abstract class ActorSystem extends ActorRefFactory{...}
trait ActorContext extends ActorRefFactory{...} //ActorContext 就是我们在actor中可以直接调用的context对象
def actorOf(system: ActorSystemImpl, props: Props, supervisor: InternalActorRef,
path: ActorPath,systemService: Boolean, deploy: Option[Deploy],
lookupDeploy: Boolean, async: Boolean): InternalActorRef
case NoRouter ⇒ blabla…
case router ⇒blabla…
val props2 =
// mailbox and dispatcher defined in deploy should override props
(if (lookupDeploy) deployer.lookup(path) else deploy) match {
case Some(d) ⇒
(d.dispatcher, d.mailbox) match {
case (Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) ⇒ props
case (dsp, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp)
case (Deploy.NoMailboxGiven, mbx) ⇒ props.withMailbox(mbx)
case (dsp, mbx) ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp).withMailbox(mbx)
case _ ⇒ props // no deployment config found
val dispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(props2.dispatcher)
val mailboxType = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(props2, dispatcher.configurator.config)
if (async)
new RepointableActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
new LocalActorRef(system, props2, dispatcher, mailboxType, supervisor, path)
cfg.getString("type") match {
case "Dispatcher" ⇒ new DispatcherConfigurator(cfg, prerequisites)
case "BalancingDispatcher" ⇒
throw new IllegalArgumentException("BalancingDispatcher is deprecated, use a BalancingPool instead. " +
"During a migration period you can still use BalancingDispatcher by specifying the full class name: " +
case "PinnedDispatcher" ⇒ new PinnedDispatcherConfigurator(cfg, prerequisites)
case fqn ⇒
val args = List(classOf[Config] → cfg, classOf[DispatcherPrerequisites] → prerequisites)
prerequisites.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[MessageDispatcherConfigurator](fqn, args).recover({
case exception ⇒
throw new ConfigurationException(
("Cannot instantiate MessageDispatcherConfigurator type [%s], defined in [%s], " +
"make sure it has constructor with [com.typesafe.config.Config] and " +
"[akka.dispatch.DispatcherPrerequisites] parameters")
.format(fqn, cfg.getString("id")), exception)
- MailboxType is a factory to create MessageQueues for an optionally
private val actorCell: ActorCell = newActorCell(_system, this, _props, _dispatcher, _supervisor)
actorCell.init(sendSupervise = true, _mailboxType)
RepointableActorRef 的创建有所不同,因为是异步的,所以这里有调用到了Unsafe类去异步创建cell,并且他里面会有一个underlying和一个lookup的cell,具体原因可以参考如下的官方注释,笔者现在理解还不是很透彻不敢贸然解释
* There are two main functions of a Cell: message queueing and child lookup.
* When switching out the UnstartedCell for its real replacement, the former
* must be switched after all messages have been drained from the temporary
* queue into the real mailbox, while the latter must be switched before
* processing the very first message (i.e. before Cell.start()). Hence there
* are two refs here, one for each function, and they are switched just so.
def underlying: Cell = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, cellOffset).asInstanceOf[Cell]
def lookup = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, lookupOffset).asInstanceOf[Cell]