* Java applications execute via threads, which are independent paths of execution through
* an application’s code. When multiple threads are executing, each thread’s path can differ
* from other thread paths.
* Each Java application has a default main thread that executes the main() method. The
* application can also create threads to perform time-intensive tasks in the background so
* that it remains responsive to its users. These threads execute code sequences encapsulated
* in objects that are known as runnables.
* The Java virtual machine (JVM) gives each thread its own JVM stack to prevent
* threads from interfering with each other. Separate stacks let threads keep track of their next
* instructions to execute, which can differ from thread to thread. The stack also provides a
* thread with its own copy of method parameters, local variables, and return value.(线程安全)
* A Thread object is assigned a name, which is useful for debugging. Unless a name is
* explicitly specified, a default name that starts with the Thread- prefix is chosen.
* You can determine if a thread is alive or dead by calling Thread’s boolean isAlive()
* method. This method returns true when the thread is alive; otherwise, it returns false.
* A thread has an execution state that is identified by one of the Thread.State enum’s
* constants:
* • NEW: A thread that has not yet started is in this state.
* • RUNNABLE: A thread executing in the JVM is in this state.
* • BLOCKED: A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in
* this state. (I’ll discuss monitor locks in Chapter 2.)
* • WAITING: A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to
* perform a particular action is in this state.
* • TIMED_WAITING: A thread that is waiting for another thread to
* perform an action for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.
* • TERMINATED: A thread that has exited is in this state.
* Thread lets an application determine a thread’s current state by providing the
* Thread.State getState() method.
* When a computer has enough processors and/or processor cores, the computer’s
* operating system assigns a separate thread to each processor or core so the threads
* execute simultaneously. When a computer doesn’t have enough processors and/or cores,
* various threads must wait their turns to use the shared processors/cores.
* You can identify the number of processors and/or processor cores that are available
* to the JVM by calling the java.lang.Runtime class’s int availableProcessors() method.
* the return value could change during JVM execution and is never smaller than 1.
* Thread supports priority via its int getPriority() method, which returns the
* current priority, and its void setPriority(int priority) method, which sets the
* priority to priority. The value passed to priority ranges from Thread.MIN_PRIORITY
* to Thread.MAX_PRIORITY—Thread.NORMAL_PRIORITY identifies the default priority.
* Java lets you classify threads as daemon threads or nondaemon threads. A daemon thread
* is a thread that acts as a helper to a nondaemon thread and dies automatically when the
* application’s last nondaemon thread dies so that the application can terminate.
* By default, the threads associated with Thread objects are nondaemon threads. To
* create a daemon thread, you must call Thread’s void setDaemon(boolean isDaemon)
* method, passing true to isDaemon.
* An application will not terminate when the nondaemon default main thread
* terminates until all background nondaemon threads terminate. If the background threads
* are daemon threads, the application will terminate as soon as the default main thread
* terminates.
* The Thread class provides an interruption mechanism in which one thread can interrupt
* another thread. When a thread is interrupted, it throws java.lang.InterruptedException.
* This mechanism consists of the following three methods:
* • void interrupt(): Interrupt the thread identified by the Thread
* object on which this method is called. When a thread is blocked
* because of a call to one of Thread’s sleep() or join() methods
* (discussed later in this chapter), the thread’s interrupted status is
* cleared and InterruptedException is thrown. Otherwise, the
* interrupted status is set and some other action is taken
* depending on what the thread is doing. (See the JDK
* documentation for the details.)
* • static boolean interrupted(): Test whether the current thread
* has been interrupted, returning true in this case. The interrupted
* status of the thread is cleared by this method.
* • boolean isInterrupted(): Test whether this thread has been
* interrupted, returning true in this case. The interrupted status of
* the thread is unaffected by this method.
* A thread (such as the default main thread) will occasionally start another thread to
* perform a lengthy calculation, download a large file, or perform some other timeconsuming activity. After finishing its other tasks, the thread that started the worker
* thread is ready to process the results of the worker thread and waits for the worker thread
* to finish and die.
* The Thread class provides three join() methods that allow the invoking thread to
* wait for the thread on whose Thread object join() is called to die:
* • void join(): Wait indefinitely for this thread to die.
* InterruptedException is thrown when any thread has
* interrupted the current thread. If this exception is thrown, the
* interrupted status is cleared.
* • void join(long millis): Wait at most millis milliseconds
* for this thread to die. Pass 0 to millis to wait indefinitely—
* the join() method invokes join(0). java.lang.
* IllegalArgumentException is thrown when millis is negative.
* InterruptedException is thrown when any thread has
* interrupted the current thread. If this exception is thrown, the
* interrupted status is cleared.
* • void join(long millis, int nanos): Wait at most millis
* milliseconds and nanos nanoseconds for this thread to die.
* IllegalArgumentException is thrown when millis is
* negative, nanos is negative, or nanos is greater than 999999.
* InterruptedException is thrown when any thread has
* interrupted the current thread. If this exception is thrown, the
* interrupted status is cleared.
* Developing multithreaded applications is much easier when threads don’t interact,
* typically via shared variables. When interaction occurs, various problems can arise that
* make an application thread-unsafe (incorrect in a multithreaded context).
* To boost performance, the compiler, the Java virtual machine (JVM), and the operating
* system can collaborate to cache a variable in a register or a processor-local cache, rather
* than rely on main memory. Each thread has its own copy of the variable. When one
* thread writes to this variable, it’s writing to its copy; other threads are unlikely to see the
* update in their copies.
* You can use synchronization to solve the previous thread problems. Synchronization is a
* JVM feature that ensures that two or more concurrent threads don’t simultaneously
* execute a critical section, which is a code section that must be accessed in a serial (one
* thread at a time) manner.
* This property of synchronization is known as mutual exclusion because each thread
* is mutually excluded from executing in a critical section when another thread is inside
* the critical section. For this reason, the lock that the thread acquires is often referred to as
* a mutex lock.
* Synchronization also exhibits the property of visibility in which it ensures that a
* thread executing in a critical section always sees the most recent changes to shared
* variables. It reads these variables from main memory on entry to the critical section and
* writes their values to main memory on exit.
* Synchronization is implemented in terms of monitors, which are concurrency
* constructs for controlling access to critical sections, which must execute indivisibly. Each
* Java object is associated with a monitor, which a thread can lock or unlock by acquiring
* and releasing the monitor’s lock (a token).
* Only one thread can hold a monitor’s lock. Any other thread trying to lock that
* monitor blocks until it can obtain the lock. When a thread exits a critical section, it
* unlocks the monitor by releasing the lock.
* Locks are designed to be reentrant to prevent deadlock (discussed later). When a
* thread attempts to acquire a lock that it’s already holding, the request succeeds.
* When synchronizing on an instance method, the lock is associated with the object
* on which the method is called.
* When synchronizing on a class method, the lock is associated with the java.lang.
* Class object corresponding to the class whose class method is called.
* Neither the Java language nor the JVM provides a way to prevent deadlock, and
* so the burden falls on you. the simplest way to prevent deadlock is to avoid having either a
* synchronized method or a synchronized block call another synchronized method/block.
* although this advice prevents deadlock from happening, it’s impractical because one of your
* synchronized methods/blocks might need to call a synchronized method in a Java api, and
* the advice is overkill because the synchronized method/block being called might not call any
* other synchronized method/block, so deadlock would not occur.
* You previously learned that synchronization exhibits two properties: mutual exclusion
* and visibility. The synchronized keyword is associated with both properties. Java also
* provides a weaker form of synchronization involving visibility only, and associates only
* this property with the volatile keyword.
* Because stopped has been marked volatile, each thread will access the main
* memory copy of this variable and not access a cached copy. The application will stop,
* even on a multiprocessor-based or a multicore-based machine.
* Use volatile only where visibility is an issue. also, you can only use this
* reserved word in the context of field declarations (you’ll receive an error if you try to make a
* local variable volatile). Finally, you can declare double and long fields volatile, but
* should avoid doing so on 32-bit JVMs because it takes two operations to access a double or
* long variable’s value, and mutual exclusion (via synchronized) is required to access their
* values safely.
* Each ThreadLocal instance describes a thread-local variable, which is a variable that
* provides a separate storage slot to each thread that accesses the variable. You can think of
* a thread-local variable as a multislot variable in which each thread can store a different
* value in the same variable. Each thread sees only its value and is unaware of other threads
* having their own values in this variable.
* Concurrency Utilities and Executors
* Java’s low-level thread capabilities let you create multithreaded applications that
* offer better performance and responsiveness over their single-threaded counterparts.
* However, performance issues that affect an application’s scalability and other problems
* resulted in Java 5’s introduction of the concurrency utilities.
* The concurrency utilities organize various types into three packages: java.util.
* concurrent, java.util.concurrent.atomic, and java.util.concurrent.locks.
* Basic types for executors, thread pools, concurrent hashmaps, and other high-level
* concurrency constructs are stored in java.util.concurrent; classes that support lockfree, thread-safe programming on single variables are stored in java.util.concurrent.
* atomic; and types for locking and waiting on conditions are stored in java.util.
* concurrent.locks.
* An executor decouples task submission from task-execution mechanics and
* is described by the Executor, ExecutorService, and ScheduledExecutorService
* interfaces. You obtain an executor by calling one of the utility methods in the Executors
* class. Executors are associated with callables and futures.
* Countdown Latches 测试并发是不是很有用啊
* A countdown latch causes one or more threads to wait at a “gate” until another thread
* opens this gate, at which point these other threads can continue. It consists of a count and
* operations for “causing a thread to wait until the count reaches zero” and “decrementing
* the count.”
* The java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch class implements the countdown latch
* synchronizer. You initialize a CountDownLatch instance to a specific count by invoking
* this class’s CountDownLatch(int count) constructor, which throws java.lang.
* IllegalArgumentException when the value passed to count is negative.
* A cyclic barrier lets a set of threads wait for each other to reach a common barrier point.
* The barrier is cyclic because it can be reused after the waiting threads are released. This
* synchronizer is useful in applications involving a fixed-size party of threads that must
* occasionally wait for each other.
* Semaphores
* A semaphore maintains a set of permits for restricting the number of threads that can
* access a limited resource. A thread attempting to acquire a permit when no permits are
* available blocks until some other thread releases a permi.
* Semaphores whose current values can be incremented past 1 are known as
* counting semaphores, whereas semaphores whose current values can be only 0 or 1
* are known as binary semaphores or mutexes. in either case, the current value cannot be
* negative.
* Generally, semaphores used to control resource access should be initialized as fair,
* to ensure that no thread is starved out from accessing a resource. When using
* semaphores for other kinds of synchronization control, the throughput advantages of
* unfair ordering often outweigh fairness considerations.
* Java supports synchronization so that threads can safely update shared variables
* and ensure that a thread’s updates are visible to other threads. You leverage
* synchronization in your code by marking methods or code blocks with the
* synchronized keyword. These code sequences are known as critical sections.
* The Java virtual machine (JVM) supports synchronization via monitors and the
* monitorenter and monitorexit JVM instructions.
* Every Java object is associated with a monitor, which is a mutual exclusion (letting only
* one thread at a time execute in a critical section) construct that prevents multiple threads
* from concurrently executing in a critical section. Before a thread can enter a critical
* section, it’s required to lock the monitor. If the monitor is already locked, the thread
* blocks until the monitor is unlocked (by another thread leaving the critical section).
* When a thread locks a monitor in a multicore/multiprocessor environment, the
* values of shared variables that are stored in main memory are read into the copies
* of these variables that are stored in a thread’s working memory (also known as local
* memory or cache memory). This action ensures that the thread will work with the
* most recent values of these variables and not stale values, and is known as visibility.
* The thread proceeds to work with its copies of these shared variables. When the
* thread unlocks the monitor while leaving the critical section, the values in its copies
* of shared variables are written back to main memory, which lets the next thread
* that enters the critical section access the most recent values of these variables. (The
* volatile keyword addresses visibility only.)
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