Digital Minimalism 数字极简生活
Part 1
Digital Infiltration
Part 2
Born a digital native, I began to try digital minimalism
Hi. I’m Yu Zheng. It’s been quite a while since last year’s 21st Century national English-speaking competition, but I can still remember the ex-citement of meeting so many talented speakers from all over the world.
I consider myself a tech savvy person. I signed up for a QQ number when I was just 6, had my first smartphone when I was 10, and uploaded my first video online when I was 17. Now I feel incredibly flattered to be a social media influencer on my Bilibili channel “莱斯莉观察日记” with over 50,000 subscribers and 1.2 million views. We’re digital natives, born in the age of technology and have easy access to computers. Our genera-tion takes the internet and all it offers for granted, and seldom think of how we got to this stage.
However, as a content creator, some problems have really demanded my attention. Obviously, I have made videos and built connections with the world through my channel, but I was struggling to manage my rela-tionship with technologies. There were miscellaneous editing files on my computer that gradually piled up. When reading a book I found myself constantly checking notifications for any incoming comments. Useless information and apps I never ever used clogged up my phone. We in-dulge in the digital life to the fullest. We seem to be less focused and overwhelmed by it all.
I became highly conscious about my media consumption and became tired with all these distractions. I began to ask myself: How can I regain a focused life?
So earlier this year I started a 30-day experiment in digital minimalism. As the writer Cal Newport defines it: “A philosophy of technology use in which you focus on carefully selected activities that you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.”
I took a break from technology that I considered optional in my life. I started to spend time alone, trying to rediscover activities that I can do without a phone or without internet connection.
The first few days were very painful. The fear of missing out and isola-tion made me weary and impatient, because I’m used to constantly checking notifications. Gradually, as I got used to this digital minimalism lifestyle, I surprisingly found that I became more focused and also hap-pier. With less texting and furtive glances at my phone, I can now enjoy long in-depth conversations with my family, friends and mentor.
I still keep up with daily financial news but don’t feel overwhelmed by it. I’m even starting to enjoy doing mundane things like cooking and clean-ing and deriving satisfaction from doing them.
I’m continuing to explore digital minimalism, and I encourage you to give it a try. In doing so you may be able to redefine your relationship with dig-ital devices, rediscover the pleasure of a simple life and reconnect with the offline world.
I am now convinced that we can use digital technology to the fullest, but that we should not let it run our lives.
Thanks for your listening.
“Obviously, I have made videos and built connections with the world through my channel, but I was struggling to manage my relationship with technologies. There were miscellaneous editing files on my computer that gradually piled up. When reading a book I found myself constantly checking notifications for any incoming comments. Useless information and apps I never ever used clogged up my phone. We indulge in the digital life to the fullest. We seem to be less focused and overwhelmed by it all. ”
Paragraph 3
“Surely the first step is to clear out the invasive overgrowth of our digital lives. To this end, Newport’s Digital Minimalism gives us a fighting chance.”
—Taylor Faye,The LA Review of Books
Minimalism is the art of knowing how muchis just enough. Digital minimalism applies this idea to our personaltechnology. It’s the key to living a focused life in an increasingly noisyworld.
The first few days were very painful. The fear of missing out and isolation made me weary and impatient, because I’m used to constantly checking notifications. Gradually, as I got used to this digital minimalism lifestyle, I surprisingly found that I became more focused and also happier. With less texting and furtive glances at my phone, I can now enjoy long in-depth conversations with my family, friends and mentor.
Digital Infiltration