
Database Basics
Data Storage
Hard Disk Basics
Entity-Relationship(ER) Data Modelling
The Relational Data Model
Designing a Good Relational Model
Structured Query Language (SQL)

What is a Database
A database is a collection of related data.
Database Management System(DBMS)
A database management system is a set of programs that allow a user to user to create and manipulate a database.
It provides an abstract view of the data in the database and describes, logically, how the data is stored, accessed and modified.
The schema of a database defines the structure of the database in a formal language that is supported the DBMS.
A DBMS catalog contains a complete description of the structure of each database in the DBMS and the constraints on the data in each database.
A DB view is a subset of the DB and data derived from the DB.

program-data independence
we can change data without changing operations.
Information System & DBMS
How DBMS fit into Information System?
Interactive query or host query
Facilitates unambiguous statement
Facilitates precise query
Retrieved data is specifically stored or aggregated
Query if Boolean combination of predicates
Exact matching of condition
Provides a formal schema
A DBMS also provides:
Data independence
Persistence( data can be stored on termination)
recovery and backup

Database Administrators (DBA) are the systems managers of the database

DBMS Data Example: Entities and Relationship
some Definitions
A user’s perspective of the database that may be a subset of the database or contain virtual data derived from the database but not stored in it.

Three level of DBMS
External Level
Users use a language incorporating:
Data Definition Language(DDL)
Data Manipulation Language(DML)
Each view describes the part of the individual user is interested in, hiding the rest of the data.
Conceptual Level
The conceptual level describes the whole database.
It hides the details of the data storage, describes the data stored and the relationships between the data.
Internal Level
It describes the physical storage of the database.
It managed by the Operating System under the direction of the DBMS.
It define the type of the stored records.
It define the using an internal DDL.

Database Administrator
The DBA has an essential role in any DBMS and has overall control of the DBMS.

Data Models

