amount of combinations by three or more increases the web application test time.
    Test all combinations of parameters (slowest): This method of testing checks all possible combinations of attack strings with valid input to variables. Where all pairs testing seeks to create a smaller data set as a tradeoff for speed, all combinations makes no compromise on time and uses a complete data set of tests. This testing method may take a long time to complete.
上面的翻译 上面的翻译 此设置管理HTTP请求中使用的参数值的组合。默认情况下,不选择此选项,是使用攻击字符串一次测试一个参数,而不尝试其他参数的非攻击变体。例如,Nessus会尝试/test.php?arg1=XSS&b=1&c=1,其中b和c允许其他值,而不测试每个组合。这是使用生成的最小结果集进行测试的最快方法。
    Test random pairs of parameters测试随机参数对:这种形式的测试随机检查随机参数对的组合。这是测试多个参数的最快方法。
    Test all pairs of parameters (slow)测试所有参数对(慢):这种形式的测试比单值测试稍慢但效率更高。在测试多个参数时,它会测试攻击字符串,单个变量的变体,然后对所有其他变量使用第一个值。例如,Nessus将尝试/test.php?a=XSS&b=1&c=1&d=1然后循环遍历变量,以便为一个人提供攻击字符串,一个循环遍历所有可能的值(在镜像过程中发现)并且任何其他变量都给出第一个值。在这种情况下,当每个变量的第一个值为1时,Nessus永远不会测试/test.php?a=XSS&b=3&c=3&d=3。
    Test random combinations of three or more parameters (slower)测试三个或更多参数的随机组合(较慢):这种测试形式随机检查三个或更多参数的组合。这比仅测试成对参数更彻底。将组合数量增加三个或更多会增加Web应用程序的测试时间。
    Test all combinations of parameters (slowest)测试所有参数组合(最慢):这种测试方法检查所有可能的攻击字符串组合以及对变量的有效输入。如果所有对测试都试图创建一个较小的数据集作为速度的权衡,那么所有组合都不会在时间上妥协,并使用完整的测试数据集。该测试方法可能需要很长时间才能完成。
Do not stop after first flaw is found per web page
Disabled This setting determines when a new flaw is targeted. This applies at the script level. Finding an XSS flaw does not disable searching for SQL injection or header injection, but unless otherwise specified, there is at most one report for each type on a given port. Note that several flaws of the same type (e.g., XSS, SQLi, etc.) may be reported if they were caught by the same attack.
This setting has three options:
    Stop after one flaw is found per web server (fastest): As soon as a flaw is found on a web server by a script, Nessus stops and switches to another web server on a different port.
    Stop after one flaw is found per parameter (slow): As soon as one type of flaw is found in a parameter of a CGI (e.g., XSS), Nessus switches to the next parameter of the same CGI, the next known CGI, or to the next port or server.
    Look for all flaws (slowest): Perform extensive tests regardless of flaws found. This option can produce a very verbose report and is not recommend in most cases.
    Stop after one flaw is found per web server (fastest)在每个Web服务器发现一个缺陷后停止(最快):一旦脚本在Web服务器上发现缺陷,Nessus就会停止并切换到另一个端口上的另一个Web服务器。
    Stop after one flaw is found per parameter (slow)在每个参数找到一个缺陷后停止(慢):只要在CGI的参数中找到一种类型的缺陷(例如,XSS),Nessus就切换到相同CGI的下一个参数,即下一个已知的CGI,或者到下一个端口或服务器。
    Look for all flaws (slowest)寻找所有缺陷(最慢):无论发现什么缺陷,都要进行大量测试。此选项可以生成非常详细的报告,在大多数情况下不建议使用。
URL for Remote File Inclusion
远程文件包含的URL During Remote File Inclusion (RFI) testing, this setting specifies a file on a remote host to use for tests. By default, Nessus uses a safe file hosted by Tenable, Inc. for RFI testing. If the scanner cannot reach the internet, you can use an internally hosted file for more accurate RFI testing.
If the target(s) being scanned cannot reach the Internet, the default URL can be replaced by an internally hosted file. The file must contain PHP source code that displays "NessusCodeExecTest" when executed.
Maximum run time (min)
5 This option manages the amount of time in minutes spent performing web application tests. This option defaults to 60 minutes and applies to all ports and CGIs for a given website. Scanning the local network for web sites with small applications typically completes in under an hour, however web sites with large applications may require a higher value.
This limit refers to the maximum amount of time spent attempting each individual generic web attack type (e.g., XSS, SQL injection).
Request information about the SMB Domain
Enabled If enabled, domain users are queried instead of local users.
Start UID 1000 The beginning of a range of IDs where Nessus attempts to enumerate domain users.
End UID 1200 The end of a range of IDs where Nessus attempts to enumerate domain users.
Start UID 1000 The beginning of a range of IDs where Nessus attempts to enumerate local users.
End UID 1200 The end of a range of IDs where Nessus attempts to enumerate local users.
Disable DNS resolution
Disabled Checking this option prevents Nessus from using the cloud to compare scan findings against known malware.
Custom Netstat IP Threat List
自定义Netstat IP威胁列表
None A text file that contains a list of known bad IP addresses that you want to detect.
Each line in the file must begin with an IPv4 address. Optionally, you can add a description by adding a comma after the IP address, followed by the description. You can also use hash-delimited comments (e.g., #) in addition to comma-delimited comments.
文件中的每一行必须以IPv4地址开头。 (可选)您可以通过在IP地址后添加逗号来添加说明,然后添加说明。除了逗号分隔的注释之外,您还可以使用散列分隔的注释(例如#)。
Provide your own list of known bad MD5 hashes
None Additional known bad MD5 hashes can be uploaded via a text file that contains one MD5 hash per line. Optionally, you can include a description for a hash by adding a comma after the hash, followed by the description. If any matches are found when scanning a target, the description appears in the scan results. Hash-delimited comments (e.g., #) can also be used in addition to the comma-delimited ones.
可以通过每行包含一个MD5哈希的文本文件上载其他已知的坏MD5哈希值。 (可选)您可以通过在哈希后添加逗号来包含哈希的描述,然后是描述。如果在扫描目标时找到任何匹配项,则说明将显示在扫描结果中。除了以逗号分隔的注释之外,还可以使用散列分隔的注释(例如,#)。
Provide your own list of known good MD5 hashes
None Additional known good MD5 hashes can be uploaded via a text file that contains one MD5 hash per line. It is possible to (optionally) add a description for each hash in the uploaded file. This is done by adding a comma after the hash, followed by the description. If any matches are found when scanning a target, and a description was provided for the hash, the description appears in the scan results. Standard hash-delimited comments (e.g., # ) can optionally be used in addition to the comma-delimited ones.
Hosts file whitelist
None Nessus checks system hosts files for signs of a compromise (e.g., Plugin ID 23910 titled Compromised Windows System (hosts File Check)). This option allows you to upload a file containing a list of IPs and hostnames to be ignored by Nessus during a scan. Include one IP and one hostname (formatted identically to your hosts file on the target) per line in a regular text file.
Nessus检查系统主机文件是否存在危害迹象(例如,标题为Compromised Windows System的插件ID 23910(主机文件检查))。此选项允许您上载包含Nessus在扫描期间忽略的IP和主机名列表的文件。在常规文本文件中每行包含一个IP和一个主机名(格式与目标上的主机文件格式相同)。
Yara Rules File
None A .yar file containing the YARA rules to be applied in the scan. You can only upload one file per scan, so include all rules in a single file. For more information, see
Scan file system
Off Turning on this option allows you to scan system directories and files on host computers.
Caution: Enabling this setting in scans targeting 10 or more hosts could result in performance degradation.
Scan %Systemroot% Off Enables file system scanning to scan %Systemroot%.
Scan %ProgramFiles% Off Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramFiles%.
Scan %ProgramFiles(x86)% Off Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramFiles(x86)%.
Scan %ProgramData% Off Enables file system scanning to scan %ProgramData%.
Scan User Profiles Off Enables file system scanning to scan user profiles.
Custom Filescan Directories None A custom file that lists directories to be scanned by malware file scanning. List each directory on one line.
Override normal verbosity
Disabled This setting has two options:
    I have limited disk space. Report as little information as possible: Provides less information about plugin activity in the report to minimize impact on disk space.
    Report as much information as possible: Provides more information about plugin activity in the report.
Show missing patches that have been superseded
Enabled If enabled, includes superseded patch information in the scan report.
Hide results from plugins initiated as a dependency
Enabled If enabled, the list of dependencies is not included in the report. If you want to include the list of dependencies in the report, disable this setting.
Allow users to edit scan results
Enabled When enabled, allows users to delete items from the report. When performing a scan for regulatory compliance or other types of audits, disable the setting to show that the scan was not tampered with.
Designate hosts by their DNS name
Disabled Uses the host name rather than IP address for report output.
Display hosts that respond to ping
Disabled Reports hosts that successfully respond to a ping.
Display unreachable hosts
Disabled When enabled, hosts that did not reply to the ping request are included in the security report as dead hosts. Do not enable this option for large IP blocks.
Enable Safe Checks
Enabled When enabled, disables all plugins that may have an adverse effect on the remote host.
Stop scanning hosts that become unresponsive during the scan
Disabled When enabled, Nessus stops scanning if it detects that the host has become unresponsive. This may occur if users turn off their PCs during a scan, a host has stopped responding after a denial of service plugin, or a security mechanism (for example, an IDS) has started to block traffic to a server. Normally, continuing scans on these machines sends unnecessary traffic across the network and delay the scan.
Scan IP addresses in a random order
Disabled By default, Nessus scans a list of IP addresses in sequential order. When enabled, Nessus scans the list of hosts in a random order across the entire target IP space. This is typically useful in helping to distribute the network traffic during large scans.
Slow down the scan when network congestion is detected
Disabled This enables Nessus to detect when it is sending too many packets and the network pipe is approaching capacity. If detected, Nessus throttles the scan to accommodate and alleviate the congestion. Once the congestion has subsided, Nessus automatically attempts to use the available space within the network pipe again.
Network timeout (in seconds)
5 Specifies the time that Nessus waits for a response from a host unless otherwise specified within a plugin. If you are scanning over a slow connection, you may want to set this to a higher number of seconds.
Max simultaneous checks per host
5 Specifies the maximum number of checks a Nessus scanner will perform against a single host at one time.
Max simultaneous hosts per scan
80 Specifies the maximum number of hosts that a Nessus scanner will scan at the same time.
Max number of concurrent TCP sessions per host
none Specifies the maximum number of established TCP sessions for a single host.
This TCP throttling option also controls the number of packets per second the SYN scanner sends, which is 10 times the number of TCP sessions. E.g., if this option is set to 15, the SYN scanner sends 150 packets per second at most.
Max number of concurrent TCP sessions per scan
none This setting limits the maximum number of established TCP sessions for the entire scan, regardless of the number of hosts being scanned.
Custom filepath exclusions for Unix find command
自定义Unix find命令的要排除的文件路径
none A plain text file containing a list of filepaths to exclude from all plugins that search using the find command on Unix systems.
In the file, enter one filepath per line, formatted per patterns allowed by the Unix find command -path argument. For more information, see the find command man page.
在该文件中,每行输入一个文件路径,按Unix find命令-path参数允许的格式进行格式化。有关更多信息,请参阅find命令手册页。
Custom filesystem exclusions for Unix find command
自定义Unix find命令的要排除的文件系统
none A plain text file containing a list of filesystems to exclude from all plugins that search using the find command on Unix systems.
In the file, enter one filesystem per line, using filesystem types supported by the Unix find command -fstype argument. For more information, see the find command man page.
在该文件中,使用Unix find命令-fstype参数支持的文件系统类型,每行输入一个文件系统。有关更多信息,请参阅find命令手册页。
Log scan details
Disabled Logs the start and finish time for each plugin used during a scan to nessusd.messages.
Enable plugin debugging
Disabled Attaches available debug logs from plugins to the vulnerability output of this scan.
Audit Trail Verbosity
All audit trail data Control verbosity of the plugin audit trail. If set to 'partial', scans will not include trails providing the reason why plugins were not included in the scan.
Enumerate launched plugins
Disabled Adds a list of plugins that were launched during the scan
