VC的Buffer Security Check


        为了防止线程栈被有意无意错误改写,VC编译器提供了/GS开关,指示编译器在栈的某些变量的前后留出空白内存区。编译器在原函数体代码前面插入代码,向空白内存区中写入某个数值(security cookie),并在原函数体代码后面插入代码检查空白内存区中的数值是否保持不变。如果发生了变化,则报异常。这被称为Buffer Security Check。


  1. An array that is larger than 4 bytes, has more than two elements,and has an element type that is not a pointer type.
  2. A data structure whose size is more than 8 bytes and contains nopointers.
  3. A buffer allocated by using the _allocafunction.
  4. Any class or structure that contains a GS buffer.


  • char buffer[20];
  • int buffer[20];
  • struct { int a; int b; int c; int d; } myStruct;
  • struct { int a; char buf[20]; };

      比如,以下是不符合条件的(x86平台下),不会生成security cookies:

  • char *pBuf[20];
  • void *pv[20];
  • char buf[4];
  • int buf[2];
  • struct { int a; int b; };





// Vulnerable function
void vulnerable(const char *str) {
	char buffer[10] = "abcdefg";
	int i = 0;
	char buffer2[20] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN";
	int k = 30;
	int l = 50;
	for( i = 0 ; i < 10; i++)
		buffer[i] = '0' + i;
	for( k = 0 ; k < 20; k++)
		buffer2[k] = '0' + i;

int main() {
   char large_buffer[] = "";

