29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署

    • 配置服务步骤:
      1. 创建服务同名的用户,添加到services这个project和admin的role
      2. 创建services和endpoint
      3. 修改配置文件
      4. 更新数据库


    • 安装软件

# yum list *heat*

# yum install -y openstack-heat-api.noarch openstack-heat-api-cfn.noarch openstack-heat-api-

cloudwatch.noarch openstack-heat-engine.noarch  openstack-heat-templates.noarch

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第1张图片


    • 创建服务:

openstack user create heat --password redhat

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第2张图片

openstack role add --user heat --project services admin

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第3张图片


openstack service create --name heat orchestration

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第4张图片


openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne --publicurl ''  --internalurl ''  --adminurl ''  025d2c04de0b4ed2b731588b7f253860

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第5张图片


openstack service create --name heat-cfn cloudformation

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第6张图片

openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne --publicurl ''  --internalurl ''  --adminurl ''  11cbd712e9a24c2eb8ce1707b00a3241


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第7张图片


    • 修改配置文件:

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第8张图片


vim heat.conf

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第9张图片


[root@osp3 heat(keystone_adminv2)]# grep ^rabbit /etc/keystone/keystone.conf

rabbit_host =

rabbit_port = 5672

rabbit_hosts = $rabbit_host:$rabbit_port

rabbit_use_ssl = false

rabbit_userid = guest

rabbit_password = guest

rabbit_virtual_host = /



29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第10张图片


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第11张图片



    • 因为AMQP 用的是rabbitmq,不是qpid,修改即可:


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第12张图片


    • 创建数据库:

create database heat;

grant all privileges on heat.* to heat@'%' identified by 'redhat';

grant all privileges on heat.* to heat@'localhost' identified by 'redhat';

grant all privileges on heat.* to heat@'' identified by 'redhat';

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第13张图片


sh -c 'heat-manage db_sync' heat

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第14张图片


    • 启动服务:

systemctl list-unit-files | grep heat

systemctl restart openstack-heat-api.service openstack-heat-api-cfn.service openstack-heat-engine.service


    • 使用编排功能创建stack:

29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第15张图片


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第16张图片


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第17张图片



29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第18张图片


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第19张图片



29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第20张图片



29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第21张图片


29.Heat Orchestration介绍及部署_第22张图片


