C#设计模式之Factory Method

名称:Factory Method
  C#设计模式之Factory Method_第1张图片
定义一个用于创建对象的接口,让子类决定实例化哪一个类。Factory Method 使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类。
适用性 :
  1. 当一个类不知道它所必须创建的对象的类的时候。
  2. 当一个类希望由它的子类来指定它所创建的对象的时候。
  3. 当类将创建对象的职责委托给多个帮助子类中的某一个,并且你希望将哪一个帮助子类是代理者这一信息局部化的时候。
// Factory Method
namespace FactoryMethod_DesignPattern
    using System;

    // These two classes could be part of a framework,
    // which we will call DP
    // ===============================================
    class DPDocument


    abstract class DPApplication
        protected DPDocument doc;
        abstract public void CreateDocument();

        public void ConstructObjects()
            // Create objects as needed
            // . . .

            // including document
        abstract public void Dump();

    // These two classes could be part of an application
    // =================================================

    class MyApplication : DPApplication
        override public void CreateDocument()
            doc = new MyDocument();

        override public void Dump()
            Console.WriteLine("MyApplication exists");

    class MyDocument : DPDocument


    /// Summary description for Client.

    public class Client
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            MyApplication myApplication = new MyApplication();


            return 0;
