1: first know the Storage server:

  NFS server: nfs_server01
  dev: /vol/123_VL
2: add the NFS server in client server:
3: ping NFS server, if reply succcess, then can considered the NFS server can configure success.

4: show the NFS server exported filesystem:
  showmount -e NFS_server01
  The result will show:

4: Add the NFS configuration in client: /etc/filesystems:

  dev        = /vol/NFS_server01_data/test01
  vfs        =    nfs
  nodename    = nfs_server01
  mount            = true
  options        = bg,hard,llock,intr,biods,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,vers=3,proto=tcp,sec=sys,maxgroups=32
  account        = false
5 c reate the folder in server:
  mkdir -p /data/test01
6: mount filesystem:
  mouunt -o bg,hard,llock,intr,biods,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,vers=3,proto=tcp,sec=sys,maxgroups=32, rw nfs_server01:/vol/NFS_server01_data/test01 /data/test01
7: checked the mount system:
  mount | grep test01

Below actical is for reference:

AIX 6.1   

In the NFS server:

1. start the NFS service:
# lssrc  -g  nfs
# startsrc  -g nfs
# lssrc  -g  nfs  
active is okay

2.configure the /etc/hosts file:
# vi  /etc/hosts    NFS_server_hostname 

# vi  /etc/exports
/data02  -rw,access= NFS_server_name     

In the client server:

1. mkdir -p  /data/d3

2.check the client portmap service
# lssrc  -s  portmap  (active is ok)

