
I have a gumbie cat, whose fur isdark strips on a lighter background.

She is a truly  night walker, during daytime ,she either sits silently on the mat or on the step. Sometimes she leaps to the windowsill and curled herself up into a ball, with sunshine intothe room. She enjoyed a good sleep.

But when the day’s hustle and bustle isdone, and the famliy’s are in bed and asleep,  the gumbie cat begins her show time.

She stalks a mouse into the kitchen,waiting patiently outside, a few moments later, her patience pays back .Several mice drill from the hole ,only to find the huge gumbie cat block s theirway, she sits quiet still , like a mountain ,or perhaps ,a queen in her dour manner.

Without any pouncing and catching , those mice line up spontaneously as the majesty wishes and begin to play music.

When teaching class is over, the queentgently pacesinto the bedroom, tiring curtain cord into sailor’s knots as usual,she grabs them and starts to wind.

Apparently some noise from cockroach remind sher that these insects needemployment ,so she has formed from the disorderly louts and trained a troop with helpful scouts.
