
1. English

These days, Kevin can use English to say something, or retell some stories, his oral English improved a lot. Everyday, he told me about what they did in English class.


Listening: peppa

Reading: oxford reading tree level 6, read one book by himself, and we discussed about the book.

After that, he draw some pictures to prepare his presentation on this Saturday. When he finished below four vegetables, there was no time left, and he should have a shower and Went to sleep. But he still wanted to draw another one, so he said 'mom, I'll draw an apple, I'll be very fast, and I'll do it as fast as I can.'


2. PD实践


昨天将脸谱和家庭名片贴上墙,这几天抽空把优点树和每日流程表重新做起来。感觉最近有些偏和善了,坚定不足,导致孩子有些一步一步试探你的底线。以今天为例,9:20的时候我说得赶紧洗澡刷牙睡觉了,要不明天早晨又起不来,可是他坚持还要再画一幅画。我告诉他,为了保证睡眠,画画如果导致视角时间延后,那么会占用掉睡前故事的时间。可是他坚持要画,虽然确实是用了最快的速度,但洗漱完还是超9:30了。因此,我取消了他的睡前故事, 并且说明是因为画画占用了这个时间段,他不认同,坚持说讲一个短的,我没有答应,他很不情愿的才去睡觉。
