On Writing Well -Chapter 1 and 2


Part 1 Words


原文:Coming home from an arduous day at the hospital,he would go straight to his yellow pad and write his tensions away.

解释:ADJ,something that is arduous is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of effort艰巨的,艰难的

仿句:This work will be very arduous ,but we have to overcome the difficulty.

短语: make arduous effects  努力奋斗  arduous paths 陡峭的道路

2. stick to it 坚持下去

原文:I then said that the professional writer must establish a daily schedule and stick to it .

仿句: So stick to it !这样坚持下去!

If you know what you are doing is important and right ,stick to it !

3. gusto 名词,意思为“热情,嗜好”

原文:"I love symbols!" Dr. Brock exclaimed, and he described with gusto the joys of weaving them through his work.

仿句:Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.


Do you have gusto? 你有嗜好吗?

4. clutter 

原文:Clutter is the disease of American writing.

A. N-UNCOUNT,Clutter is a lot of things in a messy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary. 乱七八糟

例:Caroline prefers her countertops to be clear of clutter.


B.V-T If things or people clutter a place, they fill it in a messy way. (物或人) 拥塞

例:Empty soft-drink cans lie everywhere. They clutter the desks and are strewn across the floor.


C.PHRASAL VERB Clutter up means the same as . 拥塞

例:The vehicles cluttered up the parking lot.


Part 2 Thoughts

之前还在犹豫要不要继续这个月的读书会,On Writing Well看这个名字就是针对写作,可能学生会比较适合,而且也看了很多的写作书,不是很感兴趣。





Part 3 Summary 

Chapter 1 shows us two completely different opinions between Dr.Brock and the author .Both of them are invited to talk about writing . Dr. Brock is an avocation and the author is a vocation. They  have different  methods. We can not say which one is better . The best and right method is to help you say what you want to say .

Chapter 2's title is simplicity . The title is what the author want to say . Simplify ,simplify . It is better to give the readers clear and short words,not to confuse them by writing unclear and long words.

你可能感兴趣的:(On Writing Well -Chapter 1 and 2)