Maxwell 3D v11中自定义参数模型的建立

        Maxwell 3D v11版已经支持用户自己定义建立参数模型,比如基本模型中没有管状件,需要生成两个圆柱,然后布尔运算才可以实现。这里我们就给Maxwell添加参数化建立这个模型的功能。
        在VC中建立一个普通Win32的动态连接库DLL项目Tube,在项目中添加UserDefinedPrimitiveStructures.h和UserDefinedPrimitiveDLLInclude.h两个文件,这两个文件放在X:/Program Files/Ansoft/Maxwell11/UserDefinedPrimitives/Examples/Headers目录中。

#include "Headers/UserDefinedPrimitiveDLLInclude.h" //包含预定义

static struct UDPPrimitiveTypeInfo primitiveInfo =
        "TubeModel",   //模型标题
                "Create a tube model with Z axis as axis.  Written by Hottomson", //关于模型的说明
                "CHINA", //单位信息
                "08-22-2006", //开发日期
                "1.0"   //版本

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
struct UDPPrimitiveTypeInfo* GetPrimitiveTypeInfo()
        return &primitiveInfo;

struct UDPPrimitiveParameterDefinition primParams[] =
        {"Xpos", "X Position of center point", kUDPLengthUnit, 0},
        {"Ypos", "Y Position of center point", kUDPLengthUnit, 0},
        {"OutRad", "Outer Radius of tube", kUDPLengthUnit, 15},
        {"inRad", "Inner Radius of tube", kUDPLengthUnit, 12},
        {"Length", "Length of tube model", kUDPLengthUnit, 100},

static int numOfParameters = sizeof(primParams)/sizeof(primParams[0]);

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
int GetPrimitiveParametersDefinition(struct UDPPrimitiveParameterDefinition** paramDefinition)
        *paramDefinition = primParams;
        return numOfParameters;

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
char* GetLengthParameterUnits()
        return "mm";

// Incase of error this function should return 0
extern "C" DLLEXPORT
int AreParameterValuesValid(char ** error, double* paramValues)
{        //输入数值的有效性判断
        double inRad = paramValues[3];
        double OutRad = paramValues[2];
        double length = paramValues[4];//数值的取出与上面参数表的定义对应

        if (inRad <= 0)
                *error = "Inner Radius of tube should be more than 0.";
                return 0;

        if (OutRad <= 0)
                *error = "Outer Radius of tube should be more than 0.";
                return 0;

        if (length <= 0)
                *error = "Length of tube model should be more than 0.";
                return 0;

        if (OutRad <= inRad)
                *error = "Outer Diameter of tube should be more than the inner Diameter.";
                return 0;

        return 1;

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
long CreatePrimitive(struct UDPFunctionLib* functionLib, void* callbackData, double* paramValues)
        functionLib->addMessage(kUDPInfoMessage, "Start to create tube model", callbackData);
        double inRad = paramValues[3];
        double outRad = paramValues[2];
        double length = paramValues[4];

        struct UDPPosition startPt = {0, 0, 0};

        long idInCyl=functionLib->createCylinder(kUDPZAxis, &startPt, inRad, length, callbackData);
        if (idInCyl == -1)
                functionLib->addMessage(kUDPErrorMessage, "Could not create inner cylinder", callbackData);
                return 0;

        long idOutCyl=functionLib->createCylinder(kUDPZAxis, &startPt, outRad, length, callbackData);
        if (idOutCyl == -1)
                functionLib->addMessage(kUDPErrorMessage, "Could not create outer cylinder", callbackData);
                return 0;

        long success = functionLib->subtract(&idOutCyl, 1, &idInCyl, 1, callbackData);
        if (success == 0)
                functionLib->addMessage(kUDPErrorMessage, "Could not sweep profile along path", callbackData);
                return 0;

        functionLib->addMessage(kUDPInfoMessage, "Create tube model end", callbackData);
        return success;

        编译输出,将生成的Tube.dll复制到目录X:/Program Files/Ansoft/Maxwell11/userlib/UserDefinedPrimitives中,此时再打开Maxwell V11,在菜单Draw>User Defined Primitive>UserLib中就出现了Tube这个命令,点击后就出现如同其它实体输入参数的对话框,确定后实体就生成了。

Maxwell 3D v11中自定义参数模型的建立_第1张图片

Maxwell 3D v11中自定义参数模型的建立_第2张图片

Maxwell 3D v11中自定义参数模型的建立_第3张图片


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