MJPG-Streamer 远程视频工具的使用

源码: git clone https://github.com/Five-great/mjpg-streamer.git 

$ sudo apt-get install cmake libjpeg8-dev
$ cd ~/mjpg-streamer-master/mjpg-streamer-experimental
$ make
$ sudo make install

$ mjpg_streamer  -i "input_uvc.so -n -f 10 -r 640x480  -d /dev/video0" -o "output_http.so -p 8080  -w /usr/local/share/mjpg-streamer/www"

$ sudo mjpg_streamer  -i "input_uvc.so -n -f 10 -r 640x480  -d /dev/video1" -o "output_http.so -p 8080  -w /usr/local/share/mjpg-streamer/www"
MJPG Streamer Version: git rev: 501f6362c5afddcfb41055f97ae484252c85c912
 i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video1
 i: Desired Resolution: 640 x 480
 i: Frames Per Second.: 10
 i: Format............: JPEG
 i: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
 i: Could not obtain the requested pixelformat: MJPG , driver gave us: YUYV
    ... will try to handle this by checking against supported formats. 
    ... Falling back to YUV mode (consider using -yuv option). Note that this requires much more CPU power
 i: FPS coerced ......: from 10 to 30
 o: www-folder-path......: /usr/local/share/mjpg-streamer/www/
 o: HTTP TCP port........: 8080
 o: HTTP Listen Address..: (null)
 o: username:password....: disabled
 o: commands.............: enabled

远端测试: (其中代表设备端的IP)

MJPG-Streamer 远程视频工具的使用_第1张图片

MJPG-Streamer 远程视频工具的使用_第2张图片 
