

' <attribute name="ID" comment="只写;数据列表ID"/>
' <attribute name="col" comment="只写;数据列表列数;当列数为1时,将以ul方式显示,否则以table方式显示;"/>
' <attribute name="ShowPageStyle" comment="只写;设置显示分页,当为False时,分页栏将不显示;默认值为True;"/>
' <attribute name="PageArg" comment="只写;分页参数;默认为CurrentPage"/>
' <attribute name="RecordCount" comment="只写;记录总数,分页显示时必须指定;"/>
' <attribute name="ItemTemplate" comment="只写;行模板;"/>
' <attribute name="AlternatingItemTemplate" comment="只写;交换行模板;"/>
' <attribute name="Style" comment="只写;数据列表样式"/>
' <attribute name="PageStyle" comment="只写;数据列表分页样式"/>
' <attribute name="DataSource" comment="只写;数据源"/>
' <method name="DataBind()" comment="数据绑定,显示数据列表;"/>

Class DataList
 Private id_       '数据列表ID
 Private pageSize_     '每页显示记录数
 Private colNumber_     '列数
 Private showPageStyle_    '是否允许分页
 Private pageArg_     '分页参数
 Private recordCount_    '记录总数
 Private itemTemplate_    '行模板
 Private alternatingItemTemplate_ '交换行模板
 Private style_      'DataList主体样式
 Private pageStyle_     '分页样式
 Private dataSource_     '数据源
 Public Property Let ID(ByVal strID)
 End Property
 Public Property Let Col(ByVal intCol)
  On Error Resume Next
  If Err.Number<>0 Or intCol<1 Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Let ShowPageStyle(ByVal boolAllow)
  If boolAllow<>False Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Let PageArg(ByVal strArg)
  If strArg<>"" Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Let RecordCount(ByVal intRecordCount)
 End Property
 Public Property Let ItemTemplate(ByVal strItemTemplate)
 End Property
 Public Property Let AlternatingItemTemplate(ByVal strItemTemplate)
 End Property
 Public Property Let Style(ByVal strStyle)
 End Property
 Public Property Let PageStyle(ByVal strStyle)
 End Property
 Public Property Let DataSource(ByRef objRS)
  Set dataSource_=objRS
 End Property
 Public Function DataBind()
  Dim intRow
  Response.Write("<!--数据列表:" & id_ & "开始-->" & VBCrlf)
  If colNumber_=1 Then
   Response.Write("<div id=""" & id_ & """ class=""" & style_ & """>" & VBCrlf)
   Response.Write("  <ul>" & VBCrlf)
   For intRow=0 To dataSource_.RecordCount-1
    If alternatingItemTemplate_<>"" Then
     If  intRow mod 2 =0 Then
      Response.Write("    " & ParserItemTemplate(itemTemplate_) & VBCrlf)
      Response.Write("    " & ParserAlternatingTemplate(alternatingItemTemplate_) & VBCrlf)
     End If
     Response.Write("    " & ParserItemTemplate(itemTemplate_) & VBCrlf)
    End If
   Response.Write("  </ul>" & VBCrlf)
   Response.Write("</div>" & VBCrlf)
   Response.Write("<table name=""" & id_ & """ id=""" & id_ & """ cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" class=""" & style_ & """>" & VBCrlf)
   Dim intCol
   For intRow=0 To dataSource_.RecordCount-1
    Response.Write("  <tr>" & VBCrlf)
    For intCol=1 To colNumber_
      Response.Write("    <td style=""width:" & int(100/colNumber_)& "%"">")
      If alternatingItemTemplate_<>"" Then
       If (intRow mod (colNumber_)*2 =0) Or Fix(intRow/colNumber_) mod 2 =0 Then
       End If
      End If
      Response.Write("</td>" & VBCrlf)
      If intCol<colNumber_ Then
       intRow = intRow + 1
      End If
      If dataSource_.EOF Then Exit For
    Response.Write("  </tr>" & VBCrlf)
    If dataSource_.EOF Then Exit For
   Response.Write("</table>" & VBCrlf)
  End If
  Response.Write("<!--数据列表:" & id_ & "结束-->" & VBCrlf)
  If showPageStyle_=True Then
   Call CreatePageStyle()
  End If
  Set dataSource_=Nothing
 End Function
 Private arrItemTemplate,arrItemIndex '模板缓存数组,减少解析时间;
 Private Function ParserItemTemplate(ByVal strItemTemplate)
 End Function
 Private arrAlternatingTemplate,arrAlternatingIndex '模板缓存数组,减少解析时间;
 Private Function ParserAlternatingTemplate(ByVal strItemTemplate)
 End Function
 Private Function ParseTemplate(ByVal strItemTemplate,ByRef arrTemplate,ByRef arrIndex)
  If IsArray(arrTemplate) Then
   For i=0 To UBound(arrTemplate)
    If i<UBound(arrTemplate) Then
     ParseTemplate=ParseTemplate & arrTemplate(i) & Eval(arrIndex(i))
     ParseTemplate=ParseTemplate & arrTemplate(i)
    End If
   Exit Function
  End If
  Dim objRegExp,objMatches,strTemp,arrTemp,i,arrTempLen
  Set objRegExp=new RegExp
  objRegExp.Pattern = "{(\d+|(\d|,)+)}"
  objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
  objRegExp.Global = True
  Set objMatches=objRegExp.Execute(strItemTemplate)
  ReDim arrTemplate(arrTempLen)
  ReDim arrIndex(arrTempLen-1)
  For i=0 To arrTempLen
   If i<arrTempLen Then
    Dim objRegExpSub
    Set objRegExpSub=new RegExp
    objRegExpSub.IgnoreCase = True
    objRegExpSub.Global = True
    If objRegExpSub.Test(objMatches(i).SubMatches(0)) Then
     Dim objMatchesSub
     Set objMatchesSub=objRegExpSub.Execute(objMatches(i).SubMatches(0))
     ParseTemplate = ParseTemplate & arrTemp(i) & Left(dataSource_(Cint(objMatchesSub(0).SubMatches(0))),objMatchesSub(0).SubMatches(1))
     ParseTemplate = ParseTemplate & arrTemp(i) & dataSource_(Cint(objMatches(i).SubMatches(0)))
     arrIndex(i)="dataSource_(" & objMatches(i).SubMatches(0) & ")"
    End If
    Set objMatchesSub=Nothing
    Set objRegExpSub=Nothing
    ParseTemplate = ParseTemplate & arrTemp(i)
   End If
   arrTemplate(i) = arrTemp(i)
  Set objMatches=Nothing
  Set objRegExp=Nothing
 End Function

 Private Function FilterUrlArgs()
  Dim aArg
  For each aArg In Request.QueryString
   If StrComp(aArg,pageArg_,1)<>0 Then
    FilterUrlArgs = FilterUrlArgs & "&" & aArg &"=" & Eval("Request.QueryString(aArg)")
   End If
 End Function
 Private Function CreatePageStyle()
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim intCurrentPage
  If intCurrentPage="" Or Not IsNumeric(intCurrentPage) Then
  End If
  If intCurrentPage<1 Then
  End If
  If Err.Number<>0 Then
  End If
  If Application("CHCW_PageSize_" & id_ & "_" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))="" Then
  End If
  If intCurrentPage=1 Then
   Application("CHCW_PageSize_" & id_ & "_" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))=dataSource_.RecordCount
  End If
  Dim intPageCount
  If recordCount_ mod Application("CHCW_PageSize_" & id_ & "_" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) =0 Then
   intPageCount=int(recordCount_/Application("CHCW_PageSize_" & id_ & "_" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")))
   intPageCount=int(recordCount_/Application("CHCW_PageSize_" & id_ & "_" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) + 1
  End If
  If intCurrentPage>intPageCount Then
  End If
  Response.Write("<!--数据列表:" & id_ & "分页样式开始-->" & VBCrlf)
  Response.Write("<div id=""" & id_ & "_PageStyle"" class=""" & pageStyle_ & """><form action="""" method=""get"">")
  Response.Write("共" & intCurrentPage & "/" & intPageCount & "页," & recordCount_ & "条记录 ")
  If intCurrentPage>1 Then
   Response.Write("<a href=""?" & pageArg_ & "=1" &FilterUrlArgs & """>首 页</a> ")
   Response.Write("<a href=""?" & pageArg_ & "=" & intCurrentPage -1 & FilterUrlArgs & """>上一页</a> ")
   Response.Write("首 页 ")
   Response.Write("上一页 ")
  End If
  Dim intPageIndex,i,intBeginNum,intEndNum
  If intPageCount<intPageIndex Then
   If intCurrentPage=<int(intPageIndex/2) Then
   ElseIf intCurrentPage>intPageCount-int(intPageIndex/2) Then
   End If
  End If
  For i=intBeginNum To intEndNum
   If i=intCurrentPage Then
    Response.Write(" " & i & " ")
    Response.Write(" <a href=""?" & pageArg_ & "=" & i & FilterUrlArgs & """>" & i & "</a> ")
   End If
  If intCurrentPage<intPageCount Then
   Response.Write("<a href=""?" & pageArg_ & "=" & intCurrentPage+1 & FilterUrlArgs & """>下一页</a> ")
   Response.Write("<a href=""?" & pageArg_ & "=" & intPageCount & FilterUrlArgs & """>尾 页</a> ")
   Response.Write("下一页 ")
   Response.Write("尾 页 ")
  End If
  Response.Write("转到<input name=""" & pageArg_ & """ type=""text"" class=""inputText"" style=""width:30px;"" maxlength=""8"" />页" & VBCrlf)
  Response.Write("</form></div>" & VBCrlf)
  Response.Write("<!--数据列表:" & id_ & "分页样式结束-->")
 End Function
 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  itemTemplate_="模板内容<br />"
 End Sub
 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  If Not dataSource_ Is Nothing Then
   Set dataSource_=Nothing
  End If
 End Sub
End Class


<!--#Include Virtual="/ASPLib/Util/Configuration.asp"-->
<!--#Include Virtual="/ASPLib/Util/DataAccess.asp"-->
<!--#include Virtual="/ASPLib/Control/DataList.asp"-->
<!--#include Virtual="/School/DAL/News.asp"-->
Dim objDL
Set objDL=new DataList
objDL.ItemTemplate="<li>·<a href=""news.asp?NewsID={0}"">{1,20}</a>({2})</li>" '{0}表示取得记录集Rs(0),{1,20}表示取得记录集Rs(1),并取得前20个字符;
objDL.AlternatingItemTemplate="<li style=""background:#F4F4F4;"">·<a href=""news.asp?NewsID={0}"">{1,20}</a>({2})</li>"
objDL.RecordCount=News.GetRecordNewsList(Keyword,NewsCategoryID)  '调用News类的一个方法取得记录总数
objDL.DataSource=News.GetNewsList(PageSize,CurrentPage,Keyword,NewsCategoryID)   '调用News类的方法取得记录集
Set objDL=Nothing
