/** Recursive Descent parse routines. There is one for each structural* element in a json document:* - scalar (string, number, true, false, null)* - array ( [ ] )* - array element* - object ( { } )* - object field*/static inline voidparse_scalar(JsonLexContext *lex, JsonSemAction *sem){char *val = NULL;json_scalar_action sfunc = sem->scalar;char **valaddr;JsonTokenType tok = lex_peek(lex);
valaddr = sfunc == NULL ? NULL : &val;
/* a scalar must be a string, a number, true, false, or null */switch (tok){case JSON_TOKEN_TRUE:lex_accept(lex, JSON_TOKEN_TRUE, valaddr);break;case JSON_TOKEN_FALSE:lex_accept(lex, JSON_TOKEN_FALSE, valaddr);break;case JSON_TOKEN_NULL:lex_accept(lex, JSON_TOKEN_NULL, valaddr);break;case JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER:lex_accept(lex, JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER, valaddr);break;case JSON_TOKEN_STRING:lex_accept(lex, JSON_TOKEN_STRING, valaddr);break;default:report_parse_error(JSON_PARSE_VALUE, lex);}
if (sfunc != NULL)(*sfunc) (sem->semstate, val, tok);}
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": TRUE}';ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonLINE 1: select jsonb '{"a": TRUE}';^DETAIL: Token "TRUE" is invalid.CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: {"a": TRUE...postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": true}';jsonb-------------{"a": true}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": false}';jsonb--------------{"a": false}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": NULL}';ERROR: invalid input syntax for type jsonLINE 1: select jsonb '{"a": NULL}';^DETAIL: Token "NULL" is invalid.CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: {"a": NULL...postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": null}';jsonb-------------{"a": null}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": 10.001}';jsonb---------------{"a": 10.001}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a": "10.001"}';jsonb-----------------{"a": "10.001"}(1 row)
/** The context of the parser is maintained by the recursive descent* mechanism, but is passed explicitly to the error reporting routine* for better diagnostics.*/typedef enum /* contexts of JSON parser */{JSON_PARSE_VALUE, /* expecting a value */JSON_PARSE_STRING, /* expecting a string (for a field name) */JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_START, /* saw '[', expecting value or ']' */JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_NEXT, /* saw array element, expecting ',' or ']' */JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_START, /* saw '{', expecting label or '}' */JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_LABEL, /* saw object label, expecting ':' */JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NEXT /* saw object value, expecting ',' or '}' */JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_COMMA, /* saw object ',', expecting next label */JSON_PARSE_END /* saw the end of a document, expect nothing */} JsonParseContext;
pg_catalog | anyrange_in | anyrange | cstring, oid, integer | normalpg_catalog | anyrange_out | cstring | anyrange | normalpg_catalog | timestamptz_out | cstring | timestamp with time zone | normalpg_catalog | timestamptz_in | timestamp with time zone | cstring, oid, integer | normal
/* timestamptz_in()* Convert a string to internal form.*/Datumtimestamptz_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){char *str = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);
#ifdef NOT_USEDOid typelem = PG_GETARG_OID(1);#endifint32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
postgres=# select timestamptz_out(now());timestamptz_out-------------------------------2015-09-24 19:44:16.076233+08(1 row)
postgres=# select oid,* from pg_type where typname='timestamptz';-[ RECORD 1 ]--+---------------------oid | 1184typname | timestamptztypnamespace | 11typowner | 10typlen | 8typbyval | ttyptype | btypcategory | Dtypispreferred | ttypisdefined | ttypdelim | ,typrelid | 0typelem | 0typarray | 1185typinput | timestamptz_intypoutput | timestamptz_outtypreceive | timestamptz_recvtypsend | timestamptz_sendtypmodin | timestamptztypmodintypmodout | timestamptztypmodouttypanalyze | -typalign | dtypstorage | ptypnotnull | ftypbasetype | 0typtypmod | -1typndims | 0typcollation | 0typdefaultbin |typdefault |typacl |
postgres=# select timestamptz_in('2015-09-24 19:44:16.076233+08',1184,1);-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-------------------------timestamptz_in | 2015-09-24 19:44:16.1+08postgres=# select timestamptz_in('2015-09-24 19:44:16.076233+08',1184,6);-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------timestamptz_in | 2015-09-24 19:44:16.076233+08
/** Returns a formatted string*/Datumtext_format(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){......
postgres=# select format('{"K": "%s"}', int8range(1,10));format-----------------{"K": "[1,10)"}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', int8range(1,10))::cstring );jsonb_in-----------------{"K": "[1,10)"}(1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', int8range(1,10))::cstring ) ->> 'K';?column?----------[1,10)(1 row)
postgres=# select (jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', int8range(1,10))::cstring ) ->> 'K') :: int8range;int8range-----------[1,10)(1 row)
postgres=# select format('{"K": "%s"}', '你好'::bytea);format-------------------------{"K": "\xe4bda0e5a5bd"}(1 row)postgres=# select convert_from('\xe4bda0e5a5bd', 'utf8');convert_from--------------你好(1 row)postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbosepostgres=# select jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', '你好'::bytea)::cstring );ERROR: 22P02: invalid input syntax for type jsonDETAIL: Escape sequence "\x" is invalid.CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: {"K": "\x...LOCATION: json_lex_string, json.c:890
/** The next token in the input stream is known to be a string; lex it.*/static inline voidjson_lex_string(JsonLexContext *lex){......switch (*s){case '"':case '\\':case '/':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, *s);break;case 'b':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, '\b');break;case 'f':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, '\f');break;case 'n':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, '\n');break;case 'r':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, '\r');break;case 't':appendStringInfoChar(lex->strval, '\t');break;default:/* Not a valid string escape, so error out. */lex->token_terminator = s + pg_mblen(s);ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION),errmsg("invalid input syntax for type json"),errdetail("Escape sequence \"\\%s\" is invalid.",extract_mb_char(s)),report_json_context(lex)));}
postgres=# select jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', '你好'::bytea)::cstring ) ->> 'K';?column?--------------e4bda0e5a5bd(1 row)
postgres=# select convert_from( byteain (('\x'||(jsonb_in( format('{"K": "%s"}', '你好'::bytea)::cstring ) ->> 'K'))::cstring), 'utf8'::name);convert_from--------------你好(1 row)
/** Lex one token from the input stream.*/static inline voidjson_lex(JsonLexContext *lex){char *s;int len;
/* Skip leading whitespace. */s = lex->token_terminator;len = s - lex->input;while (len < lex->input_length &&(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r')){if (*s == '\n')++lex->line_number;++s;++len;}lex->token_start = s;
/* Determine token type. */if (len >= lex->input_length){lex->token_start = NULL;lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_END;}elseswitch (*s){/* Single-character token, some kind of punctuation mark. */case '{':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_OBJECT_START;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_OBJECT_START;break;case '}':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_OBJECT_END;break;case '[':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_ARRAY_START;break;case ']':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_ARRAY_END;break;case ',':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_COMMA;break;case ':':lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_COLON;break;case '"':/* string */json_lex_string(lex);lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_STRING;break;case '-':/* Negative number. */json_lex_number(lex, s + 1, NULL);lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER;break;case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':/* Positive number. */json_lex_number(lex, s, NULL);lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER;break;default:{char *p;{char *p;
/** We're not dealing with a string, number, legal* punctuation mark, or end of string. The only legal* tokens we might find here are true, false, and null,* but for error reporting purposes we scan until we see a* non-alphanumeric character. That way, we can report* the whole word as an unexpected token, rather than just* some unintuitive prefix thereof.*/for (p = s; p - s < lex->input_length - len && JSON_ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR(*p); p++)/* skip */ ;
/** We got some sort of unexpected punctuation or an* otherwise unexpected character, so just complain about* that one character.*/if (p == s){lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = s + 1;report_invalid_token(lex);}
/** We've got a real alphanumeric token here. If it* happens to be true, false, or null, all is well. If* not, error out.*/lex->prev_token_terminator = lex->token_terminator;lex->token_terminator = p;if (p - s == 4){if (memcmp(s, "true", 4) == 0)lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_TRUE;else if (memcmp(s, "null", 4) == 0)lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_NULL;elsereport_invalid_token(lex);}else if (p - s == 5 && memcmp(s, "false", 5) == 0)lex->token_type = JSON_TOKEN_FALSE;elsereport_invalid_token(lex);
}} /* end of switch */}