FND-01050, APP-FND-00730 之解决办法

Applies to: Oracle Receivables - Version: 11.5.9
This problem can occur on any platform.
FORM:RAXSUAGL - Define Automatic Accounting SymptomsYou get the following errors when trying to setup AutoAccounting:

APP-FND-01050 This flexfield cannot be opened because it has no displayed segments. Please contact your system administrator.

Modify your flexfield definition to display one or more segments. This may also be caused by incorrect use of the Display=token to the flexfield user exits in the form. In that case please contact your support representative.
When clicked on OK, it further throws the following error message:
APP-FND-00730: This flexfield has an invalid value set

You are able to define AutoAccounting in one ORG and not in another.
You are able to define other AutoAccounting accounts but not Freight.
The Freight account record appears to have been saved with no account segments.
You have defined segments for location flexfield but in vain.
CauseThe issue here could be that at some point probably the record in RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS_ALL was saved, without saving the associated records in RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SEGMENTS.

SolutionRun the following sqls:

-- check for the available orgs
select organization_id, name from HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS;

-- check the details with combination of gl_default_id and type for the particular org
select gl_default_id, type, org_id from RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS_ALL;

-- check for the segments, if the necessary and defined values are available or not.
select rad.type, rads.segment, rads.table_name
where rads.gl_default_id = rad.gl_default_id
and rad.org_id = &org_id;

You need to provide the org_id, in which the error occurs. From the output of the above query, check if the necessary segments are returned, for the corrupt account type. If the values are missing, then it implies that, for the record in the table RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS_ALL, there are no corresponding entries in the table RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SEGMENTS_ALL. Hence, the suggested option is to delete the associated record from the table RA_ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS_ALL after taking a backup of the same.

create table ra_account_defaults_all_bak as
select * from ra_account_defaults_all;

delete from ra_account_defaults_all
where gl_default_id = 1015;

Now re-query the account type concerned, in the AutoAccounting form to check if the system allows you to enter. If you still have an issue, kindly log a service request with Oracle Support.

ReferencesBug 661694 - Autoaccounting Segment Receivable Does Not Show Data
Note 161259.1 - Cannot Define AutoAccounting for Tax - Errors APP-FND-01050, APP-FND-00730


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你可能感兴趣的:(FND-01050, APP-FND-00730 之解决办法)