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Apress Books:

  • Foundation HTML5 Canvas for Games and Entertainment – Rob Hawkes
  • The Essential Guide to HTML 5: Using Games to Learn HTML5 and Javascript – Jeanine Meyer
  • Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful API’s for Richer Internet Application Development – Peter Lubbers, Brian Albers, Frank Salim
  • The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Video – Silvia Pfeiffer

Wrox Books

  • Professional iPhone and iPad Application Development – Gene Backlin
  • Professional iPhone Programming with MonoTouch and .NET/C# - Wallace B. McClure, Martin Bowling, Craig Dunn, Chris Hardy, Rory Blyth
  • Professional Silverlight 4 – Jason Beres Bill Evjen, Devin Rader
  • DotNetNuke 5 Users Guide: Get Your Website up and Running – Chris Hammond, Patrick Renner
  • Professional Javascript for Web Developers (2nd Edition) – Nicholas C. Zakas
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows Powershell – Ananthakumar Muthusamy, Yan Pan
  • Javascript 24-Hour Trainer – Jeremy McPeak
  • HTML5 24-Hour Trainer – Joseph W. Lowery, Mark Fletcher
  • Windows Phone 7 Application Development 24-Hour Trainer – Brian Faucher

O’Reilly Ebooks
