Interesting Finds: 2009-04-20

  1. Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Finally, A Solution
  2. How to improve the performances of ASP.NET MVC web applications
  3. The performance implications of the expression tree-based ActionLink helper
  4. 虚拟座谈:RIA和Ajax技术的现状与展望
  5. 5人是最佳的团队规模吗?
  6. 建立团队信任的五种方法
  7. 高阶函数、委托与匿名方法
  8. Andrej Bauer对于语言设计的观点
  9. Kobe – MS New Web 2.0 Resource Kit in ASP.NET MVC and My thoughts
  10. Enterprise Library 5.0: Product Backlog prioritization results
  11. Build a menu for mvc site
  12. Step into the nRoute "Future Desktop" Demo App
  13. 隐藏接口实现 及 ReadOnlyDictionary
  14. Microsoft Project Code Named “Velocity”: a practical overview
  15. [虚拟化实战]无需借助虚机安装,就能从VHD原生启动
  16. 使用面向.NET的Naked Objects进行快速应用程序开发
  17. Using jQuery Grid With ASP.NET MVC
  18. Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Introduction
  19. Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: LINQ Extensions
  20. Exploring the Z3 Theorem Prover (with a bit of LINQ)
  21. Custom Route Constraint in ASP.NET MVC
  22. Interview: Chad Myers on FubuMVC - An Alternative MVC Implementation in ASP.NET
  23. Build your own Whois Lookup with ASP.NET and jQuery
  24. Pure Css Line Graph
  25. jQuery Search box and MVC
  26. Adaptive Rendering in ASP.NET MVC
  27. A Closable jQuery Plug-in
  28. MVC and JQuery Cascading Dropdown list
  29. .NET平台下Web测试工具横向比较
  30. 多线程Singleton单件模式
  31. [开发故事]第三回,实现集合类Sort自定义排序
  32. 辅助方法不嫌多
  33. Super Strongly-Typed Property Changed Notifications with Extension Methods
  34. Squashing the MVC response - part 1
  35. Asp.Net Mvc: TempData续 - 禁用SessionState之后
  36. 玩转Google单元测试框架gtest系列之七 - 深入解析gtest
  37. Lightweight Test Automation Framework之旅
  38. Testing with a Compiled Class that Doesn't Implement an Interface - Adapter Pattern
  39. Integrating xVal Validation with Linq-to-Sql
  40. 13 ASP.NET MVC extensibility points you have to know
  41. Looking Up Zip Codes with C# ASP .NET MVC and AJAX
  42. How to convert an IEnumerable to a DataTable in the same way as we use ToList or ToArray
