




/// *************学手段
public List GetTeachingDevices(string subjectId, string secId, string startDate, string endDate)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(secId))
return null;
var classesLogs = _classesLogic.GetClassLog();
var functionRecords = _guideLearnLogic.GetFunctionRecord();
var personnel = _personLogic.GetPersonnel().Where(s => s.isdel == 0);
var subjects = _subjectLogic.GetSubject().Where(s => s.isdel == 0);

if (classesLogs != null)
var data = from L in classesLogs
join R in functionRecords on L.cll_id equals R.cll_id into tempR
from RData in tempR.DefaultIfEmpty()

join P in personnel on L.per_id equals P.per_id into tempP
from Pdata in tempP.DefaultIfEmpty()

join S in subjects on L.sub_id equals S.sub_id into tempS
from SData in tempS.DefaultIfEmpty()
where SData.sub_id == subjectId && Pdata.isdel == 0 && SData.isdel == 0
select new ShowTeachingDevices
per_id = Pdata.per_id,
per_name = Pdata.per_name,
sub_name = SData.sub_name,
fcd_code = RData.fcd_code.StartsWith("C") ? "C" : (
RData.fcd_code.StartsWith("D") ? "D" : "ELSE"),

sub_id = SData.sub_id,
sec_id = SData.sec_id,
cll_cdate = L.cll_cdate,

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectId))
data = data.Where(c => c.sub_id == subjectId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secId))
data = data.Where(c => c.sec_id == secId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
var formatStartDate = DateTime.Parse(startDate);
var formatEndDate = DateTime.Parse(endDate);
data = data.Where(c => c.cll_cdate >= formatStartDate && c.cll_cdate <= formatEndDate);
SELECT per_id,per_name, SUM(count_num),fcd_code
SELECT P.per_id,P.per_name, COUNT(1) AS count_num, CASE WHEN R.fcd_code LIKE 'C%' THEN 'C' WHEN R.fcd_code LIKE 'D%' THEN 'D' ELSE 'ELSE' END fcd_code
FROM class_log L
LEFT JOIN function_record R ON R.cll_id=L.cll_id
LEFT JOIN personnel P ON L.per_id= P.per_id
LEFT JOIN subject S ON L.sub_id=S.sub_id
WHERE L.sub_id='95301ab4-1e5f-11e5-b161-1c4bd611580c' AND L.cll_cdate BETWEEN '2016-01-10' AND '2020-01-10'
GROUP BY P.per_id,R.fcd_code
ORDER BY L.cll_cdate DESC
GROUP BY per_id,fcd_code;

data = data.OrderByDescending(c => c.cll_cdate);
var groupByData = (from G in data
group G by new
} into G
select new ShowTeacherDevicesResult
per_id = G.Key.per_id,
per_name = G.Key.per_name,
fcd_code = G.Key.fcd_code,
count = G.Count()

var dataList = (from T in groupByData
group T by new
} into Td
let sumCount = Td.Where(c => c.per_id == Td.Key.per_id && c.fcd_code == Td.Key.fcd_code).Sum(c => c.count)
select new ShowTeacherDevicesTemp
per_id = Td.Key.per_id,
per_name = Td.Key.per_name,
fcd_code = Td.Key.fcd_code,
count = sumCount
if (dataList != null && dataList.Count > 0)
List result = new List();
foreach (ShowTeacherDevicesTemp item in dataList)
ShowTeacherDevicesResult r = new ShowTeacherDevicesResult();
r.per_id = item.per_id;
r.per_name = item.per_name;
r.fcd_code = item.fcd_code=="C"?"富媒体":(item.fcd_code=="D"?"教学工具":"互动工具");
int pcount = dataList.Where(c => c.per_id == item.per_id).Count();//多少个分组
int itemCount = item.count;
int totalCount = item.count;
if (pcount >= 2)
totalCount = dataList.Where(c => c.per_id == item.per_id).Sum(c => c.count);
r.count = itemCount;
r.perfentRate = $"{(itemCount / totalCount * 1.0 * 100).ToString("f2")}%";
return result;


return null;

/// *****学准备
public async Task> GetTeachingPreparation(string subjectId, string secId, string startDate, string endDate)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectId))
return null;
var classLogic = _classesLogic.GetClassLog();
var courseLogic = _courseLogic.GetCourse().Where(c => c.isdel == 0);
var functionRecordLogic = _guideLearnLogic.GetFunctionRecord();
var personnelLgic = _personLogic.GetPersonnel().Where(c => c.isdel == 0);
var subjectLogic = _subjectLogic.GetSubject().Where(c => c.isdel == 0);

#region 没有分组的所有过滤的数据
var data = (from L in classLogic
join C in courseLogic on L.cou_id equals C.cou_id into Ctemp
from Cdata in Ctemp.DefaultIfEmpty()

join R in functionRecordLogic on L.cll_id equals R.cll_id

join P in personnelLgic on L.per_id equals P.per_id

join S in subjectLogic on L.sub_id equals S.sub_id into Stemp
from Sdata in Stemp.DefaultIfEmpty()

orderby Cdata.cdate descending
where (new string[] { "in", "ou" }).Contains(L.cll_type)
select new ShowTeachingPreparationBase
sub_id = Sdata.sub_id,
sub_name = Sdata.sub_name,
cll_id = L.cll_id,
cll_type = L.cll_type,
level = Cdata.level,
per_id = Cdata.per_id,
per_name = P.per_name,
per_userid = P.per_userid,
cll_edate = L.cll_edate,
cll_cdate = L.cll_cdate,
fcd_code = R.fcd_code.StartsWith("C") ? "C" : (R.fcd_code.StartsWith("D") ? "D" : "ELSE"),
sec_id = Sdata.sec_id,
cdate = R.cdate

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectId))
data = data.Where(c => c.sub_id == subjectId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secId))
data = data.Where(c => c.sec_id == secId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
var formatStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate);
var formatEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
data = data.Where(c => c.cdate >= formatStartDate && c.cdate <= formatEndDate);
data = data.Where(c => c.cll_cdate >= formatStartDate && c.cll_edate <= formatEndDate);

#region 分组后的数据
var tempdata = (
from tt in data
where tt.per_id != null
group tt by new

} into G
select new ShowTeachingPreparationTemp
cll_id = G.Key.cll_id,
per_id = G.Key.per_id,
per_name = G.Key.per_name,
sub_id = G.Key.sub_id,
level = G.Key.level,
cll_type = G.Key.cll_type,
fcd_code = G.Key.fcd_code,
count_num = G.Count()
// 按照老系统的数据展示,需要分组两次
var newGroup = (from TD in tempdata
group TD by new

} into DD
select new ShowTeachingPreparationTemp
per_id = DD.Key.per_id,
per_name = DD.Key.per_name,
sub_id = DD.Key.sub_id,
level = DD.Key.level,
cll_type = DD.Key.cll_type,
fcd_code = DD.Key.fcd_code,
count_num = DD.Count()



List resultList = new List();
// Key 的分组的总的次数
int totalRowCount = newGroup.Count;

//-有做数据的合并(同一个老师的相同的课程会存在多条数据,如相同老师的相同课程相同年段 C,D,ELSE的情况需要合并)
for (int i = 0; i < totalRowCount; i++)
var sub_id = newGroup[i].sub_id;
var level = newGroup[i].level;//年级
var cll_type = newGroup[i].cll_type;
var fcd_code = newGroup[i].fcd_code;
var per_id = newGroup[i].per_id;
var per_name = newGroup[i].per_name;//课程教师

//获取当前这个老师的所有 cll_id

var M = tempdata.Where(c => c.per_id == per_id && c.sub_id == sub_id && c.level == c.level).ToList();
string[] getcll_idList =M.Select(c=>c.cll_id).ToArray() ;

int nowGroupCount = M.Count();//登录的次数
ShowTeacherCourseResult re = new ShowTeacherCourseResult();
await AssemblingModel(M, nowGroupCount, re, getcll_idList, per_id, level, sub_id, per_name, cll_type);
return resultList;

private async Task AssemblingModel(List M, int nowGroupCount, ShowTeacherCourseResult re, string[] cll_idList, string per_id, string level, string sub_id, string per_name, string cll_type)
re.level = level;//年级
re.sub_id = sub_id;
re.per_id = per_id;
re.per_name = per_name;//教师姓名
re.loginCount = nowGroupCount.ToString(); //登录的次数
string type = cll_type;
re.loginCount = type == "in" ? $"{nowGroupCount}/0" : $"0/{nowGroupCount}";
var getCllid_list = M.Select(c => new cll_idList { cll_id = c.cll_id }).ToList();

string havaUseTime = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ((from T in _classesLogic.GetClassLog()
where cll_idList.Contains(T.cll_id)
select new { T.cll_edate, T.cll_cdate }).ToList().Sum(c => (c.cll_edate - c.cll_cdate).TotalSeconds / 60.0).ToString("f2")));

re.havaUseTime = type == "in" ? $"{havaUseTime}/0" : $"0/{havaUseTime}";
//C 富媒体
int dataC = GetDataCDEDataRateCount(M, "C", level, per_id, sub_id);
//D 教学工具
int dataD = GetDataCDEDataRateCount(M, "D", level, per_id, sub_id);
//ELSE 互动工具
int dataE = GetDataCDEDataRateCount(M, "ELSE", level, per_id, sub_id);

int totalCount = dataC + dataD + dataE;

string dataC_PercentRage = $"{(dataC * 1.0 * 100 / totalCount).ToString("f2")}";
string dataD_PercentRage = $"{(dataD * 1.0 * 100 / totalCount).ToString("f2")}";
string dataE_PercentRage = $"{(dataE * 1.0 * 100 / totalCount).ToString("f2")}";

re.richMedia = type == "in" ? $"{dataC_PercentRage}%/0.00%" : $"0.00%/{dataC_PercentRage}%";
re.teacherTool = type == "in" ? $"{dataD_PercentRage}%/0.00%" : $"0.00%/{dataD_PercentRage}%";
re.interactiveTools = type == "in" ? $"{dataE_PercentRage}%/0.00%" : $"0.00%/{dataE_PercentRage}%";

private static int GetDataCDEDataRateCount(List M, string fcd_code, string level, string per_id, string sub_id)
return M.Where(c => c.fcd_code == fcd_code && c.level == level && c.per_id == per_id && c.sub_id == sub_id).Count();
View Code


    public async Task> KnowledgePointSxidu(KnowledgePointSXDInputData inputData)
            bool flag = inputData.KnowledgePointEnum == Domain.Enum.KnowledgePointEnum.AllClass;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(@"SELECT   K.kno_id,K.kno_name,
                                 FROM guide_learning_assignment GLA
                                LEFT JOIN guide_learning_item GLI ON GLI.gul_id=GLA.gul_id
                                LEFT JOIN guide_learning_resources GRS ON GRS.gli_id=GLI.gli_id AND GRS.glr_type ='h' 
                                LEFT JOIN homework_question HQ ON HQ.hom_id=GRS.glr_source   
                                LEFT JOIN homework_respond HR ON HQ.hoq_id=HQ.hoq_id
                                LEFT JOIN question Q ON HQ.que_id=Q.que_id
                                LEFT JOIN knowledge K ON K.kno_id=Q.que_kno1  AND K.isdel=0
                                LEFT JOIN personnel P ON HR.per_id=P.per_id AND P.isdel=0
                                AND HR.per_id IN(
                                 SELECT R.per_id FROM class_role R 
                                 WHERE R.class_uid IN( SELECT C.class_uid FROM course C WHERE C.cou_id=@cou_id AND C.isdel=0 ) 
                                AND R.class_role_type='0')
                                and HR.isdel=0 AND GLA.isdel=0 AND GLI.isdel=0 and K.kno_id IS NOT NULL ");
            if (inputData.session_week > 0)
                sb.Append(" and  GLA.session_week=@session_week ");

            if (flag) //全班
                sb.Append("   GROUP BY  K.kno_id,K.kno_name, HR.correction_type ");
                sb.Append(" AND HR.per_id=@per_id ");
                sb.Append("   GROUP BY  HR.per_id, K.kno_id,K.kno_name, HR.correction_type "); //学生
            sb.Append(@"  UNION all
                                SELECT  K.kno_id,K.kno_name,
                                 FROM guide_learning_assignment GLA
                                LEFT JOIN guide_learning_item GLI ON GLA.gul_id=GLI.gul_id
                                LEFT JOIN guide_learning_resources GRS ON GRS.gli_id=GLI.gli_id AND GRS.glr_type='p' 
                                LEFT JOIN pre_learning_question HQ ON HQ.prl_id=GRS.glr_source   
                                LEFT JOIN pre_learning_respond HR ON HQ.plq_id=HQ.plq_id 
                                inner JOIN question Q ON HQ.que_id=Q.que_id 
                                inner JOIN knowledge K ON K.kno_id=Q.que_kno1  
                                LEFT JOIN personnel P ON HR.per_id=P.per_id AND P.isdel=0
                                AND HR.per_id IN(
                                 SELECT R.per_id FROM class_role R 
                                 WHERE R.class_uid IN(
                                  SELECT C.class_uid FROM course C WHERE C.cou_id=@cou_id AND C.isdel=0 
                                  )  AND R.class_role_type='0'
                                AND  HR.isdel=0 AND GLA.isdel=0 AND GLI.isdel=0
                                AND  K.kno_id IS NOT NULL AND K.isdel=0 AND  HR.isdel=0 ");
            if (inputData.session_week > 0)
                sb.Append(" and  GLA.session_week=@session_week ");
            if (flag) //全班
                sb.Append("   GROUP BY  K.kno_id,K.kno_name, HR.correction_type ");
                sb.Append(" AND HR.per_id=@per_id ");
                sb.Append("   GROUP BY  HR.per_id, K.kno_id,K.kno_name, HR.correction_type "); //学生
            var getTempData = await ZRF_DapperHelper.QueryAsync(sb.ToString(), new { cou_id = inputData.cou_id, per_id = inputData.per_id, session_week = inputData.session_week });
            var listinfo = new List();
            if (getTempData != null && getTempData.Any())
                var groupKname = (from N in getTempData
                                  group N by new { N.kno_id, N.kno_name } into Ndata
                                  select new
                                      kid = Ndata.Key.kno_id,
                                      name = Ndata.Key.kno_name,
                                      count = Ndata.Count()
                GetKnowledgePointSXDShowData info = default;
                for (int i = 0; i < groupKname.Count; i++)
                    info = new GetKnowledgePointSXDShowData();
                    string kid = groupKname[i].kid;
                    string kname = groupKname[i].name;
                    info.KnowledgePointName = kname;
                    int Familiarity_correction_type_null = getTempData.Where(c => (c.correction_type == "" || c.correction_type == null) && c.kno_id == kid).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(c => c == null ? 0 : c.tcount);
                    int Familiarity_correction_type_0 = getTempData.Where(c => c.correction_type == "0" && c.kno_id == kid).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(c => c == null ? 0 : c.tcount);
                    int totalF = Familiarity_correction_type_null + Familiarity_correction_type_0;
                    info.FamiliarityWithAnsweringRate = $"{((Familiarity_correction_type_null * 1.0 / (totalF > 0 ? totalF : 1)) * 100).ToString("f2")}%";

                    int Revised_correction_type_2 = getTempData.Where(c => c.correction_type == "2" && c.kno_id == kid).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(c => c == null ? 0 : c.tcount);
                    int Revised_correction_type_1 = getTempData.Where(c => c.correction_type == "1" && c.kno_id == kid).ToList().DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(c => c == null ? 0 : c.tcount);
                    int totalRevised = Revised_correction_type_2 + Revised_correction_type_1;
                    //$"{((Revised_correction_type_2*1.0/(totalRevised > 0 ? totalRevised : 1))*100).ToString("f2")}%";
                    info.RevisedFamiliarityRate = $"{((Revised_correction_type_2 * 1.0 / (totalRevised > 0 ? totalRevised : 1)) * 100).ToString("f2")}%";
            return listinfo;
View Code

