
{php $theurl = "index.php?m=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=$catid";}
{php $brandid = (isset($_GET['brandid']) && is_numeric($_GET['brandid']) ? $_GET['brandid'] : '');}
{php $priceid = (isset($_GET['priceid']) && is_numeric($_GET['priceid']) ? $_GET['priceid'] : '');}
{php $areaid = (isset($_GET['areaid']) && is_numeric($_GET['areaid']) ? $_GET['areaid'] : '');}
{php $degree = (isset($_GET['degree']) ? $_GET['degree'] : '');}

{php $modelid_cache = getcache('model_field_'.$modelid,'model');}                       
{php $brand_linkage = getcache(3360,'linkage'); $brand_data = $brand_linkage[data];}    
{php $area_linkage = getcache(3379,'linkage'); $area_data = $area_linkage[data];}       

    if($r[parentid] == 0){
        $boroughs[$k]  = $r['name'];
    }elseif(($_GET[areaid] == $r['parentid'] || $paid == $r['parentid'])){
        $streets[$k]  = $r['name'];
        $areaid_arr[] = $k;
/**-- 排序的数组 --**/
$order_arr  = array(
    'finer' => array('finer'=>'DESC'),
    'avgsort' => array('avgsort'=>'DESC'),
    'reviews' => array('reviews'=>'DESC'),
    'enjoy' => array('enjoy'=>'DESC'),
    'price' => array('avgprice'=>'DESC'),
    'price_s' => array('avgprice'=>'ASC'),
    'picture' => array('pictures'=>'DESC'),
    'picture_s' => array('pictures'=>'ASC'),
    'addtime' => array('addtime'=>'DESC'),
    'pageviews' => array('pageviews'=>'DESC'),
/**-- 查询的数组 --**/
$where = array();
if($catid) $where['catid'] = (int) $catid;
if($brandid) $where['brandid'] = (int) $brandid;
if($priceid) $where['priceid'] = (int) $priceid;
    if($areaid) $where['areaid'] = (int) $areaid;
    $areasql = '';
    if($areaid) $areasql = ' AND `areaid` IN('.join(',',$areaid_arr).')';
function getwheresql($wheresqlarr) {
    $result = $comma = '';
    if(empty($wheresqlarr)) {
        $result = '1';
    } elseif(is_array($wheresqlarr)) {
        foreach ($wheresqlarr as $key => $value) {
            $result .= $comma.$key.'=\''.$value.'\'';
            $comma = ' AND ';
    } else {
        $result = $wheresqlarr;
    return $result;
$wheresql = getwheresql($where);
$wheresql .= $areasql;
//echo $wheresql;

{php $data = explode("\r\n", $modelid_cache['priceid']['options']);}
{php $price_arr = Array();}
价格 : {if $priceid} 全部 {else} 全部 {/if} {loop $data $r} {php $r = explode("|",trim($r))} {php $price_arr[$r[1]] = $r[0];} {if $priceid == $r[1]} {$r[0]} {else} {$r[0]} {/if} {/loop}
{php $data = explode("\r\n", $modelid_cache['degree']['options']);}
学历 : {if $degree} 全部 {else} 全部 {/if} {loop $data $r} {php $r = explode("|",trim($r))} {if $degree == $r[1]} {$r[0]} {else} {$r[0]} {/if} {/loop}
品牌 : {if $brandid} 全部 {else} 全部 {/if} {loop $brand_data $r} {if $brandid == $r[linkageid]} {$r[name]} {else} {$r[name]} {/if} {/loop}
商圈 : {if $_GET[areaid]} 全部 {else} 全部 {/if} {loop $boroughs $key $val} {if $_GET[areaid] == $key || $paid == $key} {$val} {else} {$val} {/if} {/loop}
{if $_GET[areaid]}
{loop $streets $key $val} {if $_GET[areaid] == $key} {$val} {else} {$val} {/if} {/loop}
{/if} {pc:get sql="SELECT * FROM v9_news WHERE $wheresql" cache="3600" num="10" page="$page" return="data"}

共找到 {php echo count($data);} 个结果

    {loop $data $r} {php $db = pc_base::load_model('hits_model'); $_r = $db->get_one(array('hitsid'=>'c-'.$modelid.'-'.$r[id])); $views = $_r[views]; } {php $comment_tag = pc_base::load_app_class("comment_tag", "comment"); $comment_total = $comment_tag->count(array('commentid'=>'content_'.$catid.'-'.$r[id].'-'.$modelid));}
  • {date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$r[inputtime])}·{$r[title]}


    价格区间:[{$price_arr[$r[priceid]]}] 品牌:[{$brand_data[$r[brandid]][name]}] 区域:[{$area_data[$r[areaid]][name]}] 点击:{$views} 评论:{if $comment_total}{$comment_total}{else}0{/if}

  • {if $n%5==0}
  • {/if} {/loop}
